Next Level Performer
If you are on track to Presidents Club or be a top 5 performer, getting promoted, or discover a new opportunity within your company and achieve it then this program is for you.
- 1 on 1 Coaching
- 12 Sessions
- 1 2-hr Session, 11 3o-minute sessions
- Daily Applicable Work and Weekly Applicable Work
- Metrics Tracking with weekly progress reports including graphs
- Coping Mechanisms, Time and Energy Management Strategies
Next Level Group Performers
Work with a team of like-minded individuals to become a top performer in your organization and life.
- Group Training
- 4 or 6 Individuals per Class
- 6 Group Sessions
- 1 Hour Calls
- Progress Tracking
- Master Mind Team
Evolving Enterpriser
If your are an individual looking for group coaching within your organization Evolving Enterpriser is the plan for you.
- Group Training
- 6-12 Group Sessions
- 4 or 6 Individuals per Class
- 1 Hour Calls
- Progress Tracking
- Master Mind Team