Evolve Your Success

MSP 11 | Medical Device Sales Reps


Just how important are medical device sales reps for physicians? Far from just representing the companies that hire them, these sales reps can really be an important factor in ensuring the smooth flow of medical procedures. Take it from a physician’s point of view as anesthesiologist and pain intervention specialist Dr. Zafeer Baber joins Samuel Gbadebo on the show. In his job, medical device sales reps do more than just sales; they show up during surgery and even during trial observation periods. Whether you’re a medical device sales rep or trying to be one, you will learn so much about how you can deliver more value to your clients.

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Beyond Sales: Medical Device Sales Reps In Pain Medicine With Dr. Zafeer Baber

I’m proud to bring you a guest that’s a physician. He’s an interventional pain management physician and he deals a lot in spinal cord stimulators. He’s dealing a lot with manufacturers and medical device sales reps. The reason why I believe this talk is so valuable is because he sheds light on how important the medical device sales rep is. In this show, we talk about everything from medical device sales, pharmaceutical sales, to anything related to medical sales. What I love about this talk is how he hones in on the value, the importance of a medical device sales rep, and how they play a major factor in how well and how smoothly his procedures go.

We talk a little bit about the environment that we’re dealing in these quarantine times with COVID and the pandemic, how we’re having to navigate around still getting things done. We talk about what the future might look like, especially when it comes to physicians like him interacting with medical device sales reps. Enjoy this conversation, pay attention to everything that he shares because it gives him insight into how to always bring value whether you’re trying to get into medical device sales rep space, or you are a medical device sales rep. It’s always nice to hear some insight into how you can continue to deliver more value and be that much more effective. Thank you again for reading and enjoy the interview.


Dr. Baber, how are you? Thank you for joining us.

Samuel, it’s good to be here. Thanks for having me.

We’re with Dr. Baber. He is a pain intervention specialist and he’s coming from a hospital out there in Boston. Dr. Baber, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m an anesthesiologist by training. I did a four-year residency in anesthesiology. After that, you could subspecialize in many different aspects of anesthesiology. One of those sub-specializations is pain medicine. I did a one year of pain fellowship after my anesthesiology residency. Now I specialize in pain.

Tell us a little bit about where you’re from. Are you originally from the East Coast, West Coast?

I’m from the Midwest. I’m from Minnesota. I grew up in the suburbs of Minneapolis and St. Paul. I went to high school in St. Paul. My parents still live in Minneapolis. After I graduated high school, I went to New York City and I got an Engineering degree in Biomedical from Columbia University. I continued my education in Chicago and went to Chicago Medical School. After that, I went back to New York City and did my residency in anesthesiology at Columbia University Medical Center. I did my fellowship training at Johns Hopkins Hospital in pain management, and then I moved to Boston, which is where I am residing now and practicing in the Boston area.

MSP 11 | Medical Device Sales Reps
Medical Device Sales Reps There are a lot of manufacturers that pain medicine specialists deal with because a lot of the things that they use are made by device companies


Coming from the Midwest, how do you like living in Boston?

It’s very different. A lot more lobster rolls than the Midwest. There’s a lot of differences between the Midwest and the East Coast. I’ve spent so much time on the East Coast that I’m used to the East Coast. I love the Midwest, but even in different regions of the East Coast. Boston is different than Baltimore, which is different than New York City. They each have their own culture and their pluses and minuses, but I’m happy to be residing in Boston.

You have an engineering background, but it’s biomedical engineering. Was being a physician always the plan or did you have something different in mind?

Being a physician was a backup plan. While in college, I was a Biomedical Engineering major and I joined an organization called Engineers Without Borders. What we did in that organization is we designed and built a clinic in rural Thailand. We spent the school year designing this clinic. We did some fundraising. We flew off to Thailand and built this clinic. I started to see how healthcare has played such a major role in improving the quality of life in people throughout the world. I got tired of engineering. I decided that I didn’t want to spend my life in front of a computer, and then I became a doctor. Lo and behold, I spent my life in front of a computer. There’s no way to avoid computers, but I’m still happy with the decision.

Talk to us a little bit about your specialty. In your own words, what makes your specialty unique?

Pain is something that affects everybody’s life sometime in their life. When I was in medical school, I injured my knee, a torn meniscus and I had meniscal surgery. For people who don’t know, the meniscus is the cushion in the knee. What happens is if that tears or that wears down over the course of time, you can get joint pain because you have bone-on-bone pain. Before that, I was an active person. I ran a lot. I played a lot of sports, and I had this injury where I was no longer able to do that. It was significantly affecting my happiness and my quality of life. I started to have greater empathy for people dealing with chronic pain. I went into anesthesiology, where we deal with pain all the time because we deal with surgery and surgeries are painful. I decided that that’s how I wanted to dedicate my life, treating people in pain. I decided that my subspecialty would be pain medicine and the rest is history.

I have such an experience with that. I had three patellar tendon ruptures. Only two knees between O1 and O9.

Unfortunately, young people like you frequently get these injuries being active, like playing a sport. Your sport was basketball and then you get these injuries. I joke with my patients, “You should be healthy and not exercise because everybody who exercises gets an injury.” That’s a joke. You should exercise because it’s good for you. Young people like to be active, we get some injury, and then all of a sudden, this acute event changes everything and you can no longer live the life that you’ve been living for the past 20 or 30 years before.

[bctt tweet=”You can tell the difference between a medical device sales rep who cares about the patient versus someone who is just trying to make a sale.” via=”no”]

That’s exactly what happens. Do you deal with pharmaceutical manufacturers?

Especially in the field of pain medicine, there are a lot of manufacturers that we deal with because a lot of the things that we do deal with the spinal cord stimulators, intrathecal baclofen pumps, and these are all made by device companies. When you deal with device companies, you deal with device reps. I started working with a lot of medical device companies starting from my fellowship year in pain medicine. The reason for that is because, as pain medicine doctors, we implant spinal cord stimulators and baclofen pumps. That requires a device representative to be onsite during the procedure.

For example, when we do a spinal cord stimulator, the first thing you do as a trial. Let’s say a person has back pain or leg pain, and the decision is made to proceed with a spinal cord stimulator trial. The representative comes in, we do the trial, the patient has the spinal cord stimulator trial for five or a week, I maintain close communication with the device representative throughout that time. After that, we decide whether to proceed with the permanent implant. The permanent implantation is also a surgery that involves the device representative. A big part of what we do is working with these device representatives. They play a major role in the practice of pain medicine.

When it comes to working closely with these device representatives, what do you like best in your advice representatives? What do you like to see? What do you appreciate? What helps you feel comfortable and confident to do the procedures you do when they’re involved?

The first thing I like to see in my device representative is the one who cares about the patient. You can tell the difference between a device representative that is looking out for the patient that cares about his or her patient versus somebody that is trying to make a sale. What I mean by that is when a device representative cares about the patient, they see the entire patient through the spinal cord stimulator implantation, for example. Even after the implantation, they work with the patient to get the optimum settings of the spinal cord stimulator and things like that. Other things that I would appreciate in a device representative is one that is accessible.

A lot of my good reps, what they do is during the trial, they call the patient every day, they have a conversation with them, and then they will call or text me to give me a daily update during the trial. If they express any concerns that they have for the patient or any concerns that the patient has, they’re the quarterback a lot of times during these trials. We maintain close conversations with the representative as well as the patient. The three of us develop a relationship during this time that allows things to flourish.

We talk a lot about relationships and the importance of developing strong relationships, as you said, you can trust, feel comfortable, and do everything you need to do regarding the procedures. What would you say are the best things you’ve seen done by reps that are trying to establish a new relationship with you?

Not every representative would feel comfortable with this but they’ve said, “If a patient has questions, why don’t you give the patient my phone number and we can talk.” A lot of times, the patient and the device representative developed this relationship with each other long before the actual procedure and the spinal cord stimulator trial. The day of the procedure is not the day where the device representative comes and says, “I’m so-and-so.” On the day of the procedure, when the actual day comes, the representative isn’t introducing themselves because the patient already knows who the spinal cord stimulator representative is.

MSP 11 | Medical Device Sales Reps
Medical Device Sales Reps Reps and whatever information they bring is very essential considering how fast technology is changing all the time


Even as a fellow, we were dependent on our device representatives. A lot of times, we had a conversation before the trial saying, “Let’s try to enter here and have the device at this level of the patient’s spine,” and we go from there. The device representative sees these procedures every single day. Especially when I was a new fellow doing this for the first, second, or third time, there was an attending physician in the room but there was also a device representative who’s seen thousands of these procedures done before I even was a resident. I relied on both my attending and the device representative for input and feedback.

There is so much value of the great service they’re providing. Walk me through this process. You’re doing your thing, you’re seeing your patients, a brand new device rep you’ve never seen or heard before has a brand new novel device they want you to start using. Walk me through from your side, what typically happens from them walking into your office all the way down to now you’re working with them in a procedure.

Let’s focus on the spinal cord stimulators for this conversation. There are many companies. They all have something different to offer. For example, one company may say. “We’re good for back pain even after a patient has had back surgery.” Another company might say, “We’re good with back and leg pain.” A third company may say. “We’re MRI compatible.” That’s the big deal especially for patients who have multiple sclerosis who may require multiple MRIs throughout their life. Every device has their pluses and minuses. This spinal cord stimulation is an ever-evolving technology. Even since I was a fellow in 2015, the technology has changed completely in these past years with spinal cord stimulation.

New devices come out and batteries get smaller because you also have to implant the battery under the skin. New technologies emerge in terms of MRI compatibility, something we call paresthesia wherein some of the old spinal cord stimulators, you would feel a sensation in your leg. That has changed where you don’t necessarily would have to feel that sensation in your leg, feet, or wherever your pain is in order to get pain relief. With these ever-emerging technologies, sometimes the representative would say, “There’s this new study out, you should read up on this new study. We are doing a study in that, complex regional pain syndrome, or failed back surgery syndrome. You might want to look at how technology has changed from even a year ago.”

In general, you’re open to new reps and whatever information they’re bringing.

I’m open to new reps and whatever information they’re bringing because the technology is changing all the time. The technology years ago isn’t the technology today. Look at cars, in 2015, you were to tell me that people are developing cars that are driving themselves.

We’d say, “No, that’s not going to happen for another twenty years.”

It’s becoming more common now that these cars are being developed with auto-drive technology. That’s similar with spinal cord stimulation. There’s a lot of competition, things changing, and I try to keep an open mind. I don’t take any money from these companies. I have no conflicts of interest. There are representatives I like, and there are companies I like for different circumstances. With that being said, a good rep always supersedes a good device because if I have a good device with a rep that I don’t work well with, it’s useless. If I have a great rep with a device that may not be considered objectively better than another device, I would take that great rep any single day. I know I can rely on that rep to maintain good communication with the patient, with me, and to care about the patient even after the sale is made and the device is implanted. I value that much more than I would value a new device where the battery might last one extra year or one centimeter thinner than the other device.

[bctt tweet=”A good rep always supersedes a good device. A good device with a rep that is not a good fit is useless.” via=”no”]

That brings me to my next point. I know that in training, especially when you were a fellow and even before then, you saw certain companies more often than others. With that being said, you definitely champion the relationship of the representative that’s bringing whatever device. Is it an even playing field for you or do you typically give the benefit of the doubt to certain larger companies?

I wouldn’t say the size of the company matters. What I will say is this, and this isn’t just with me, it’s basically with any fellow. The device that the fellow becomes most comfortable with as in training is the device that they’re more likely to use coming out of training. I don’t know if I can mention companies, but let’s say, I did way more Medtronic trials are implantations as a fellow. Coming out of fellowship, doing my first implantation or trial, I would be more likely to do Medtronic because you want to maintain continuity from your training into being an attending. Let’s say, I move and I had a great rapport with the Medtronic rep in my training, but my rapport with the Medtronic rep in my new city isn’t as strong. There is an opportunity to form a strong relationship with company B, then there may be a shift in the device or the company used as an attending. Relationships here are a strong part of what device an attending physician may choose to go in.

It sounds even critical. If the relationship itself can open up an entirely new product with a new company, then the relationships are critical.

The size of the company doesn’t matter. When I was a fellow, there was a new emerging company coming out in the spinal cord stimulator world called Nevro. What Nevro did is they developed this new technology that the other companies didn’t have yet. It was called High-Frequency Stimulation, where you wouldn’t feel what we call paresthesias or sensation. For example, if you were having leg pain, the way that it used to be was that you would set your spinal cord stimulator up such that you would feel paresthesia or this abnormal sensation in your leg where the pain was. Even though the pain was better, you would have this abnormal sensation. This new company emerged on a scene where you wouldn’t have to feel that abnormal sensation anymore.

Since then, the other companies have caught up with that technology because it was a novel technology that people valued. Subsequently, you can start to develop this paresthesia free experience with other companies, but lots of new companies have come emerged with new technologies. A company is only good as its device representative for a physician. I love my reps in fellowship and I love my reps now, but what I am saying is even if you had this game-breaking technology with, if a new company came out and said we have this game-breaking technology that’s going to change the world, but I didn’t feel comfortable with the representative, the representative wasn’t accessible, or didn’t continue to maintain open conversations with me, I would still stay with the old company.

When it comes to deciding what devices and companies you want to go with, is it all you? Do you get a full reign on, “I met this rep, I love what they’re doing, we’re using it?” Do you have to get approval from a committee or talk to some people first? How does it typically work?

The physician ultimately decides the device that’s used on any patient. The physician can take into account many things and many factors when deciding what the device company to go with. Let’s say I had a patient with multiple sclerosis who I felt as if would benefit from a spinal cord stimulator. I would most likely choose the company that has full MRI compatibility with their device because I know that patient most likely need multiple MRIs throughout the course of their life. For example, a new company was to come out on the scene and you want to use that new company. You have to go through a process in order to get that device approved by the hospital. You have another device available. That’s a lot different than a private practice where the practice is yours so you can choose whatever device manufacturer you want. If you’re a hospital doctor versus a private practice doctor with your operating room, it’s a whole different process.

Let’s shift gears a little bit. What’s the best way that you’ve seen brand new reps who do not have a relationship with you get access to you to start one?

MSP 11 | Medical Device Sales Reps
Medical Device Sales Reps Relationships here are a strong determinant of what device an attending physician may choose to go with


A lot of times, the representatives come and introduce themselves to me. When I move to a new city, every rep was a new rep and the way the reps are assigned geographically. You may have rep A in geographical location A, whereas you would have rep B in geographical location B. Sometimes, what happened was I told that my representative in Baltimore that I’m moving to Boston and the representative contacted their company’s representative for the Boston geographical location. That representative contacted me via phone or email saying, “My name is so-and-so. Let me know if you need anything.” Things like that.

Once you start doing these trials or implantations with the reps then you get to know them over time. What I will say though, in a city like Boston where there are many hospitals and practices, you would have multiple reps covering one geographical area because a rep can’t be both at hospital A and hospital B at the same time. If there’s a trial going on, you’ll need multiple representatives. You get to know multiple reps from a single company just because you’re in a busy metropolitan area with many practices. You’re going to have to know many people from any practice.

Dr. Baber, do you see whoever emails you? If they say, “I’m a new rep in the area. I’m from a smaller or newer company. We’re doing this. Let’s talk.” Are you open to this scene? Whoever says anything that piques your interest or that works a little differently?

What I would do is I would say, “I’m willing to hear you out. Why don’t we talk on the phone? I’m free from 12:00 to 1:00 because that’s the lunch hour. If you would like to have a conversation, I’m open to having a conversation at that time.” I’m willing to talk to whoever.

How would you say COVID has affected everything we’ve discussed from the way you meet reps to reps even getting in there? These are very important surgery. They’re implants. Talk to us a little bit about what COVID has done.

COVID has changed everything from the way that we see patients to the way we decide our medical plan going forward. This varies from state to state. For example, in the state of Massachusetts, when COVID is at its peak, we weren’t able to do elective cases. These are considered elective cases, even though it’s not elective for the patient. If a person is in debilitating pain and it’s affecting their ability to sleep, perform their activities of daily living, or work. To them, it’s not elective but the criteria that the state has is a lot different. When they consider a non-elective case, they’re saying a non-elective case is a case that a patient could die if they don’t get the surgery. Although it’s important for the patient in terms of the quality of their life because they’re not going to necessarily die if they don’t get the surgery, a lot of these have been delayed throughout the whole COVID pandemic. Hopefully, as the COVID numbers continue to decline and the number of elective procedures starts to gradually increase, we can start again to proceed with doing these cases.

A lot is being talked about reps working remotely to still guide physicians through procedures. Do you see that working in this space?

In the spinal cord stimulator world, probably not. I’ll tell you why. When we do the trial, the rep does things with the spinal cord stimulator to optimize the pain relief of the patient. The physician puts the lead into the epidural space of the spinal cord. What happens is the representative works his or her magic. They use a computer to interrogate the spinal cord stimulator. It works in a way that optimizes the pain relief for the patient. It’s not a cut and paste. The settings on a spinal cord stimulator for patient A are going to be completely different than the settings for a spinal cord stimulator in patient B. That’s for a couple of reasons. One is because everyone’s anatomy is different.

[bctt tweet=”From a physician’s point of view, a medical device company is only as good as its sales reps.” via=”no”]

The way anatomy in patient A is going to be a lot different than patient B. The second thing is everybody’s pain is different. The representative is a highly trained individual and a highly knowledgeable individual that knows how to change the settings of the spinal cord stimulator to optimize any individual’s pain and anatomy. In order to do that, they have to be on site. I don’t see that so much in the spinal cord stimulator field. With that being said, the representative can still call the patient during the trial phase and talk to them. That can be done remotely but if there are any changes that need to be done in the settings of the spinal cord stimulator, then the rep would have to come in and work with the patient individually.

Does it normally take between the patient learning they’re going to go through a certain procedure? I’m assuming you facilitate the relationship between the rep and the patient.

That’s depending on the patient and the rep. A lot of times, I say this device company is going to be used for this procedure. I facilitate an introduction between both the patient and the representative because they’re going to be working together throughout the course of the trial. The time between the decision to do the trial and the actual trial itself varies a lot. There’s a lot of factors that can be into play when we’re deciding to proceed with the trial. For example, is the patient anti-coagulated? If a patient has atrial fibrillation and they’re on Coumadin, you can’t decide to go right into a trial because you have to talk to the patient’s cardiologist about coming off of the Coumadin because you don’t want the patient to be on blood thinners during the course of the trial. That’s one factor.

Another factor is patient availability. Do they have somebody to drive them home? When is that person free? Another factor that can be taken to account is insurance. How long does it take to approve the procedure? Some insurances may take months to approve a case, whereas another insurance company may take weeks. There are a lot of moving factors here, patient availability, whether the patient is anticoagulated, and what insurance the patient has. It’s not the pace like we’re going to decide to proceed with a spinal cord stimulator trial and then two weeks later have the case. There are lots of factors that need to be taken into account.

It sounds pretty dynamic. Let’s shift a little bit to the evolution of the way you would like to interact with reps. How do you see that evolving? Let’s say five years out, do you see yourself interacting the same way with reps? If you don’t, what do you see is a little different?

I haven’t thought about five years out. I’m still working on now. We were having this talk about COVID. There are emerging technologies that weren’t available. We’re doing a lot more Telehealth visits where we are doing a lot more phone visits and telecommunications is a rapidly evolving thing in the world of medicine. If I were to guess how that would change is I might be able to talk with a rep via some telecommunications rather than having the rep come in and talk with me. I don’t know if there is any future with the rep changing the spinal cord stimulator settings remotely. I doubt that’s in the works. Maybe years from now, that might be in the works.

As I said before, if you were to show me a modern car years ago, I would say where did you get this from? The Jetsons? That’s how things are with technologies and pain as well. There’s been a lot of emerging technologies in pain. I have a lot to be optimistic for in the future of pain with emerging technologies. It’s an exciting time to be a pain doctor. I’m excited to see the way things are going to go. If you’re considering a career in the world of pain medicine in terms of being a device representative, if the technology is something that interests you, working hands-on with patients coming into the procedure suite or the operating room, working with the doctor, and seeing a lot of emerging technologies, then the world of spinal cord stimulation is something that might be of interest to you.

Thank you so much, Dr. Baber. You took my last question out of my mouth and laid it out there for the audience. We sincerely appreciate it. I know they’ve learned so much. We’ll keep tabs on you and see how you progress to the future.

MSP 11 | Medical Device Sales Reps
Medical Device Sales Reps During trial the rep does things with the spinal cord stimulator to optimize the pain relief of the patient


Thank you, Samuel. Thanks for having me again. Take care.


That was Dr. Zafeer Baber. A great conversation. He stressed a lot of things that we can take note of. One thing that he emphasized, and I loved that he said is that when it comes to a device or even the manufacturer, no matter how novel the device is, even if it’s on the cutting edge of medicine, the major factor that allows him to continue to do business with that manufacturer or use that product is the device sales rep. It’s critical that he said it because it puts emphasis on the value of what it means to be a medical device sales rep. For all of you that are medical device sales reps, you live this, you breathe this, you clearly understand, and know this. Especially for all of you that are leaders out there, but for you that want to get into the medical device sales space, it’s key to understand. I talked to a lot of people that want to get into the medical device sales space, and I always ask them, “Why do you want this?”

I get mixed answers here and there but it’s such an important question to ask because I need to understand what’s the motivation. After all, your role is critical. When a physician can say, “It doesn’t matter how amazing the product is. If I can’t have a good relationship with the device rep that sells that product, then game over.” When a physician can say that, it helps us understand that, “If you want to get into this space, you need to understand how critically important your role is. You need to understand why you want to be in that role.” I appreciate the fact that Dr. Baber could join us. I hope you all received so much insight from everything he had to share.

If you have something that you want to share, you have a topic that you want to hear discussed, a guest or type of guests that you would like to hear from, feel free to go to the EvolveYourSuccess.com website and go to the Podcast page. On that page at the bottom right, there is a Speaker tab where you can make a recording of anything you want to say, and you can make a recording of what you’d like to hear on an upcoming episode. We will do our best to not just talk about what you mentioned but even include you if you like on the episode. Include what your question is on the episode, and then make sure we get the right guests on here to address those things that you want to know.

For those of you that want to get into the medical device sales space, the pharmaceutical sales space, the testing space, the diagnostic lab space, anything medically related, go to EvolveYourSuccess.com, go to the homepage, and follow the prompt. One thing I always stress is to take the assessment. That assessment was designed to help you see exactly where you are in your search and give you tools to make that search that much more effective. If it’s a good fit, put yourself in a program that has people getting positions. One more thing, I’ve been challenging everyone to do something. Let me not forget to give you this challenge. This challenge, wherever you are and whatever your role is, I want you to think about why your role is important. In your mind, be able to communicate in 30 seconds, why your role is important?

It’s a helpful exercise. It helps you have a better introduction to people that don’t know you. It helps you communicate value to where you can be from where you are. Think about where you are now, no matter what your role is, and why it’s important. Go ahead and feel free to leave a message about your role, and why you believe it’s important. Thank you for reading the blog and stay tuned for more amazing episodes.

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Christine Mortenson

Medical Device Sales | New Business Development | Fierce Advocate for Positive Patient Outcomes | Hockey is my Happy Place

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I’m Now a Medical Territory Manager! I was a Regional Sales Representative for Long-Term Care pharmacy services. I had dreamed of getting into the med sales industry when I went into my career as a nurse, but the pharmacy sales job came to me, and I had just settled. Fortunately, I had a job shakeup that allowed me to determine that now was the time to pursue my original vision. I absolutely would not have this position without Samuel and the Evolve Your Success community. A lot of people my age would just stop trying, but EYS believed in me. EYS allowed me to break into the industry in 90-Days after I had been trying on my own for over two years! I had lots of recruiter screenings, and a few interviews with hiring managers, but I was never offered a position. Before EYS, I didn’t realize I was doing the bare minimum to get hired. I was applying everywhere, hoping to get noticed and waiting. It just wasn’t working! I didn’t know that that was not enough to compete in an industry this sought after, and against people who knew what I didn’t know about the process. Of course, I had to think hard before making a financial investment that’s reasonably substantial. But when I read the testimonials of real med sales reps on the site and learned that I wasn’t the only one taking a chance on my success, that EYS was sharing that risk also, I knew I had to do it. Though you might be able to cobble together some of the steps of getting a role in med sales from online research on your own, you just can’t know what you don’t know! The process of going through EYS presents this insider knowledge to the student, as well as giving you a progression of difficulty as you obtain the information, and you begin to master it. Not only that, but they give you access to amazing mentors and instructors, allow you to practice your interview skills, and teach you how to market yourself through social media and your own website! I cannot stress enough that EYS was the factor that made the difference in my successfully landing my dream job! The support, structure, and knowledge gained was invaluable! I would recommend this course to ANYONE looking to break into medical sales Thank you so much, EYS! This journey has been life changing and has resulted in the successful culmination of my 18-Year ambition!

Jerry Johnson

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I highly recommend Samuel’s EYS Program! The program is pivotal for not only people who are trying to break into a medical device/pharma career, but also for those who are already in and simply want to enhance their experience and have more success! Samuel’s team is also stellar when it comes to attentiveness and efficiency. Everyone is on the same page and they are all extremely resourceful. If anyone is looking to break into this rewarding industry and you are experiencing difficulty, I encourage you to invest in yourself and give the EYS program the opportunity to get you there!

Ashley Stratton

Sports Medicine Associate Sales Rep | Doctor of Physical Therapy | Former DI Soccer

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I am happy to announce I have accepted a job offer with Sports Medicine in Phoenix! I extend so much gratitude to the Evolve Your Success group as I land this role and get ready to pursue my dream job. I am a Physical Therapist who became a little stuck in the profession due to issues with reimbursement and the difficulty for continued growth upwards. I turned to EYS to assist me in learning about the medical sales industry and gain knowledgable mentors who were able to help coach me in this process. I am a strong believer in surrounding yourself with the best and good things will happen. I did work hard, but with the support of my mentors and other colleagues going through a career change, I felt a sense of community and it confirmed my drive to get into this industry. I have already learned so much through the interview process, and feel very blessed to have had the resources this group provided. I have made lifelong friends and I cannot wait to continue to follow others’ journeys to pursue this incredible field. I urge you to give Evolve Your Success a try to gain mentorship, guidance, and support through any career transition.

Betsy Earnest

Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist

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I landed my dream role at and am excited to make a difference in patients’ lives as a Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist.

After working as a nurse for 13 years and running my own floral design business I wanted to find a way to blend my clinical background and entrepreneurial experience to pursue a fulfilling career in medical sales.

Before I enrolled in the Medical Sales Career Builder I was hesitant to begin my journey and wanted to make sure I could be as prepared as possible when working to break in. That’s where I found Samuel and the team at EYS. I began listening to medical sales podcasts and heard story after story of how EYS helped change lives. I knew that by joining the program I would have all the tools and coaching necessary to be successful in achieving my goals.

Going through the steps of the MCSB gave me the 30,000 foot view of what it takes to break into such a competitive industry. I knew I would come out on the other side changed and that it would set me apart from the many others looking to do the same. The team at EYS helped me gain the confidence it takes to interview, taught me how to clearly articulate my story, and easily translate how my background as a nurse and business owner can drive success into this industry.

Along with the incredible learning materials I was blown away by the enthusiasm and professionalism of all the mentors I was able to learn from. Not only did they offer guidance from their past experiences they tailored their support to my unique background and career aspirations. If you know you are looking to make a change and don’t want to make it alone, EYS gives you the team and the support you need to be successful. It takes time and a lot of hard work but in the end it pays off and you will be proud of the journey you made to get there!

Thank you again to such an incredible team that changed my life and so many others!

Aaron McCartney

Disrupting Healthcare using AI | RCM | SaaS

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I just landed an offer for my dream job at ! Though I truly enjoyed working as a physical therapist, I can’t wait to start my career in the sales world as a Clinical Account Executive.

This opportunity would not have been possible without Samuel, the team at EYS, and the MCSB program. Prior to enrolling with EYS, I was very frustrated with the lack of interviews and opportunities I was getting in the Medtech sales space. With the lessons learned from MCSB and guidance from the incredible team at EYS, I was empowered with the tools needed to earn interviews and thrive in the hiring process. Though I tried to acquire knowledge through podcasts, the straightforward and personalized EYS program was a major help to learn the ways of the sales world. Samuel, Blake, and my mentor Ryan provided encouragement and boosted my self-confidence that I can secure a job in the non-clinical space. The EYS program helped me translate my clinical skills/background as physical therapist into a salesperson in the medical field.

I highly recommend anyone who is passionate about making the transition into medical sales to join EYS. You will certainly not regret it, as it is truly a family that wants to see you succeed as much as you do!

Naz Momtaz

Medical Sales Representative

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I just landed a job offer from Becton Dickinson . I owe this opportunity to Samuel, the program, and the incredible mentors at EYS.

I am a former teacher with some sales experience, and switching to medical sales felt like an impossible leap. For about two years, I applied for medical sales jobs, but I didn’t even get a single interview. I tried applying directly on LinkedIn, but that didn’t work. I had heard about EYS, and did some research on it. The biggest criticism I heard was that if you know how to start a conversation with strangers, you shouldn’t have to pay for a program to get you a job. I tried networking on my own, but it didn’t get me anywhere.

After exhausting all other options, I decided to give EYS a try. From the moment I joined, I was enrolled in workshops and connected with a supportive team of medical sales reps who genuinely wanted me to succeed. I learned how to network effectively, who to reach out to, and how to make the right connections. The classes were excellent, and soon enough, I had a strong resume, much better industry knowledge, and a lot more confidence in my ability to land a medical sales job.

Within a month of joining, I started getting interviews! I couldn’t believe I was actually being seen by hiring people and seriously being considered for these jobs. But getting an interview is just the first step; you need to stand out. I did multiple mock interviews with EYS professionals and had phone conversations with my mentors before some of my interviews. I never felt alone in the process. Even when I received the job offer, I called one of my mentors right away and got some valuable advice on the next steps.

I’ve spoken with many medical sales professionals who have shared their own struggles in landing their first jobs. They’re all amazed at how quickly I received my offer and how it came about. I can honestly say I owe it 100% to EYS. If you’re in the same position I was in and are considering joining the program, don’t hesitate. It’s worth every penny, and the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll get a job offer.

Thank you EYS team for making a career in medical sales possible for me.

Alana B.

Sales Manager delivering solutions for sales and healthcare professionals to pursue passion for customers and patients! Sales Leader | Strategic Partner | Specialty Sales | Solution Selling | ACTIVATOR

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Samuel understands how to deliver expectations in your interview. He listens to your story to provide valuable solutions towards delivering your sales portfolio in an impactful and concise way.

He also quickly identifies any opportunities you may have to successfully exemplify your candidacy match for the role you are applying for.
His methodology boosted me with tools and confidence needed to access my dream job! I hope I will get more opportunities in the future to utilize his full program.

Katherine Thrasher, MBA

Digital Marketing | Solutions & Results Driven | Pharmaceutical Sales Expertise | People Connector | Relationship Manager

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Samuel is an excellent coach that helped me prepare for my pharmaceutical sales interviews. Coming from a non-pharmaceutical background, he utilized his previous sales experience and coaching tactics to help me become more prepared and more confident before meeting with hiring managers. As a result, I was offered a sales position within the pharmaceutical field! I highly recommend working with Samuel as a sales coach!

Julie Imbruno

Executive Vaccine Representative at Merck

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Samuel is one of the most authentic, well versed, inspirational coaches in the industry. I chanced upon Samuel’s LinkedIn profile and connected with him based on his industry knowledge. Upon our very 1st conversation I knew whole heartedly that he was the exact person I needed to help me make the career change I was looking for. He explained his program and what it had to offer. He also relayed what to expect within the 6 weeks we’d be specifically working on building this change together. The program he has in place works, because of its structure and methodology. He provides the most beneficial/honest feedback and support. He makes himself available for any and all questions. He has 1st hand working knowledge and experience of & within the industry and how to become exquisitely prepared for a career change into medical/pharmaceutical sales. Most importantly what his programming offers and the steps taken to ensure personal success(es) are worth every moment of time spent (resume building, interview preparation, presentation, etc.). Without Samuel’s guidance, support, knowledge, encouragement, honesty, and support I would still be looking for a pharmaceutical sales position. I feel blessed to have met him & had his guidance. “Once a client always a client”. Although the “career change” guidance and programming is no longer needed…I will remain his client for life (that’s guaranteed). Within the 6 short weeks of programming time…I went from barely understanding the industry to landing a dream position. Without a doubt…I will continue to access Samuel as my mentor and coach throughout my pharmaceutical sales career. I will reach out to him to assure my continued growth & success in this field. He’s the gentleman anyone needs if they are serious about making a career change. There is no doubt everyone succeeds with Samuel! To say that I am extremely grateful is an understatement.

Kelli D.

Licensed Medicare Direct Sales

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I decided to invest in Evolve Your Success sales coaching program to better my chances in pharmaceutical sales interview processes. Samuel delivered an excellent customer experience. Due to time constraints on my end, we had to do a “crash” course and the information and tools I received was still invaluable. The passion and knowledge that he integrated into the consults, was everything that I needed to boost my confidence, through proper preparation and key tools for successful interviewing in this very specific niche market. Receiving recorded videos of each training session was especially helpful to be able to be fully present during the session and not have to worry if I missed taking notes on some small but integral piece of information.

I highly recommend this program for any person interested in investing in their own success in sales. If you want better outcomes you must exercise your 5 P’s: Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. Samuel will go above and beyond to help those who are serious about being prepared for success! I have already raved to my colleagues about the evolve your success programs and they all saw first hand how I was positively impacted toward greater results in my sales career!

I was willing to support this new business because I saw the passion behind it. And what I received was a first rate sales program. I am better personally and professionally for it, and you can be too. Invest in your now and reap the fruits forever. 2020 is a great year to start to Evolve Your Success for the decade ahead!

Jennifer Peckman-Rethman

Business Development Kansas City at Carl Zeiss Vision, Inc.

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When I scheduled my initial appointment with Samuel I wasn’t sure what to expect. In my case I needed advice and information to push through not being able to find the right sales job. Samuel tailors his program to your specific goals and puts in place a plan for success. His knowledge about medical sales is very impressive and through his sessions I felt much more confident and prepared to interview and negotiate and ultimately land 2 job offers. I highly recommend meeting with Samuel and start working towards your goals so you can land your dream job!

Stephanie Hernandez

B2B Sales. Medical sales. Financial services

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If you want to progress in your career, I highly recommend working with Samuel. Samuel is a well experienced individual who is passionate and dedicated to get the tools you need. Like many others, I was putting time on searching interview tips online and is nothing compared like the help you would receive from Samuel. He is a great coach who is also assertive to help follow your dream career path. Samuel has been a great help on giving advice and tools on what I needed to work on to land an opportunity I have been waiting for! Again I recommend his system for anybody that wants an opportunity in the medical sales industry!

MSP 166 | Cardiac Rhythm

Crystal Sobande

Cardiology Account Manager II

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I highly recommend Samuel if you are looking to advance your career. Samuel is very professional, a great coach, and a fabulous mentor. I have learned so much through the Medical Career Builder Program. I honestly wouldn’t have been able to get to where I am in my career without him. I am very happy to say that within a few weeks of starting his program, I was able to land several interviews and have recently accepted an offer working my dream job for Medtronic.

Ryan Pfeiffer

Nuclear Medicine Flex Force & Clinical Education Specialist

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Samuel is a top-notch medical sales leader, mentor and entrepreneur who knows how to get results while teaching others how to develop their own skills to do the same. I started his program as a Nuclear Medicine Technologist and have been hired as a Clinical Specialist at Siemens Healthineers. He works extremely hard, is passionate about his mission and builds success not only in himself or his company, but in the people around him. I’ll recommend this guy any day.

Andrew Koehler

Surgical Robotics Program Builder 🦾 | Disruptive Technology | Clinical Sales | Capital Sales | Surgical Robotics

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Samuel is a joy to work with! I started the EYS program and we immediately focused in on what I had learned and Samuel was able to help me drill down to what I needed to work on and articulated how to strengthen the weak points in my armor. The Career Builder Program and the wealth of videos, personal 1-1 time, and behind the scenes interviews and workbooks helped me prepare to land the job of dreams.

Many thanks to Samuel and EYS for their help keeping the fire lit and pushing me to be my best

Eric Knotts

Senior Therapeutic Area Specialist (Neuro Psych), Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS)

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When I first embarked on my journey to break into the pharmaceutical sales industry, I feeling getting quite discouraged. I was doing everything I could to really stand out, but only finding that I was able to make it to the first and second round of interviews. A full year and a half passed, with many courses and certifications under my belt, when I finally came across the Medical Sales Podcast by EYS. From here, I heard about the Medical Sales Career Builder and immediately enrolled! I knew that I was doing something right to get me into the interviews, but something was still preventing me from getting past that final interview and this program would give me the perfect opportunity to find out exactly what that was. With Samuel’s coaching and after going through the relevant learning modules and workbooks, I was finally able to master my approach to interviews. It turns out this is exactly what I needed to finally break though and get me the job! I was ecstatic when I got the job offer and I couldn’t have done it without Samuel’s help and support . Thank you Samuel!

MSP 82 | Medical Sales Representative

Brett St Clair

Medical Device Sales Representative

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Enrolling in Samuel’s EYS Career Builder program was the best professional decision I have made to date. The knowledge I gained through the program was pivotal in making myself the candidate I desired to be. Beyond the coursework, lessons, calls (etc), the course encourages you to commit to something that is often overlooked – internal reflection. While developing your skillset, network, and overall knowledge of the industry is incredibly important. One of the biggest takeaways for me was taking what you had learned and connecting it to your “why.” Why do you want to work for this company? Why do you want to promote these products? Why is this your passion? This course isn’t structured to land you “just a job,” it is structured to help you land your dream job. Which I was able to accomplish.

I wish everyone had the opportunity to learn from an individual like Samuel. He is someone who I consider as a coach & mentor, but also as a friend. Samuel is relentlessly focused on developing talent while pushing you to grow through positive reinforcement. The EYS program has made an undeniable impact in my life, and for that I give Samuel and the program my respect and highest recommendation.

Tyler Ropp BSN, RN

Senior Mako Product Specialist at Stryker | Robotic Joint Replacement

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I just got a job offer from Stryker! I want to thank Samuel and the Medical Sales Career Builder Program. As an experienced nurse, I knew for quite some time I wanted to apply my experience in a different way within the medical device industry. Before I found the program, I had applied and interviewed for several jobs in the industry but never received an offer. I was doing my best to prepare on my own listening to podcasts, reviewing resources on LinkedIn, and reading up on any interview prep I could find. No matter what I had done, I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted and knew I needed to make a change. I found Samuels’ program on LinkedIn, and after contacting him he got back to me in less than an hour and we started working together just 3 days later. Samuel had a clear process and plan for helping me succeed. He quickly determined my weaknesses and we worked extensively to improve them. I was given the resources and support I needed to get me to where I am today with a job offer from Stryker! Working with Samuel was the best decision I have made in helping acquire my dream job. Thank you again to Samuel and the Career Builder Program!

Alana Rugg MS, CMR

Area Manager, Therapy Awareness. Northeast & Atlantic Coast

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I just got a job offer!!! Thanks to Samuel and the Evolve Your Success Community. Many thanks to the Medical Sales Career Builder, I wouldn’t have been able to do this without them. Before I discovered the program I wasn’t getting as many interviews as I was hoping despite the fact that I was applying to multiple job opportunities. I was searching for job opportunities in my area and just applying to them online and hoping someone would call me. I was becoming frustrated and knew I needed to do something different that would make me standout from other candidates, that’s when I discovered Evolve Your Success. I researched the program and spoke with others who were past clients of the program, I heard nothing but rave reviews. As soon as I joined and spoke with Samuel I knew I made the right decision. Going through the Medical Sales Career Builder program was simple and intuitive. It gave me an exact road map that lead me to my new position! Joining this program was the best decision I have ever made. It taught me so much, brought me out of my comfort zone, and it gave me the confidence I needed to win the job of my dreams. I highly suggest you join the program, do the work, because the skills you learn here and the connections you build are the best in the industry. Now that I have the dream job I’m looking forward to the future and signing up for the next phase of the program, Sales Builder. Thanks again Samuel because of you and the team my career is on the right track!

Judy Gbadebo, M.D.

Physician-Scientist | Medical Affairs | Clinical Education and Research Director at scPharmaceuticals

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I just got a job offer! Samuel’s EYS Medical Sales Career Builder Program was bar none one of the most valuable programs I have ever had the pleasure of joining. As a medical doctor transitioning from clinical medicine into the biopharmaceutical industry, I knew I needed a professional, goal-directed program to guide my way in this bold, new venture. Samuel’s program helped me learn how to leverage my experiences in a unique fashion within the biopharma industry. His program provides an overabundance of resources. From networking and resume writing to interviewing and negotiating, EYS was there at every step of the process. I never felt alone, and was constantly encouraged.

Thank you Samuel for your expertise and creation of the EYS Career Builder Program!

Katherine Stovall

Area Sales Manager

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I’m so glad I went through the Medical Sales Career Builder program! I received amazing guidance and coaching that gave me the exact steps I needed to land my new position. I would definitely recommend going through the program to anyone wanting to break into the industry like me!

Kristina Stewart

I connect prescribers with treatment solutions for Migraines and Tardive Dyskinesia

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After recently migrating to the US, I was eager to re-start my career in Pharmaceutical Sales. I quickly realized that I would need an experienced industry professional to guide me on this journey. Samuel and the EYS Career Builder Program exceeded my expectations. Having Samuel as my coach and mentor, enabled me to package my skills and experience in an effective and concise way that translated well in my interviews. I landed my new role! Thank you Samuel and your team for helping me realize my potential.

DH Williams

Specialty Brain Disease Sales Professional | Expertise Connection Builder| Fitness Educator

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I was having such a challenging time trying to land a dream job in the medical sales world. I thought I was doing everything I could to make this happen however after 5 months I became burnt out and unmotivated.

I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. I had reached out and connected with over 1000 connections on LinkedIn and to my surprise, I ran into someone from my hometown who had much success in the field. He and I discussed the issues I was having and that’s when he told me about Samuel and his program.

I decided to give the program a try and signed up on June 2nd of this year. Within hours and days of signing up, I became very fascinated with what I was learning. The program made so much sense and helped me to become lazer like focused on what I wasn’t doing earlier to become successful and what I could do to make this happen.

July 2nd of 2021 I received an offer!

Not only was it from the specific company I was most interested in but also, it was in the specific city I was wanting to move to – clear across the east to the west coast.

Samuel and his program have truly changed my life! With his guidance including a weekly online module, live class and guest speakers in the field – just to name a few – anyone can succeed to land the medical sales position job of their dream!

Nicholas Andrews

Territory Manager, Diabetes – Atlanta South / Proven Sales Professional with an Unwavering Commitment to the Service of Others.

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Samuel and his team at Evolve Your Success are game changers for professionals who are looking to present themselves at their best. I knew the competition for a career in the medical sales arena is immense and I needed to prepare myself to standout amongst all the other candidates vying for the same positions as I was. Sam will tell you I am very self aware of my strengths and weaknesses and I am very comfortable about speaking on what I know but not so much talking about myself. Enrolling in the Medical Sales Career Builder Program offered a holistic approach of how to represent my skills and attributes to hiring managers all awhile staying true to myself as I told my story. When you commit to the process the results happen, I landed a perfect role with the #1 medical device company in the world with no prior medical sales experience. You owe it to yourself and your career to join Evolve Your Success !!

Jeffrey Koshy

Supply Chain and Procurement Enthusiast | Sales Professional | Web Developer

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The journey of breaking into medical sales can be much longer and harder than many expect. One thing I learned from Samuel is that networking goes a long way into landing a job in medical sales. They also helped me get better at my interview skills and answer questions more genuinely.

Zachariah C.

Therapeutic Sales Specialist @ Leo Pharma

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Prior to enlisting Samuel’s services I was a “middle of the pack” rep at Primus. Not the worst, but far from the best. Up to that point I thought I had all of the tools necessary to get into President’s Club, but my results were showing otherwise.

The missing ingredient that Samuel has given me is fire. The fire to go out everyday and work my territory to its max. The fire to use my downtime at home to prep & prepare for the day ahead. Evolve You Success was the ignition I needed to help realize the kind of rep I am, what my unique personality brings to the table, and how to leverage the sum of these parts to the maximum.

When I began Samuel’s program in September of 2021 I was ranked 12th out of 40 reps, by the end of the year I finished in 6th place; comfortably in President’s Club. I also ended 1st nationally for our brand Promiseb which garnered me another award.

For those on the fence I strongly recommend making the investment. I have easily recouped the cost not only in the awards I won but the increased bonuses that have come along with it already.

Cody Mathis

Interventional Imaging, Siemens Healthineers | Technology Educator | Product Specialist | Outdoor Enthusiast | Winemaker | Lets Connect!

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Samuel’s Evolve Your Success program has directly contributed to my personal success, and I recommend it to anyone who will listen.

Although I was an active scroller and 👍 on LinkedIn, I wasn’t a content creator and my profile read like a resume with an outdated picture. During Samuel’s coaching and education sessions, my profile was rebranded to look more appropriate to my audience as a sales professional. With Samuel’s help, I became comfortable engaging with others with comments and creating meaningful content.

The results are in! The EYS program has helped take my LinkedIn voice outside of my company and straight to my customers. Since starting EYS, my connections and followers have doubled and my profile views skyrocket with new content. One meaningful LinkedIn interaction recently has assisted in securing a multimillion-dollar project and I’m confident there will be more! 😊

Duston Harper

Teaching high performers to achieve prosperity through mindset and accountability

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Samuel is an amazing coach and mentor to me. He has elite experience in the medical device sales industry and I love seeing his passion helping people break into medical device. I personally worked with Samuel on personal branding for a period of over 6 months.

From start to finish, he was always very structured and held me accountable weekly. The Linkedin and mindset portion of his course really helped me. Even though I already have had success in sales at multiple industries, taking Samuel’s course helped me take things to the next level! Highly recommend others doing it.

Brad Osterberg

Sales Representative for Medtronic

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I just accepted a Clinical Specialist Pain Intervention Sales Rep job offer! I want to thank the Medical Sales Career Builder; utilizing this program gave me the exact edge I needed to get the position. I had attained many interviews for many different medical sales roles, but I could never get past the 1st one. I listening to podcasts, to gain any knowledge of getting into the industry. This is how I found Samuel’s program and The Medical Sales Podcast.

The second I found out what the program entailed I was ready to get started immediately. I knew it was going to be one of the most promising investments I’ve ever made. After 5 hard weeks of applying the necessary steps from the MSCB program, I succeeded in getting my dream job! The resources, social media learning and boosted confidence gave me exactly what I needed to land an interview quickly and promote my most authentic self and communicate my story and skill sets effectively to the recruiters and hiring managers.

Whether you have experience or not in the industry, the MSCB gives you the resources to feel confident, prepared and more than ready for every step of the interview process. In order to get the best outcome out of this and not short yourself, be sure to put your effort into it. I will definitely be utilizing the knowledge and confidence I have gained for the rest of my career. Thank you again to Samuel and the team for helping me find my confidence and changing my career trajectory!

Johan Arango

Analytical Filter & Diagnostic Specialty Materials / Lab Filtration Distribution

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I just accepted a Technical Sales Associate job offer! I want to thank the Medical Sales Career Builder; The MSCB program not only introduced me into the medical device industry but gave me in depth knowledge of what top companies want to see in me and how to be an asset to their organization.

I did not have sales experience and I had no idea what companies to look for, what industries to look into, or where to start to get a medical sales position. I also did not know how to interview or even get to the interview stage. One day I went on Spotify and found The Medical Sales Podcast, talked to the team and joined the program. In addition to getting every single resource a person needs to get a medical sales position, I also learned how to effectively tell my story and navigated the interview sequence.

The MSCB program not only comes with resources but you are also able to join a community of like-minded medical sales reps. The investment is totally worth it but it requires a constant effort. The knowledge and skills I have learned here are skills I will rely on for the rest of my sales career. I want to thank the MSCB team for all their time, support and life changing experience.

Nicole Casten

Clinical Outreach for Mental Health at Newport Healthcare

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Samuel is great in helping me navigate with the following areas in my new territory
Day to day routines with routing, High Communication/Dropping off different materials, Identifying a product per provider, Creating the Organization of what stage people are in and what resources to use to move them to the next stage. Rithm helped me streamline where I am going in my day Kolbe Assessment helped, to show me who I am, letting me know I can use fact finding to my benefit. Making me come up with how to handle objections. I would highly recommend this program to anyone looking to either get into medical sales or further their career and jumpstart

Devin Menges

Medical Device Rep – Spine

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When I started working in orthotics and prosthetics in December 2021, it was my first ever job in medical sales. I knew I needed to find resources to make me a more effective rep. I was spending a lot of time driving, so I searched for medical sales podcasts I could listen to between driving to my accounts. I found Samuel’s “Medical Sales Podcast,” and there was so much value in every episode. He advertised his “Evolve Your Success” program for people that wanted to break into medical sales or take their careers to the next level. After listening to a few episodes, this was a no-brainer for me. Working with Samuel over the last three months, I have become a more confident, efficient, and organized sales rep and developed a better mindset. I’ve developed key relationships with his help, which ultimately landed me an opportunity as a spine rep which he is now helping develop me in this new role. I can’t recommend Samuel enough. I’m grateful I found him and his podcast because It has genuinely evolved my success.

Sara Kate Harbarger

Medical Supplies Sales Representative

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I just accepted a Medical Supplies Sales Rep job offer! I want to thank the Medical Sales Career Builder; this wouldn’t have been possible without them! Before enrolling in the Medical Sales Career Builder, I knew I had skills that could translate into the Healthcare industry, but I didn’t know where to begin in terms of which field was the right fit for me. I had applied to several roles and could not get past the ATS and I did not know how to tell my story.

I was hesitant to invest into the MSCB program, but as I was networking with medical sales reps and discussing the podcasts I’d been listening to (Samuel’s Podcast) — I made the connection with one of the sales reps that recommended Samuel’s program, as he was using it to build is LinkedIn Brand.

After joining the MSCB program, it took just under 3 months to land my dream job! The biggest impact the program had during my job search was it held me accountable. The MSCB program is a well-oiled machine and it holds you accountable to take every step in order to be prepared & get your dream job. In addition, it gave me the resources and the feedback to communicate the right message to sales reps, recruiters & hiring managers to get the job.

If you’re interested in joining the Healthcare sales industry but don’t know where to start or if you’re not making any progress with securing interviews, this program is for you! If you put your all into the program, you’ll see the results — but you have to show up and be ready to do the work. There are many resources I used during the program that I will continue to reference and utilize to succeed & grow in my career as a sales rep. I’m incredibly thankful that I found this program and took the leap to make such a large career pivot — I couldn’t have done it without their resources and motivation!

Akshaya Musick, MBA

Founder & Owner

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Worth your investment!

I was coming straight out of college and found it daunting to put myself out there. Before joining EYS I had a hard time reaching decision makers and received way to many “Unfortunately we have considered somebody else”. However, after taking this course I was able to build the confidence to network, refine my resume/brand, and land interviews.

Thanks for everything : )

Nicole Wierman

Field Clinical Specialist AI Technology at HeartFlow

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It was a pleasure working with Samuel. Although I did not need his entire program, his interview help made me well prepared! I was confident in my prep since we had one on one time before each interview. He pushes you to think about yourself as an asset to the hiring company. Definitely recommend!

Brad Sadri, BSN, RN, CNOR

Clinical Specialist | I ensure patients achieve superior health outcomes by helping OR teams master the use of surgical technology

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Samuel is a great mentor and coach, and he is able to bring the right mix of energy, objectivity, and expertise that is needed to land a job in medical device sales. He and his team at Evolve Your Success gave me the tools and advice to network and interview my way to an amazing job opportunity. Most importantly, he helped me see the value that I already have and taught me how to put that on full display. I was so glad I had Samuel in my corner, and I know he’ll be an advocate of mine for years to come!

Amber Mills RN, BSN

Clinical Specialist Medtronic Pain Therapies

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My name is Amber Mills and I am a former RN that is now a Clinical Specialist for DePuy Synthes! As an RN, we are not super involved in LinkedIn, or at least I wasn’t. Samuel and the EYS team really taught me how to utilize LinkedIn and really network myself to get in front of the right person. The value of all the things I learned during the process was nothing short of amazing. I could never say thank you enough for all the help and the support throughout this journey. I am now part of an amazing team at Synthes and I couldn’t be happier with where I ended up. If there are any RN’s out there ready to take the leap, here I am to say GO FOR IT!! You wont regret it.

Lauren Barbish, MS

Associate Clinical Research Coordinator | Biotech Enthusiast | Healthcare Innovator | Strong Interpersonal Skills | Relationship Building

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If you are considering whether or not you should do this program, I highly HIGHLY recommend doing it! Sam is the real deal!

Coming from someone who has a strong clinical background with minimal business experience, this program caught me up to speed on the business and medical device sales world in less than 90 days! It equipped me with the necessary skills to network, build my resume, effectively communicate my worth to companies, and develop a realistic plan to obtain a medical sales role. Even my friends commented on how professionally sound I was after taking this program.

Sam has set up the program in a way that is easy to follow and offers you a community. Everyone in the class is rooting for each other and excited for each other when we get the positions that we always dreamed of. It is a really really positive experience, and made me excited and even more motivated to learn crucial professional skills and network for jobs. It turned searching for a job from a horrible experience into an exciting and fun one.

This sense of community pushed me, and I obtained my first medical device sales representative position in less than 90 days. Sam genuinely cares about his client’s success and is just as excited, if not more excited, than you are to watch you succeed in the medical sales world! 10/10 experience. The skills I have learned in this program I will continue to exercise throughout my professional career. I am excited to see what the future holds for me and cannot begin to thank Sam and the EYS community enough!

Elizabeth Wild

PT, DPT, COMS, BSPTS C1/C2 Regional Account Manager Central region

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I’m a 23 yr old recent college grad who’s now working at Boston Scientific as a Field Clinical Rep in CRM.

If you want to break into med device I would absolutely consider this program. I am so glad I made the investment and am confident I wouldn’t have gotten this role without it.

Samuel and his team will first help you figure out exactly where you want to be in this industry. Whether it’s pharma or med device, they’ll go over what the day to day will look like and bring in speakers who are already in the field. They’ll help you revamp you’re LinkedIn and resume to help you stand out from the crowd. This program will tell you exactly what you need to do to obtain you’re dream job so as long as you keep with it and put in the work, you’re going to see results.

Had I not done this program I might have settled for less. You need to interview your interviewers and really ask yourself “can I see myself growing with this team and will I be supported”. The EYS team will guide you on how to do this and what questions you need to be asking.

The list goes on and on for why I’m thankful I did this so if you’re on the edge for whether or not you should do this, I would say go for it because life’s too short to be waiting for you’re dream job to come around.

Lisa Apple

PT, DPT, COMS, BSPTS C1/C2 Regional Account Manager Central region

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Samuel has been an incredible wealth of information and knowledge about how to think bigger about your professional goals. His course Evolve your success prepares you to do the in depth work necessary to find your passion in the medical sales world. He is involved and invested in your success. It is so evident from the first time you get on a one on one zoom call with him. His enthusiasm for the field is palpable but finding the right fit for each of his clients is as well. He has gathered amazing professionals on his team. They are all the real deal and truly want to help you articulate your unique strengths and evolve into a medical sales professional. You can tell every time you speak with Samuel that he himself has done the deep personal work necessary to help others succeed. I am inspired by his passion and commitment to the success of his clients.

Keila Resto-Ortiz

Clinical Account Specialist at Johnson & Johnson MedTech | Electrophysiology

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I discovered Samuel’s program after going on a deep dive into his “Medical Sales Podcast.”

I was a Clinical Laboratory Manager and I enjoyed what I did but like many of people out there, I was hungry for a new “challenge”. I wanted to take my love for healthcare and technology to the next level by pursuing a transition into the Medical Sales space; however, I also knew that it wouldn’t be an easy task.

This program was everything I needed to make my dream happen! Samuel has put together a phenomenal team of coaches who truly challenge you to showcase your achievements and communicate your VALUE.

Within a few months, I was prepared to “walk me through your resume” and own “my story”. I was able to showcase my strengths and value, while staying true to who I am and remaining authentic during the interview process.

Regardless of your professional background, B2B experience OR NOT, you have useful skills and experiences that will make you an asset in the medical sales space. The EYS team and community of past and present students will be there the whole way to help you practice, discover, and own your potential!

Bethany Barquer

Clinical Implementation and Device Education Specialist| I leverage clinical and leadership skills to implement advanced technology that improves patient outcomes in specialized healthcare settings.

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Samuel was awesome! He gave me the confidence booster I needed and advice to conquer a presentation.

Cassandra Okoye

Associate Territory Manager- RTM Specialist

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I got a job offer as an Associate Territory Manager! I would like to thank the Medical Sales Career Builder Program for all of their help! I was previously working at a clinic assisting physicians. I was having a hard time breaking into the medical device industry, networking, and getting interviews.

Going through the MSCB program was great! Samuel and the rest of the amazing team helped me learn how to perform better in interviews and how to network effectively. I gained a lot of invaluable knowledge through the program. They also helped me fix my resume and LinkedIn.

Doing the MSCB program was a wonderful choice. I highly recommend this program to others! Thanks again to the MSCB program and the entire EYS team!

Eric Johnson

Talented Medical Device Sales Professional

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I just got a job offer with Medtronic!! I used to be an Account Executive with the Association for Talent Development. I just want to thank the Medical Sales Career Builder program, the medical sales mentors and client success managers from the EYS team, this wouldn’t have been possible without them! Before enrolling in the Medical Sales Career Builder, I wasn’t getting many interviews despite my best efforts. The few I was getting didn’t go very far and I received feedback along the lines of “not enough experience” even though I had been working in sales for 3 years. I applied to dozens of jobs, networked with friends and family on the industry, and even had help getting my resume tuned up. Once I found Evolve Your Success, the biggest hesitation I had was being unsure if I could afford the investment in myself. I thought long about where I currently am and where I wanted to go. I knew deep down EYS would get me where I wanted to be. I am so glad I chose to go through the program. The networking and connections it helped me make as well as all of the interview preparation that was done through the program allowed me to put my best foot forward when it came to interviewing with Medtronic. Don’t leave your career to chance. Joining the Medical Sales Career Builder program was the best decision I’ve ever made and I highly recommend you do the same! When you consider what will happen to yourself as a leader and your revenue. It’s a no brainer. You have so much to gain and absolut

MSP 156 | Territory Manager

Samantha Patterson

Medical Sales Representative | Relationship Builder | Clinical Educator | Pain Management Educator | Surgical Technologist

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I just received the Territory Manager offer from Zynex! I was previously a Certified Surgical Technologist and wanted to break into medical device sales. Samuel and the Evolve Your Success Community made all of this possible for me with their mentorship and guidance. Before I joined the Medical Sales Career Builder I was struggling to connect with the right people to land any interviews. I was applying to job after job without any connections and was struggling in every way possible. I was hesitant to join MSCB because I wasn’t sure it would make a difference in my efforts. The MSCB allowed me to learn from some of the best people in the business and taught me how to connect with the right people and build my confidence. The mentors I was assigned went above and beyond to help me every step of the way. If you’re ready to join the company of your dreams and have a career you’re proud of I strongly suggest contacting Samuel! Samuel is the prime example of what it takes to be successful and has an incredible team! Thank you again to the EYS team for changing my life and helping me get the career of my dreams.

Dylan Lepick

Product Communication Representative

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I just got a inside pharmaceutical sales representative role offer!!! Before starting this role I was working as a server’s assistant at a steakhouse. I cannot thank Samuel and the entire team at Evolve Your Success enough for helping me push myself to get in this position. Before enrolling in this program I was unable to get to the close and be confident enough in my abilities to stand out. I was putting in the work outside by reading books and watching videos on how to be better in my interviews but it was not enough. Going through the Medical Sales Career Builder program was such a simple and intuitive process! It gave me the exact steps I needed to take in order to get my new position! Don’t leave your career to chance. Joining the Medical Sales Career Builder program was the best decision I’ve ever made and I highly recommend you do the same! When you consider what will happen to yourself as a leader and your revenue. It’s a no brainer. You have so much to gain and absolutely nothing to lose if you show up 100% just as Samuel does! Thank you again to the EYS team, my life and my career will never be the same because of their help!

Maria Vargas

Associate Sales Representative | Pain Interventions

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I just got two job offers from two top Medical Device companies in the same day!! I was previously a Mental Health Case Manager and wanted to break into medical device sales. The guidance and support from Samuel and the EYS team was invaluable during this journey and allowed me to be in this incredible position… Before I joined the Medical Sales Career Builder I was applying to many jobs, even getting interviews, but never receiving any offers. I was watching videos and listening to podcasts day in and day out but was missing the most important part of the puzzle: Learning how to build a network of advocates within the company. MSCB allowed me to work with successful professionals in the industry who taught me how to build the right relationships to put me in the best position during the interview process. The mentors I was assigned to helped me build my confidence and realize that I belonged in this space and could have the career of my dreams helping people access better technologies to improve their lives. Thank you to the EYS team for helping me make my dreams a reality! If you are struggling to land the job of your dreams in this competitive industry, I cannot recommend this program enough. Invest in yourself so that you too can land your dream job.

The Medical Sales Podcast | Joseph Hutchison | Trauma Med Sales

Joseph Hutchison

Pharmaceutical Specialist at AstraZeneca

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I’ve landed the job of my dreams at Stryker!! Prior to joining the program I was working within B2B sales at two different startups in Boston and Philadelphia. After looking for numerous programs across the internet I reached out to April and started the process. Joining the program was the best thing I could have done in terms of taking my career to the next level. Once joining this program you will be tasked with doing hard work on a day to day basis to make sure you get the results you want. Samuel is a leader in this industry and I strongly believe that if you join his program and put in the hard work you will receive the benefits like I have. The connections Samuel has will be able to get you into any industry you are curious in.

Aaron Kopfinger

Medical Device Sales Representative

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I just got a job offer as a sales associate with KLS Martin in the craniomaxillofacial space.
Previously, I was a sales representative at poly pharmaceuticals selling cough cold and allergy products. With that being said, I want to give a shoutout to Samuel and the EYS team. They really gave me the support that I needed to take this step forward in my career. Before working with the EYS team, I was having a really hard time making it through the early stages of the interview process. I was reading all kinds of sales books, watching interview tips on youtube, sending out tons of applications, and if you can imagine anything else, I was doing that too. Looking back on things now, my initial reaction was “How can I be failing at this when I’ve been successful in so many other areas of my life”. To be honest, a lot of times it felt demoralizing. Once I decided to join EYS, I was surrounded by people who lifted me up and gave me the advice that got me to where I am today. So, what I can say is this… if you find yourself in the same boat that I was, don’t waste any more of your time. Samuel is the guy you want on your team. With all that being said, thank you to the EYS team and its all of its mentors. You have truly left your footprint on my life.

Katie Baker, MMS, PA-C

Associate Territory Manager | National Field Trainer | Physician Assistant

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I just got the job that will enable me to make a life-changing transition from a bedside role as a Physician Assistant to the Medical Device Sales industry!

I want to take a moment to thank those that made this transition as seamless as possible. To Samuel from Evolve Your Success- the Sales Career Builder platform you have designed is second to none and gave me all the tools I needed to break into the industry.

Prior to joining your program, my resume and LinkedIn profile did not adequately highlight all the value I could bring to the industry with my extensive clinical background.

With the EYS program, I was able to not only make my resume and LinkedIn profile appropriately represent me and my strengths, but also helped me to stand apart from the competition with an amazing digital Career Portfolio.

Do not let fear of transition or “imposter syndrome” hold you back. If you feel stuck in your career and know that your full potential is not being utilized, have the courage to make a change and better your life.
The best way to do that is to join the EYS program! Within ONE month of joining, I had all the tools I needed to land my dream job and am happy to say that I just signed a contract that will afford me the lifestyle I’ve been after.

Sawyer Hennis

Skilled account provider with the ability to rapidly generate sales and grow customer bases through effective sales and marketing initiatives.

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I BROKE IN to my dream job. I am a recent college graduate and have my own business. I have always had getting into the medical device industry as my dream career. It wasn’t easy but I’ve had some great leadership and mentoring along the way. So with that said thank you Medical Sales Career Builder. I was having interviews but wasn’t able to close them until I met with Samuel and joined the course. I had many hesitations with going all in with Samuel’s course. Ex( is it legit, does it really work, will this help me any.) Well I can finally answer also those doubts with no regret. It works and it has been one of my best decisions I’ve made. Going through the course gave me the most valuable information I was missing. From talking to recruiters to talking with regional manger. Not only communicating but how to sales yourself and grow your network. The medical sales career builder taught me it all. So if I was you take the big step and invest into yourself especially if this your dream career just like me.

Brianna Gianfrancesco

Associate Sales Rep | Territory Manager | Clinical Specialist

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I just received the job offer that is going to launch me into the most amazing Medical Device Career! I couldn’t be more excited to start my journey.

I want first and foremost thank Samuel and the Evolve Your Success program. Thanks to help of everyone on the team, I was able to hone in on my interview and resume skills and land the job of my dreams!
Prior to joining EYS, I was spending hours searching for positions and landing interviews – but unfortunately never actually landing the job. I was frustrated and ready to pause the process. I had seen EYS on LinkedIn, listened to the podcasts but was hesitant to make the leap.

When I finally joined, I was blown away at all of the recourses available to me! The program was easy to navigate, the mentors were PHENOMINAL, and the guidance was priceless.

My only regret is not joining EYS sooner! I am so thankful for this program and the opportunity it afforded me. I was able to land my dream job within a month of joining and I couldn’t be happier! If I could give one piece of advice to anyone starting their Medical Device journey it would be to start off by joining EYS and setting yourself up for the best success!

Thank you again Samuel and everyone at EYS – I can’t wait to share more about my endeavors!

Cory Hutchins DPT, CSCS

Sales Development Representative | Health Tech | Tennis Enthusiast

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I got a job offer as a remote Sales Development Representative with WebPT, the #1 Medical SaaS company for Allied Health Professions. I was very specific in what job I wanted. Before your program, I was lost in navigating the job market. I was getting no leads, consistent rejection on applications, which was slowly killing my motivation to make this change happen. Then I spoke to Samuel. Samuel from day 1 told me, “You have what it takes to make the change, you just need to change your approach. At first, I was skeptical, but after speaking to past alumni of the program and seeing the success past candidates had, I took the leap and trusted Samuel and his team. This leap of faith was the best decision I made in my approach to making this career pivot successful. Samuel, your program Medical Sales Career Builder. has helped me in many ways to achieve the goals I set out for myself. Your program taught me how to stand out from the pack of applicants. It taught me how to leverage my transferable skills and win the interview. It taught me to be open minded and to utilize my network to get the job opportunities I wanted. Ultimately leading to the best day of 2023, getting a job offer with the specific requirements I wanted! I can not thank you and your team enough. This will not only help me for the present, but for future opportunities in years to come.

Anika Pasilis

Associate Sales Consultant at Depuy Synthes – The Orthopaedics company of Johnson & Johnson | Early Intervention

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I just landed my dream job! Before I started, I worked as a loan officer and in tech sales. I decided I wanted to do medical sales to improve patient outcomes and for career growth. The mentors in the program are invaluable! If you are thinking of pursuing of this program, do it!

Gabby Castellani

Clinical Specialist | Occupational Therapist | Healthcare Provider | Case Manager | Clinical Educator | Critical Thinker | Relationship Builder

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From Occupational Therapist to Clinical Specialist at Medtronic!

I just got an offer from Medtronic for my dream job as a Clinical Specialist!! I could not be more excited and ready to begin my new career journey!

I want to give the biggest thank you to Samuel, April, Ferdy, Jules, Anthoney, and the entire Evolve Your Success team. Without the structure, support and wealth of information and resources I would not have had this opportunity present itself. Before I joined EYS, I was struggling to get noticed and land interviews. I had spent well over 6 months trying to get my foot in the door and be noticed. I knew I had the clinical background and skills that would make me a great candidate, but I wasn’t standing out from others. Within a couple weeks of joining this program I had two top companies interviewing me!!

This program really helped me hone in on my networking skills!! The win the view component of this class is truly what helped me land the job. I not only was able to get better with my interviewing style and comfort level, but I had support with every step. From help with building your LinkedIn profile, revamping your resume and the countless conversations from my mentor, I can’t say enough good things. This program is 100% worth the investment if you’re wanting to break into the medical device sales. I can especially say that for any clinician out there who’s a PT/OT/SLP/nurse.
Going through the Medical Sales Career Builder program was hands down one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I cannot recommend this to enough people!! There is so much knowledge and insight to gain. Plus you build a strong network of people along the way who are always rooting for you and cheering you on, even if it’s in the background. This program will set you up for success!!

Thank you again to the WHOLE Evolve Your Success team! I can’t wait to share more of my journey and continue to be a part of the program, from the other side of course 🙂

Matt Kamrath, DVM

Territory Representative | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

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I just got a job as a Territory Representative. I used to be a practicing small animal veterinarian, but I wanted to make a career pivot into medical device sales. I’m thankful Samuel initially reached out to me on LinkedIn simply offering to share 3 easy ways I could improve my LinkedIn profile. The Evolve Your Success team and program was very helpful allowing me to properly present myself and the skills I have as well as teaching me how to network and make the right connections with the right people.

Before I started the program I thought I would be able to transition into medical device sales with relative ease, however it was taking longer than I had hoped for. After a few months of constant job applications, I couldn’t get in front of someone to actually talk to and show them what I have to offer. I couldn’t even get a phone interview. So finally after a few months, I decided to write back to Samuel asking what those 3 things might be to improve my LinkedIn profile, and hear more about what he had to offer.

I was still pretty hesitant to sign up for the program though, considering the fact I’m a doctor myself, I know have great people skills, I make meaningful connections with people, and I have the ability to learn almost anything. Ultimately though, it was exactly what I needed.

The program really helped me polish the way I presented myself, and helped me gain confidence during the interview process. It really helped me get a better understanding of the sales world, and taught me how to do meaningful networking.

I definitely recommend the program, and I’m so happy I decided to go forward with it even though I didn’t think I needed it. It didn’t just help me break into the industry faster, it helped me break in, becaused it’s a competitive field and I don’t know if it would have happened without some of the skills I learned in the program.

So thank you very much to the entire Evolve Your Success Team. I’m excited for what’s next and look forward to sharing where I’ll be a year from now.

Dana Lindberg, PT, DPT

Associate Sales Representative, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Lifelong learner, Motivated Competitor, Detail and Results-Oriented Team Member

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From Physical Therapist to landing an amazing role in Medical Device Sales in less than 3 months!

I recently accepted an entry level medical device sales position at Zimmer Biomet, an incredible company, thanks to Samuel, his incredible team including April, Anthoney, Brett, Julia, Jeff, Aiza, and Ferdy, as well as the rest of the EYS rock stars who enable the program to run so efficiently.

I knew that I wanted to break into medical device sales ASAP, and from the glowing recommendations and success stories, I chose EYS to help get me there. I had heard from others in the field that it took them years to successfully transition into the industry. With the significant resources at EYS, most importantly, access to wonderful mentors who are established in medical sales, it only took me 10 weeks to land a job with a fantastic company.

The EYS Program was invaluable throughout my job search. While it requires time and attention to complete assignments and hone skills relevant to getting a job offer in the field, the outcome is well worth the effort. From informal office hours, to structured webinars related to interviewing, networking, and personal attention on how to leverage my clinical experience in the world of medical sales, I was incredibly well-equipped for all the twists and turns of the recruiting process.

I would definitely recommend Samuel, his team, and the EYS Program without hesitation to anyone who is seriously committed to succeeding in medical sales. Thank you all!

Annalie Konyndyk, M.A. CCC-SLP

Business Development Manager | Speech Language Pathologist | Passionate About Medical Innovations

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I’m thrilled to announce my new role as a Territory Manager at Zynex Medical!

I previously worked as a hospital speech pathologist, experiencing burnout and desire for change. I yearned for a position offering greater opportunities for growth and challenge, and now I am so excited to begin my journey of working in medical device sales.

I owe a huge thank you to the entire team at Evolve Your Success. From the second I entered the program, I found genuine support from the entire team – they were truly dedicated to my success.

Before the program, I wasn’t landing any interviews, and I struggled to demonstrate how my clinical background aligned with medical sales. The program not only helped me transform my resume and LinkedIn profile and create an exceptional digital career portfolio, but also significantly elevated my networking and interview skills. The program gave me confidence I needed to sell myself!

If you are struggling to showcase yourself and seeking a supportive network, I highly recommend joining the program.

Thanks again to the whole EYS team. I can’t wait to share more about my journey!

Daniella Favela BSN, RN

Cardiac Ablation Specialist at AtriCure, Inc.

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My name is Daniella, and I am a former Cardiac Registered Nurse and Nurse Educator. I now have my dream job as a Cardiac Clinical Specialist! Prior to joining this program, I was unaware of how important having a LinkedIn profile, creating your personal brand, and networking can be. Samuel and his team really taught me how to utilize LinkedIn and effectively network to find the best fit and company to work for. I loved learning from people in the industry and gaining invaluable insights and advice that I will be utilizing throughout my career. I am happy to say I am now a part of a great team and company! Getting into medical device sales is not easy, and it requires hard work, but it was worth the investment to have the support and network! Highly recommend this program!

Nidhi Joshi

Registered Nurse | Clinical Field Trainer | Surgical Robotics | Supporting Aquablation Therapy

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I am nurse who landed an incredible role in Medical Device Sales in LESS than 3 months.
I recently accepted an entry level medical device sales position with an incredible company. Samuel has thankfully built out a fantastic team. I have to include the names of the people that had a hand on my success: Blake, April, Anthoney, Julia, Jeff, Aiza, Mignon, Elizabeth and the rest of the EYS work horses who allow for the program to run so efficiently.

One thing for me, I knew that I wanted to break into medical device space fast! I particularly chose EYS to help get me there due to their self paced training modules.
I had heard from my peers that it took them longer than they anticipated to successfully transition into the industry. I was able to land my job in the time I predicted.

EYS provides a significant amount of resources, including extraordinary mentors; some of which I listed above.
The EYS Program was invaluable throughout my job search. The program teaches you how to navigate through each component of industry. Might I add… whatever you put in, you will certainly get out. It is worth investing into YOURSELF!

Samual has structured the course beautifully. From informal office hours, webinars related to interviewing, networking, and personalized tips on how to leverage my prior work experience in the world of medical sales.
I felt ready to navigate the interview sequence due to the guidance of the modules, and office hours.

Without hesitation, I would recommend Samuel, his team, and the EYS Program to anyone who is seriously committed to succeeding in medical sales and willing to put in the work. If you have been waiting to take that leap, let EYS help lead you to your dream job!

Ashley V.

Account Manager Benchmark and Results Therapy | Occupational Therapist

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Thanks to Samuel and EYS, I just accomplished my goal of transitioning my career into sales!!!

I was an Occupational Therapist who for the past year had been working to transition into medical sales. I was struggling to succeed in getting interviews as well as landing an offer. I was applying tirelessly to positions and networking, but with little success. I was hesitant to join the Medical Sales Career Builder as an investment of time and money, yet I knew I couldn’t keep doing what wasn’t working!

I can confidently say I am so glad I decided to dive into Samuel’s program! The team was positive, supportive and the program was thorough. It gave me the tools to have an edge with networking, my resume, interview skills and interview presentations.

It was the best decision I made for my career and future! I am excited to share that I landed a unique opportunity with a Therapy company in their sales division!! Samuel gives 100% to his program and if you do the same, you will succeed!

Thank you again to Samuel, Amber, Jules, Blake, Lisa and the entire EYS team!

Patrick Olowski, PT, DPT

Medical Device Sales Representative | MBA Candidate

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I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve joined Arthrex as a Medical Device Sales Representative! After three years as a physical therapist, I discovered that my true passion lies in medical device sales. Resources like Evolve Your Success and the Medical Sales Career Builder were invaluable during my interview process. Samuel’s podcast inspired me with the question, “What are you waiting for?”—a sentiment I echo to anyone considering this career path. I wholeheartedly endorse the EYS program and am immensely thankful for its guidance.

Lauren Eller

Associate Sales Consultant, DePuy Synthes Orthopedic Trauma I Relationship and Rapport Guru

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Samuel! I just accepted my job offer as a Regional Trauma Associate.

With outside sales experience, I decided to pursue this unique industry because I was looking for more fulfillment in my sales career. And what is more fulfilling than literally changing a patient’s outcome for the better?

In your program, I had access to educational resources and mentors throughout the entire interview process allowing me to focus on really shining in each interview round.

My mentor, Jules, provided such a cool perspective given her extensive background in this division and was absolutely dedicated to my success. One of the many times Blake W. took time out of his day to chat was to ensure I was ready for my interview. Even though he was dealing with his own lunch catering debacle and it was urgent situation where I would’ve absolutely understood a cancellation, I somehow still had his undivided attention. I was also able to learn valuable skills from my fellow students, cohort leader Jeff L. and many mentors in the program who I will be keeping in contact with for years to come.

The Medical Sales Career Builder program was an investment that requires consistency, dedication and curiosity to learn new perspectives from high achievers in the industry. As for me, I knew I needed to take action in different ways and start doing things I haven’t done in order to get places I haven’t been. Ultimately, this program not only elevated my career drastically. It elevated my skills beyond next level and allowed my confidence to soar.

Thank you, Samuel and phenomenal mentors for an incredible experience and guiding me as I reach for new heights.

Jesvin Elavumkal

Territory Manager

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I am thrilled to announce my new role as a Territory Manager at Zynex Medical. I was previously a Healthcare Consultant and wanted to break into medical device sales. Samuel and the Evolve Your Success Community made all of this possible for me with their mentorship and guidance. Before I joined the Medical Sales Career Builder I was very limited in my education about the medical sales industry and in connecting with the right people. I was hesitant to join MSCB because I wasn’t sure it would make a difference in my efforts. The MSCB allowed me to learn from some of the best people in the business and taught me how to connect with the right people and build my confidence. The mentors I was assigned went above and beyond to help me every step of the way. If you’re ready for a change and have a career you’re proud of I strongly suggest contacting Samuel! Samuel is the prime example of what it takes to be successful and has an incredible team! Thank you again to the EYS team for changing my life and helping me get the career that I was looking for.

Kasey Hazelton

Medical Education | Bachelor’s of Science- Kinesiology

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I have just accepted a Professional Education Associate role at Nevro and I can’t wait to get started!

I’ve been in public education for the past six years. As much as I’ve loved being a teacher, I knew I wanted to go further professionally. I’ve seen the struggle my colleagues have gone through trying to transition out of teaching and knew I wanted to be strategic in switching industries.

I stumbled upon Samuel’s Medical Sales Podcast by what felt like fate, binged it for about three weeks, then decided to take plunge and signed up for the Medical Sales Career Builder Course. If you’re serious about getting into the Medical Sales Industry, and doing so efficiently, I HIGHLY recommend you do the same.

The best part of the course, hands down, is the support from the mentors (Blake W., Zach, Jules- I love you). These incredible people went above and beyond for me many times. They helped me identify my unique strengths that would make me successful in this industry and made sure I knew exactly what I needed to do to excel in every step of the interview process.

The weekly meetings with my cohort were also hugely impactful. It not only created an opportunity to learn from our experienced cohort leader Jeff, but created a community of peers going through similar experiences. There were tough moments in this process, but the support from my cohort is what encouraged me to keep moving forward.

If you are coachable and ready to put in the work, you will absolutely be successful in this course. I am beyond grateful for Evolve Your Success and that path that it has set me on. I am so excited for my future and can’t wait to see what’s to come! Thank you Samuel and the EYS Team!

Colleen O’Quinn

Sr Clinical Specialist at Medtronic | Deep Brain Stimulation | Neuro Occupational Therapist

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I just started a new role as a senior clinical specialist at Medtronic in the Deep Brain Stimulation division!

My previous role was a neuro occupational therapist, working on a specialized brain injury unit. I truly loved my work as an OT, however I didn’t see much growth opportunity in this career. I love to work hard and, unfortunately, there are limited opportunities to achieve new goals and experience new challenges in this type of role, along with limited incentives to work hard.

I want to express my deepest thanks and appreciation to Samuel Adeyinka’s Medical Sales Career Builder program. He an his team delivered what was promised and more, and this opportunity wouldn’t have been possible without their expertise and guidance.

Before joining the Medical Sales Career Builder program, I was applying for jobs that, in hindsight, were a poor fit based on my background and interests. I didn’t even know neuromodulation existed before joining MSCB and I’m so grateful for the extensive education I received on the potential avenues to explore within the medical sales industry. Before joining the program, I was searching for jobs on LinkedIn with no clear direction or foundational knowledge about the subdivisions within each industry or the type of work involved with each role.

My initial hesitation with signing up for MSCB was the cost, however it turned out to be an excellent return on investment. I received a $35,000 increase in salary, and that number will continue to grow at a much faster pace now than in my previous role.

Going through the Medical Sales Career Builder program was a very smooth process. I was amazed at how much I was learning and how quickly I saw the results I was looking for throughout each step of the process. I’m grateful for the mentorship I received and the responsiveness from all employees in the program.

Don’t ever be afraid to make a change in your career! I had moments of crazy fear come over me as I wondered if this was the right choice for me, and I’m so thankful that I trusted my gut and took a leap of faith. There’s so much out there to learn, go get it!

Krista Berzonsky PT, DPT

Clinical Specialist @ Medtronic | Deep Brain Stimulation | Physical Therapist

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I just accepted a new role as a Clinical  Specialist in Deep Brain Stimulation at 


I just accepted a new role as a Clinical Specialist in Deep Brain Stimulation at Medtronic! Enrolling in the Medical Sales Career Builder program was undoubtedly one of the best decisions I made for myself and career. I want to extend a sincere thank you to Samuel and the entire team at EYS! With their guidance and knowledge of the industry, I was able to land this role within just 3 months of starting the application process.

Previously, I was a Physical Therapist working in an inpatient rehab facility primarily working with the neuro population. I loved being a PT and helping others regain their independence, but I knew there wasn’t much room for growth and professional development, and I was feeling burnt out. It was hard to come to the realization that I wanted a career change so soon, but I was determined to make the pivot into medical device, I just had no idea how.

I began listening to several medical device podcasts hoping to learn how I could make the transition. Samuel’s podcast was my favorite, and the success stories from past graduates was inspiring. I learned how competitive the field is and wanted to avoid the stress and struggles of doing it on my own, so I joined EYS right off the bat, and I am so glad that I did!

The MSCB program helped me discover the exact space where my passion, background, and skillset would set me up for success. The mentors and instructors not only offered expert guidance but also tailored their support to suit my unique background and career goals. The abundant mentorship and resources available provided me with the edge I needed for networking and navigating the interview process. It was a very smooth process, and I was able to directly apply what I was learning in the course to see the results I wanted.

If you’re looking for a new challenge in the medical device industry or greater fulfillment out of your career like I was, I would wholeheartedly recommend this program, it’s a no brainer!

Nicholas Gohn PT, DPT, Dip. MDT

Medical Sales Representative | Devoted Girl Dad | Expert in Problem Solving & Teaching | Goal-Oriented

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Thanks to the unwavering support of Samuel and the EYS team, I am thrilled to have recently accepted a position as a Spine Sales Representative with Medtronic—a milestone that would not have been possible without their expertise and mentorship. The program not only changed the trajectory of my transition from the clinic but also opened doors to unparalleled career and financial growth opportunities.

After 12 fulfilling years as a physical therapist specializing in outpatient orthopedics, I reached a point where I felt stagnant in terms of both personal and professional growth. Despite my passion for helping patients overcome musculoskeletal challenges, I yearned for new opportunities to expand my horizons. It was during this period of reflection that I discovered the Medical Sales Career Builder program offered by EYS.

Prior to enrolling in the program, I encountered numerous setbacks in my pursuit of transitioning into a medical sales role. Despite applying to eleven positions, I received nothing but automated rejection emails, leaving me disheartened and uncertain about my prospects. However, upon joining the program, I quickly realized the transformative power of the guidance provided by Samuel and his team.

The comprehensive training, mentorship, and practical tools offered by the Medical Sales Career Builder program equipped me with the skills and confidence necessary to navigate the competitive landscape of medical sales. From refining my networking abilities to mastering the art of interviewing, every aspect of the program was tailored to empower me for success in my new career path.

Reflecting on my journey, I am immensely grateful for the investment I made in the Medical Sales Career Builder program. While the initial cost gave me pause, I can now attest without hesitation that it was worth every penny and more. In hindsight, I would have gladly paid double for the invaluable insights and support I received.

I wholeheartedly recommend the Medical Sales Career Builder program to anyone aspiring to break into the field of medical sales. Samuel, EYS, and the entire team have not only equipped me with the skills and knowledge necessary for success but have also been unwavering in their commitment to my professional growth and development.

Once again, I extend my sincerest gratitude to Samuel, EYS, and the entire team for their instrumental role in shaping the next chapter of my career journey. I look forward to continuing to make strides in my new role and am excited for the opportunities that lie ahead.

Sheila Mallon

■ Medical Device Sales ■ Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) ■ MBA ■ Clinical Specialist ■ Actor ■ Educator ■

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From RN to Diagnostic Sales Specialist with 


I am thrilled to announce that I have taken on a new professional challenge as I have accepted a role as Territory Manager with Zynex Medical. This opportunity comes after 2 ½ years of diligent applying and searching. My career as a physical therapist has spanned the last three decades, and though I have always enjoyed working with patients, I had been feeling burnt out and desperately wanting a change.

In August 2021, I completed my MBA, believing it would be a game changer in my job search. However, despite this new qualification, my application was often one of hundreds from very well-qualified candidates, and I faced rejection countless times. I wish I knew then what I know now.

The turning point came when I joined the Medical Sales Career Builder program with Samuel. The skills I honed and connections I made through this program made all the difference. The training I received helped me build the confidence and competencies essential for my new career.

Simply signing up for the program is not enough; there is no magic wand. It requires hard work and commitment. But if you dedicate yourself to the program and put in the effort, you will succeed!

Jacob Hirchak

Medical Sales Professional | Passionate about Innovative Healthcare Technologies

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Thanks to the support from Samuel and the entire EYS team, I am beyond excited to announce that I have just accept a position as a Medical Sales Professional with 

I am a recent Purdue graduate with a B.S. degree in biology and a minor in business management and entrepreneurship. For the past 10 years I have worked for Rainmaker irrigation as a service technician for 6 years and an outside sales rep for 4 years. With my passion for biology and innovative healthcare technologies combined with the customer service and outside sales skills I developed at Rainmaker, I always knew I wanted to transition into the medical sales industry. My dream of breaking into the medical sales industry has been made true because of my hard work and persistence along with the support from Samuel and his team at EYS.

I am so thankful for Samuel Adeyinka’s Medical Sales Career Builder program and all the EYS mentors, because this wouldn’t have been possible without them. My mentors Alyson Bowen, Blake Williams, Julia Greenspan, and Brett St. Clair over delivered on their promises, and I couldn’t be more thankful for all their valuable insights.

Before I enrolled in the Medical Sales Career Builder, I wasn’t getting all the interviews I wanted, and the ones I did get, I was lost and didn’t know how to express my strengths and what I would bring to the table. I first discovered this program 4 months before I joined by listening to the Medical Sales Podcast that Samuel hosts. From that podcast, I learned so much from all the seasoned professionals he interviews and knew that I wanted to be just like them one day. So one day I pulled the trigger and met with April Hoffman. After our countless conversations, I felt that it was the right fit for me to join the program and the only thing I wish is that I did it sooner. The only hesitation I had about joining was the investment cost, but I soon realized that the best investment you can make is in yourself!

The MSCB program is built to help you break into the medical sales industry and it gives you all the tools you could possibly need to succeed. It is made to work around your current work schedule and as long as you put in the work on your own time, you too will have your dream job in no time! Joining this program was the best decision I have ever made and I highly recommend you do the same if you want to make a difference in the healthcare industry.

Thanks again to the EYS team for helping me get my career started!

Valerie Buchholz

Vascular Clinical Specialist || Educator || Infection Prevention Advocate || Registered Nurse

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Recent success as a Vascular Clinical Specialist at 


I owe my recent success as a Vascular Clinical Specialist at Solventum, the new medical spinoff of 3M, to the invaluable support, guidance, and connections provided by EYS. The team at EYS has truly been instrumental in propelling me into this exciting new chapter of my career.

After seven years working as a registered nurse in various fields, I found myself at a crossroads, yearning for professional advancement and financial security. Although becoming a nurse practitioner seemed like the logical next step, my heart wasn’t fully invested in that direction. While I cherished caring for my patients and working with an incredible team of clinicians, I was dissatisfied with the work-life balance, financial prospects, and limited growth opportunities, but still wanted to provide clinical value.

My journey towards a career in medical device sales began when I stumbled upon Samuel’s enlightening podcast, The Medical Sales Podcast. After months of avidly listening to his episodes and delving deeper into the industry, I was convinced that a move into medical device sales was the right path for me. I placed my trust in the EYS program to expedite and ensure my success in this transition.

The EYS team goes above and beyond to not only help students break into the industry and secure life-changing salaries but also to ensure that the job is a good fit for them, setting them up for long-term success. The program’s comprehensive curriculum, practical tools, mock interviews, and interactive classes not only evolved my professional skills but also evolved the perception I had of my value and transformed my self-confidence to succeed in this new industry, which had been the reason I was initially dragging my feet.

If you find yourself yearning for change but hesitant to take the leap alone, look no further than EYS. I wholeheartedly endorse this program for its focus on career development, personal growth, and job satisfaction, prioritizing fulfillment over mere financial gain. EYS equips you with the tools to achieve both happiness and success in your career.

Please note that this program is not an “easy” in, they provide the tools but you must put in 100% of the work and that work is what prepares you for success once you land that dream job!

Thanks again to an incredible team that dedicates their time to changing so many lives!

Monique Brady

Diagnostic Sales Specialist | Registered Nurse

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I got a job offer! with   
I got a job offer! I would like to thank the Medical Sales Career Builder program, this wouldn’t of been possible without them. Before enrolling in the Medical Sales Career Builder program, I was not getting any interviews. I was getting generic emails saying, “we went with other candidates” and I realized that I needed to start networking and learning more about the medical sales space where I found Samuel. Once I connected with Evolve Your Success I was instantly invested in the program and had to hesitation about the opportunity of getting my first medical sales position. Going through Medical Sales Career builder, I was heavily prepared for each interaction with each person during the medical sales process to be hired. Everything that was presented in the program proved that I was being provided with valuable information that led to success for my first job in medical sales! I strongly recommend the Medical Sales Career Builder program to anyone that would like to break into medical sales! Thanks again to Samuel and the team, my life and career will never be same!!

Olivia Brady

Alzheimer’s Disease Consultant

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Just got Pharmaceutical Sales Rep job offer with 


I just got Pharmaceutical Sales Rep job offer! I want to thank the Medical Sales Career Builder; this wouldn’t have been possible without them! Before enrolling in the Medical Sales Career Builder, I had applied to several roles and was not being invited to interview for any of the roles. I was researching YouTube, podcasts, and any article I could find to try to gain more knowledge of getting into the industry.

I was hesitant to invest into the MSCB program, but after reading reviews on Samuel’s LinkedIn page from previous graduates, I knew it was going to be one of the best investments I’ve ever made. Sure enough, after just 4 weeks of applying the necessary steps from MSCB program, I landed my dream job! It gave me the resources and confidence needed to not only land an interview quickly, but to outshine the other candidates interviewing for the role in a big way.

Even if you have no previous experience in the industry, the MSCB gives you the resources to feel overly prepared and more than ready for every step of the interview process. When you show up 100% to the program, you will achieve the results you are looking for. I will be utilizing what I have learned from this program for the rest of my career and I’m so thankful that I took the step in giving it a try. Thank you again to Samuel and the team for being so supportive and making such an impact on my career!

Emily Platz

Diagnostic Sales Specialist | Registered Nurse

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I successfully broke into medical device sales and landed a job with one of my top companies-
After working as a nurse for 9 years, I wanted to find a role with more opportunities for growth, not to mention financial stability, but also to make the change in healthcare I became a nurse to do.

Before enrolling in the Medical Sales Career Builder, I tried for over 2 years to break into the medical device industry, submitting upwards of 150 applications and even though I did get close to an offer twice, mainly I received countless generic rejection emails. I was feeling defeated and thought maybe this industry wasn’t for me. I saw that a nurse I worked with recently got a job with Medtronic. I reached out immediately and said, “how did you do it??” She responded with EYS. I immediately booked a discovery call with April.

Talking to April was a breath of fresh air. She was a clinician herself and knew my pain. I knew I wanted in. My only hesitation was there was no guarantee. I remember asking on my discovery call about this and she responded with, we have a 100% success rate, if you put the work in. I took some time to think it over and ultimately came to this- nothing in life is truly guaranteed. I’ve been trying for this for so long, what do I have to lose?

Going through the Medical Sales Career Builder program gave me complete break down of all the proper steps to take, interview preparation, how to network and build your LinkedIn profile in order to land your dream job, and it worked! Not only do they provide the tools, but they teach you how to evaluate yourself and potential companies to ensure it’s a good long term fit, which is so important.

The support and guidance from experienced medical device professionals was like nothing I could have imagined and so valuable. Jules gave me the confidence to own my previous experience and that it absolutely offers transferable skills to this industry. Blake was a constant support system, encouraging me through the process.

If you’ve been trying to break into this industry with no success, I highly recommend joining the Medical Sales Career Builder program. They give you all the tools and teach you everything you need to be set up for success, you just have to put the work in.

Thanks again to the EYS team, I am so excited for this next chapter in my career and I’m so thankful I took the chance on myself!