Confidence, clinical expertise, and genuine connections are the key ingredients to thriving in the dynamic world of aesthetic medical sales. Step into this world with our guest, Lauren Brown. From her early days at Stryker to her current role as a thriving aesthetic device representative, Lauren unravels the unique blend of science, art, and business that makes this field both challenging and fulfilling. She dives deep into the key qualities that set successful aesthetic reps apart – confidence, entrepreneurial spirit, and a genuine commitment to enhancing providers’ practices. But more than that, Lauren breaks down the barriers between business and personal connections, illustrating how trust and authenticity can create lasting partnerships. Don’t miss the chance to learn from the best in the business – Lauren Brown – and explore how you too can excel in the exciting world of medical sales. Tune in now!
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Aesthetic Medical Sales With The Lauren Brown – Medical Sales Influencer
I have with us a very special guest, and she goes by the name of Lauren Brown. This is a fun episode because she’s a medical device sales influencer. You can find her on @The_LaurenBrownnnn on TikTok. She’s also on Instagram and LinkedIn. She is quite the powerhouse full of amazing information for people who are in and want to be in the medical device sales industry.
She specifically is in the aesthetics space. We have a fantastic episode where she educates us on what exactly aesthetic medical device sales is, how to be effective within it, and how she, on a daily basis, influences people in the space. I’m excited. I’m not going to spoil it. I’m not going to give anything away. I’m going to save it for the episode. Make sure you are tuned in. Whatever it is you’re doing, take some time to read this episode. As always, we do our best to bring you innovative guests who are doing things a bit differently in the medical sales industry. I do hope you enjoy this interview.
Lauren, how are you doing?
I’m good. How are you?
I am fantastic. Why don’t you tell the audience who you are and what you do?
I’m Lauren Brown. I am an ex-NFL cheerleader. I am a Michigan fan.
We have a lot to talk about. We’re going to kick it off with the first thing you said, which is ex-NFL cheerleader. What is that like?
I did it while I was in sales, so it was my side gig. It was hard. You have 4-hour practices 2 to 3 times a week. Game day is very fun. It’s the energy of being on the field. I also danced at the University of Michigan. It’s my past life, but it’s also a part of me.
That’s beautiful. Was it high school that you were a dancer the whole time and you transitioned into college, or was that something you discovered in college?
I was a professional dancer my entire life. I danced for some big names like Mariah Carey and Goo Goo Dolls. In college, I was on a scholarship for dance.
That’s amazing. Do you still dance now?
I try to do TikTok dances.
When doors are closed and no one is looking?
That’s so cool. Think back to being an NFL cheerleader. You were in sales but you weren’t in medical sales yet?
I’m in medical sales.
You were in medical sales?
Tell me you were using that to get access.
100%. From a branding perspective, I was a company’s dream because every doctor wanted to talk to me. They wanted access to the team and all of that information. It was very strategic.
I’m putting you on the spot but you got to give us a story. What was the most profound experience that worked because you had this background to offer?
I worked with a dermatologist. This woman wanted to have access to all of the NFL players’ wives. Most salespeople have a hard time getting ahold of doctors. This woman called me day and night constantly. You don’t hear that. Salespeople don’t hear that. I still see her all the time. She’s super sweet. She never got access to them, but she thought that calling me all the time would.
Whatever works. Aesthetics medical device sales, I want you to explain exactly what that is. A lot of people have their ideas on what it means, but let’s hear from one. Share with us. What does it mean?
In my bag, I have three different types of products. In aesthetics, there are so many different sectors that you can get into. You have lasers and that type of energy modality. You have injectables, which is what I’m in. There are different types of injectables that you can utilize. In a practice, there’s med tech. Those are things like Aesthetic Record and Cherry and then there’s skincare.
Being an injectable rep is a grind. It’s hard but it’s a really rewarding job. Seeing patients feel better, improved, or feel like themselves is probably one of the most rewarding things that I’ve ever been a part of. It’s taking an injectable product and knowing the anatomy of a face. With aesthetics and injectables, we’re looking at different types of anatomy on the face and trying to do a facial balancing with different products. There’s a wide variety that you can choose from. It’s helping them differentiate clinically what’s going to give them the best endpoint.
You mentioned the segments. You said there are lasers and injectables. Are there many other segments or 1 or 2 other segments?
There are two others. Skincare is a big segment in aesthetics and also med tech. That’s an emerging side of med aesthetics. Those are the main four.
What’s med tech?
There are different areas of med tech for aesthetics. Cherry is one of the largest that’s growing. That’s a financing company for medical aesthetic practices. It allows patients to be able to have higher-cost treatments at a more affordable monthly rate. There are other ones like RepeatMD, which is more of a marketing tool for aesthetic practices, and then there’s Aesthetic Record, which is like an EMR system for aesthetics as a whole.
They’re sales reps for all of these products?
Yours is the injectables. Let’s get a little bit more into the weeds. You mentioned seeing a patient’s gratification on being able to change their face and showing up the way they want is one of your biggest joys. Are you working with patients or is this what providers are communicating to you when they utilize the injections that you represent?
I see patients probably every day. I do a lot of labs with clinics. Especially from a filler perspective, there are so many different gels on the market. Understanding the different properties of each gel is important. It’s like having different paints and paintbrushes in your toolbox. Having a variety of different patients is always such a fun thing to do with the labs that I do. We get to see patients there before, during, and then their post-procedure.
For the people who are reading that want to get into aesthetics and this is complete news to them, can you walk us through what this looks like? You start your day and show up to an account. Walk us through this whole scenario of the pre-post and everything else that happens.
I like to do these and I plan them in advance. Typically, two weeks in advance, I say, “Get 3 models or 3 patients. Have them have maybe some medial cheek deficiencies.” Maybe they have some wrinkles that they’re trying to relax or they’re trying to balance out their rickets line, the rickets line being their chin to their nose.
What we do is try to look at whole-face correction in these patients. The clinical endpoints are very different and subjective, which is different from OR sales or any other medical device sale. That’s the two weeks before. We pick out the products that we want to use and the patients. We have them sign their consent. We bring them in that day and schedule them out. We do a full face assessment, looking at where the deficiencies are, the different parts of aging, and how we can address them with the products that I have. We go through the entire process of injecting and looking at landmarks from an anatomical standpoint and take them through the journey.
Is the provider saying, “Patient X, this is what’s going to happen and I’m going to now introduce you to Lauren who’s going to explain something else?”
Yeah. I’m in the room the entire time usually. They’re like, “We were looking for some good patients to trial this new product on.” It’s fun because it is a joint effort. When I was in the OR, a lot of times, you felt like you were going to step on toes. Being in aesthetics, we’re working together to get the best endpoint. It is really fun to be so intertwined with your providers.
With this kind of interaction with patients, are they calling you after?
It’s strictly off-limits.
That’s a violation. I don’t know the patient information. I don’t know their history or anything like that. They’re there and they’re the patient at that time. If the provider has questions afterward, they always text me and we walk through if there is anything like bruising, swelling, or anything like that. We go through what’s normal and what’s abnormal.
I’m going to ask you for a story. I’m putting you on the spot again. You got to give us the most moving story where you were like, “I get to do this.” Give us something.
I had a training day. This patient couldn’t afford to have a treatment done. This was when I was working in Chicago at the same company that I’m at. When she came in, she walked with her shoulders down. She walked in and had her hair in front of her face. She was like, “I felt like hiding.” She sat down in the chair and we were going through an assessment. Whenever you’re treating a patient, bedside manner in aesthetics is important. We don’t want to point out areas that we might find to need improvement if they don’t feel like that is something that they notice. We always try to ask, “Where are some areas that bother you? What areas brought you in today?” We let them open up because the psychology of an aesthetic treatment is pivotal.
She came in and was like, “I feel tired.” She had a few deaths in the family. She consistently had all these things happen to her. We did a bunch of treatments. It was a few thousand dollars’ worth of treatments and all we did was an evaluation on her. She cried in the room when we were done because she felt like herself again.
After she left and gave us hugs and was so appreciative, she went out into her car and cried for another twenty minutes. She came back in and was like, “I can’t tell you guys how much I appreciate what you’ve done for me.” It is knowing that this type of treatment can change somebody’s trajectory of their day, their week, or their life. The way that you view yourself is more important than the way that anybody else views you. That psychological piece of this medicine is something that I’ve never seen in medicine before.
That is beautiful. This is an immediate experience. I’m sure not every treatment is like that, but for her specific case, this was an immediate fix.
A lot of times, we have a few different products that take two days to onset as a wrinkle relaxer, but fillers are immediate. You’re getting that immediate volumization or smoothing of lines. We also have another product that’s a bio stimulator. That takes about three months for it to kick in. You have a breadth of different utilities to use. If a patient is like, “I’ve got to get this fixed today,” you know what you can use.
There are a couple of things I want to understand. I want to understand your previous experience which allows you to compare your experience now. Before we jump into that, give us a little bit about what type of person you need to be really effective at being specifically an aesthetics device rep. How do you need to present? What type of qualities must you have if you’re truly going to be successful?
I don’t think this is what most people are going to think, but being assured in who you are personally, your brand, and what you have to offer. The space can be very cutthroat and people can say some really mean things. Being competent in who you are, what you have to offer, and standing firm in that is going to be the number one.
[bctt tweet=”The space can be very cutthroat, and people can say some really mean things. Being confident in who you are and what you have to offer and really standing firm in that is going to be the number one thing to help you become successful.” via=”no”]
Please remember the others. I want to give some more context to that. What do you mean by people saying some really mean things and you must be self-assured in who you are?
You can have doctors, if you walk in and you don’t look your best that day, say, “You need a treatment.” I had a doctor say this to me. I’ll never forget it. She was like, “You need nose filler because your nose is too thick.” This is far and few between, but you will have them and they will stick with you. It’s understanding that people don’t have boundaries, especially in this space because they can fix things. They think that everybody that walks in the door is asking for an objective opinion of theirs. That’s where I’m coming from with being self-assured and who you are. It is knowing that aesthetics can make you feel great, but you also have to know that it sometimes can make you feel crappy.
That makes perfect sense. What are some of the others?
The second is being an entrepreneur or entrepreneur-type mindset. This job is not just, “I’m going to sell somebody something.” This job is a holistic approach towards getting a business to run efficiently with your products. The more efficient that the business runs in aesthetics, the more that you’re going to sell organically. If you can start changing that mindset of, “I’m selling you this” and more so looking at it from, “This is going to generate your business X because I’m going to help you do all of these different areas and pull it through,” that type of mindset shift is where a lot of people struggle from going in the device side into the aesthetic.
Correct me if I’m way off here, but it sounds like what you’re saying is for device, pharma, or most other medical sales, it’s clinically driven. You’re making the case for the clinical significance for that patient on whatever the disease state, injury, or whatever have you needs to be addressed. For aesthetics, I’m sure that’s included, but you’re talking about the value proposition of using your product line to do more for their business in getting and keeping patients.
Clinical significance is also extremely important because you can lose the patient quickly if you don’t have the proper treatment and products in place. It is emerging of both. The art of selling science and business is extremely hard, but it’s also a beautiful art form that you have to be willing to mold yourself into.
With the way you describe it, everybody reading is going to want to be an aesthetics medical device rep. Let’s get a little more into it. With most medical sales, if you’re a good rep, you’re going to get so proficient with what you understand and be able to communicate it so well that your provider’s going to start to trust you for information to address his or her patients. In aesthetics, is that same dynamic created or is it even more so? I don’t know this, but I’m assuming with aesthetics, the technology is fast, changing, and constant more so than other disease states in other fields. The providers in aesthetics are relying on the sales rep to have the most up-to-date opportunities to help their patients. Is that true?
100%. I’m going to say this is a similarity from a device side. It is knowing the marketplace and the landscape, knowing your competitors and what their clinical are saying, and what yours personally say and vetting through it. When you can bring more clinical significance to a provider and also be well-versed in anatomy and injectables, the face is an extremely important part of the body to be addressed. In all other areas of the body, you can put on clothes and cover them up, but your face is the first thing that people see. Being able to talk through different landmarks and anatomical points and understand the market as a whole and why different products might be better for certain scenarios is important. That’s also how you can sell into the business side of it.
When you describe it, I’m thinking with aesthetics as a sales rep, you can become the provider’s best friend. You’re allowing them to do more for their patients, income, and their staff. It’s an overarching way to help.
We are welcomed in. When I walk in versus another rep, they’re like, “Lauren.” They’re so excited to see me. Another difference is every time I see a provider, I’m not just selling them something. I’m not there to sell. I’m listening to how their business is going. What are their patients saying? Who’s asking about different products? What is going on in their business? We also do get to connect on a personal level. It is a little bit more relaxed. You’re not in the OR or rushing to get a doctor from a break room or wherever you can find them in the hospital. It’s a nice marriage of outside sales and medical.
Give us a little bit about the experiences you had in other medicalized fields before you got into aesthetics.
I started my career at Stryker. I was there for under two years. I knew when I was there, it was always aesthetics. This is back in 2015. I knew I wanted to get there but didn’t know exactly how. I started researching some of the aesthetics companies. There was one that was hiring for a capital device position. I moved into that position after Stryker and realized quickly that I am not a capital sales girly, which is fine. You have to experience it. It did give me a lot of exposure to the aesthetic space.
After that, I went into a consulting role for a marketing company for aesthetics. I really learned the back end and the business end of aesthetics, which catapulted what I’m doing in the field now. Little did I know that is what that was doing then. I use all of the tools that I’ve learned from that position to help drive business in my practices.
That’s beautiful. You said something earlier that I want to touch back on. I’ve heard this from other people who have been in aesthetics. They have all referred to the aesthetics industry as very cutthroat. Providers poking jabs at you and trying to make you a patient is one thing. Other than that, when you say cutthroat, give us some more context on what that’s referring to.
In the aesthetic space, there is a lot that people can choose from. If you’re not the rep that’s showing the most value and providing value outside of a price, you’re going to lose. It is a lot of price-driven wars that go on. If you’re not the lowest priced product, what you do to stand out is find other ways in their business and you’re going to help them grow. There are a lot of reps out there. Everybody is growing. Every week, I see new territory expansions and new products in the market, things like that. If you don’t have those relationships and don’t show your value, people will drop your product.
[bctt tweet=”If you don’t have those relationships and don’t show your value, people will drop your product.” via=”no”]
How long did it take you to understand that?
Thankfully, I feel like I understood that from the OR. When I was at Stryker, I had devices fail and missteps that happened to my products. I knew that I needed to build that trust and also build that type of relationship that I’m going to do whatever it takes to make this right. That translated into my business. When people call me, I answer. When people text me, I answer. When they email me, I answer. I’m punctual with things. A way of changing that mindset of standing out is being a responsive and punctual rep.
I love it. We have to appreciate that. As you guys know all the value she brings to her customers, what you might not know is what she does in the influencing space. I’m not going to spoil it. I’m going to let you share this other thing.
I started a TikTok. It was to challenge one of my offices to post every day for 30 days. It was a challenge where if I got more followers than you, I win this challenge. I started getting an outpour of people reaching out. The support was there and people really wanted to hear what I had to say, which I don’t think I was ready for. I started posting some of the topics that I wish I had known when I was transitioning from a corporate job into this position in medical. I’m still doing it.
I’m going to say it for her. She has a whole TikTok following and an Instagram following. You guys can catch on and listen to her. It’s amazing. She has so many videos and so much information. It’s growing every single day by the thousands. How about that?
I try to not pimp myself out, but thank you for pimping me out.
It’s fascinating. What I love about what you’re doing is you’re sharing your experience with people. This isn’t something from the past. This is every day. To bring people into your life every single day and show them what’s going on, how are you not to be trusted after that? It’s an awesome thing.
I know we talked it through like what a day looks like with the patient model calls and things like that but that does give a more realistic idea of my days. Typically, they start at 5:36 and they don’t end until 7:38. They are longer days, but that’s to prioritize the things that I want in my day to make sure I get them done.
Is that typically because you’re going from account to account? In this account, you saw maybe 1, 2, or 3 patients and this account is the same thing all the way until 7:00 or 8:00 at night?
It is not every day I do evaluations like that. I probably do them 3 or 4 times a week. Not long ago, I did 2 in 1 day, which is a little bit more. My territory is so large that I drive about 60% of the day. I am using that time effectively. I use voice text and voice email a lot. I call a lot of people. I try to utilize my time driving as best as I possibly can.
For people that are interested in aesthetics, is it the kind of job that you’re going to be working from 5:00 AM to 8:00 and you better get used to it if you want to be a quality aesthetics rep, or is that strictly by choice?
I can say that it’s by choice but it’s not. I try to put as much boundaries as I can. I said this. I like to be punctual. I like to get back to people. I know when I need an answer, especially if it’s something important, I need an answer now. I usually get calls and texts all weekend because that’s when businesses are open for a set of practices and that’s when they’re seeing a lot of patients.
Time off is really not time off. I know this is in a lot of sales positions, but truly, in medical aesthetics, these businesses need this product. You’re the only avenue that they can get it, so you’re a necessary part of their business. Time off is you’re still working if I’m being completely transparent. Are there reps that don’t work as much as I do? 100%. I like to know my business inside and out. I like to be prepared before I’m in front of somebody. I might only get to see them twice in a quarter, so if I’m not prepared, I’m not doing my job properly.
Would you say that aesthetics, and generally speaking, everybody’s different, does not offer the best work-life balance?
Generally, yes. That is not to say if you have a smaller territory. You might have it. This has been my experience and I don’t mind it. That’s the thing. I love what I do. A lot of times, it doesn’t feel like work when I get to prepare for something like patient day, lab, or anything like that. If you’re willing to put in the work and do the things like I’m explaining, the benefits are so rewarding. You get to help patients and practices out even more so, so it is a really rewarding job even if you don’t have the best balance.
[bctt tweet=”If you’re willing to put in the work, the benefits of being in medical sales are so rewarding and you just get to help patients and practice even more.” via=”no”]
That’s beautiful. With aesthetics devices, is it base plus a commission? If it is, is it a small base with a huge commission, a huge base with a huge commission, or a huge base with a small commission? What’s the setup typically like? What can someone who’s thinking about taking this on as a career expect to make as far as a range?
I can speak on energy devices and injectables because I’ve been on both sides. We’ll start with energy. Typically, that’s a little bit lower than an injectable base but the earning potential is high. Their bonus structures are based on how much they’re discounting each product. They could earn 10% of what they sold or they can earn 20% to 25% of what they sold, depending on how much they’re discounting their product.
With energy, I have a friend who makes $500,000 a year in energy. It is a hustle. She is out hunting every day. That is a hunter job. Injectables is more of a farmer’s job. I have an account list and I’m trying to grow them. Our base in injectables is typically anywhere from about $70,000 to $110,000, depending on your experience.
Going into commission, commission structures are pretty standard. Most companies are around a $20,000 commission structure if you hit 100%. They have accelerators and all of these different things that you can make more. People in injectables can make $180,000. I know reps that make close to $400,000 or $450,000. It’s dependent. The longer that you’re in the position that you’re in, and this is going back to that work-life balance, the more you can have that balance because you’ve established that business. That’s something to note as well.
That is awesome. We can talk forever. You have so much information to share with us. We’re going to get close to wrapping this up, but before we do, we’re going to have a lightning round. Are you ready?
I’m going to ask you four questions. You have less than ten seconds to answer. First question, what’s the best book you read in the last couple of months?
$100M Leads by Alex Hormozi.
That sounds interesting. I’m writing that down.
He has another one. He has $100M Leads and then he has a new one out. I don’t remember what the other one is. Alex Hormozi, if you guys are in sales, I love his content. He has a very entrepreneurial mindset. I love him.
What is the best TV show or movie you’ve seen in the last couple of months?
I’m so lame. The Office because I can’t stop watching it.
You better not say that’s lame. That’s my favorite show of all time.
I’m in constant rotation.
Nothing gets better than that show. You’re not lame about it. When I say this, think of restaurants. What is the best meal you’ve had in the last couple of months?
We are wedding tasting. Our wedding is in a month.
Thank you. We have a filet that we’re having. It was the best filet at our tasting. I’m going to say that because I’m so excited to eat it at the wedding.
Is there no source to go to to get a taste of this tasting?
It’s at the Shinola Hotel in Detroit. San Morello is the restaurant. It’s a Michelin restaurant. It’s so good.
Lastly, what’s the best experience you’ve had in the last couple of months?
I’m going to go for a year because this is a new experience for me. My fiancé, my mom, and his mom all went down to Rosemary Beach in Florida. It was probably one of the first times that I felt like I could decompress and breathe. If you haven’t been there, it’s this magical part of the panhandle in Florida. The beaches are so white. It’s a calm area. It’s healing. I loved it.
Say it one more time.
30A is the area. Rosemary Beach and Seaside are two of the main areas over there. It has a calm, healing vibe.
I’m sold.
It’s beautiful.
Lauren, this was fantastic. It was lovely having you on the show. Where can people find you?
You can find me on TikTok @The_LaurenBrownnn and then on Instagram, it is @The_LaurenBrown_ as well. On both my Instagram and TikTok, there’s an email if you want to email me. On LinkedIn, you can find me as Lauren Brown.
That’s fantastic. Thank you so much for being on the show. We can’t wait to see all the amazing things you are going out there and doing.
Thank you.
That was Lauren Brown. Make sure you follow her. Go to @The_Lauren Brownnn and follow her. She’s on TikTok and Instagram. She’s packed with so much information. It’s fun and exciting. She brings you into her world. You got to go. Some of you might be reading this episode and thinking to yourselves, “That’s where I want to be. I want to be in aesthetics medical device sales. I want to live the Lauren life.” You don’t have to wonder. You don’t have to guess. You don’t have to hope. You can do something about it. You already know what I’m going to say. Visit Look into the Medical Sales Career Builder Program. Select Apply Now, give us some information, and let’s have a call with one of our account executives and get you into the position that you deserve to be in.
We know how to make sure that this is the right field for you if you want it. We know how to help you find the right field for you if you know you want to be in healthcare sales. We know what you need on your resume. We know how to build these things for you for your career portfolio and presentations in the interview. We know how to connect you to the right people who will have a say in the hiring process. We know how to do all these things and we’re here to help. If you want this, if you want to be in this space, if you want to be in this industry and you want it sooner than later, then visit and keep tuning in to the show. Make sure you tune in next week for another episode.
Important Links
- Lauren Brown – LinkedIn
- @The_LaurenBrownnnn – TikTok
- @The_LaurenBrown_ – Instagram
- Cherry
- RepeatMD
- Aesthetic Record
- $100M Leads
- San Morello
- Medical Sales Career Builder Program
About Lauren Brown
Lauren is a dynamic Account Manager renowned for her results-driven approach and extensive expertise in cultivating strategic partnerships. With a proven track record in the medical and medical aesthetics industry, she excels at enhancing customer and patient experiences while driving remarkable business growth. Lauren’s dedication to building enduring relationships, coupled with her knack for identifying opportunities, enables her to craft tailored solutions that consistently surpass expectations. Her career highlights include successfully managing key accounts for prominent organizations, orchestrating cross-functional initiatives, and delivering exceptional client service. With an intriguing twist, she also boasts a background as a former NFL Cheerleader, showcasing her diverse talents. Notably, her social media prowess extends to platforms like TikTok, where she maintains a strong presence and leverages her skills in social media marketing.
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