Medical device sales jobs are high in demand and could be a possible career if you’re determined to succeed in this industry. Join your host Samuel Gbadebo as he dives deep into an informational conversation with Dorian Jordan about selling medical devices such as advanced surgical instruments, surgical stapling, electrosurgery, and more. Dorian shares his background and what got him into the industry. He discusses how he entered the lowest level in the field to become successful today. Tune in so you can have a glimpse of what you can expect in this industry!
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Opportunities In Medical Device Sales With Dorian Jordan – Part 1
We have with us a very special guest who goes by the name of Dorian Jordan. Now, Dorian’s a fascinating character. He’s been in the medical sales profession for many years in a variety of companies, and he’s now with a leading MedTech company in the medical sales space. What makes his story so compelling are the experiences he’s had and the perspective it’s given him, but I’m not going to spoil it.
I will tell you this. If you’re someone that’s looking to break into the medical sales industry, this interview is a must-read. If you’re someone that’s already in the medical sales industry, again, you got to read this interview. If you’re someone that’s leading the way, there’s something you can learn from Dorian as well. As always, we do our best to bring you innovative guests that bring you insight, so I do hope you enjoy this interview.
Dorian, how are we doing?
I’m doing well, Sam. How are you?
Fantastic. No complaints over here. I’m going to let you do the honors. Why don’t you tell everybody who you are and what you do?
My name is Dorian Jordan. I’m working in one of the big companies, and I’ve been in the game for many years now. I’ve been in several different states. I reside in Southern California, so that’s a little bit about me.
You play no games. That’s longevity right there. I’m sure you’ve seen a lot.
I got in pretty young. I started at the very bottom that you can be running equipment to hospitals and this sign and paperwork to where I’ve done millions of dollars for products. I’ve been in the C-suite and done all kinds of stuff. It’s been quite a journey and has taken me halfway across the United States, technically.
What is your specific field now?
A lot of what I do now is have stapling so products used in the OR. I have stapling devices, energy and access devices, and the primary focus is general surgery, bariatrics, and thoracic. I get a wide range of the different procedures that we see every single day. It’s a lot of bread and butter, repetitive stuff you find on any OR board. Some of the cases are very high level as well. Advanced cases where we got to make sure that patient’s life is at stake. We do a lot of that type of stuff in oncology, so there is a wide range but of good devices.
To give everybody context. We have people reading now that know what you do, but then we have some people that are very curious, wanting to get into the industry, and don’t understand the terms you laid out. Give us a little bit of what your day-to-day looks like. You’re waking up at what time? You’re doing what? How does the rest of your day play out?
One thing that I think is characteristic of a lot of us that have been in this industry is there’s always got to be some sacrifice. My sacrifice being in Southern California is where I live with my wife and family. We live in Orange County, a good place to raise kids and live, but my territory is in Los Angeles proper. What that translates, everybody’s heard about the traffic situation out here in LA.
That means I’ll wake up early as hell, and I get home late. I made it home at a decent time, but the 4:05, you got to either go before it or duck under it. In my typical day, I start off waking up at 5:00 something, depending on where I have to go. I think the quickest place I can get to is about 45 minutes away. The farthest place, depending on traffic. Out here, a lot of the surgeries start at 7:30 in the morning. Even though I wear various hats within my role in a lot of the support roles where I’m involved in the cases, I do have to do a fair amount, like half my time is spent covering cases or how things are currently structured.
I got to get up early, get there on time, and make sure things were set up. From there, the good thing is I’ve put in the work already as far as making sure my staff, my surgeons, and people are trained. It’s not often that I have to stay for the whole entire case. It’s a matter of making sure everything is right for the people then I might be on to the next deal. From geography and a business standpoint, that is roughly $4 million worth of business. I can’t be at every single thing. A lot of my work is still networking and making sure things are good to go, but then I got to problem solve and troubleshoot things often.
Sometimes I need to do the entertaining aspect of the job too. Maybe we have to do a dinner program or meet up with some surgeons and staff. I do one of those types of things a week mass relationship driving activities. I would say I’m lucky if I have a day where I’m only working 5 or 6 hours the way my deal is set up. That translates to adding another two hours for this drive time. It’s a big sacrifice but it’s something that I appreciate.

Believe it or not, even though I wake up at 5:00 or so in the morning, I’m not a morning person. The drive actually helps. I don’t want to wake up and be talking to somebody in fifteen minutes, so that drive and find out what’s going on in the world and listening to some music gets me ready to go by the time I step foot in the OR.
What time do you normally get home?
It depends. If the day works out well and I can get underneath the traffic, I can get home by 5:00 sometimes, but if I miss that window, normally, I got home at 7:00. I literally left that house that morning at 6:15 and I got home at 7:00 PM. I’m someone that’s been doing it for many years. Everybody’s like, “You should be on the golf course.” The grind doesn’t go away if you’re doing it the right way.
Are your weekends compromised?
Not with this role. I’ve had roles in the past where I was on-call 24/7, 365, holidays, birthdays, the whole thing, but my weekends are pretty good. My Friday, I don’t count that as part of the weekend, but Saturdays and Sundays, the things I like to do are normally able to occur. On a rare occasion, if there is some surgery that is complex enough where they need to need help, I have no problem going in and doing that.
I think that’s also necessary if you get opportunities to come in late at night or work on a weekend. You’re also doubling down on your ability to deepen your relationships. A lot of times, any of these surgeons aren’t getting the same stuff that they’re used to, so they’re counting on you to teach them on the fly and ensure that they get the outcome they’re looking for.
It makes a lot of sense. Do you work with an associate sales rep?
I do. The way it’s structured at my company, they’re not assigned to me as an individual. They work for the entire team, but you’re seeing a shift nowadays. Back in the day, many years ago, if you were an associate, maybe you worked for the entire team, but you got paid an amount of money. Now we’re starting to see associates getting held to a number. Our associate program is one where they have to hit a plan and quota as well.
My territory isn’t involved in our associates, geography that they’re technically held accountable to, but they’re willing to. Part of their growth process means they also need to come experience other people’s territories and get a feel for their style. My associate worked with me on a couple of cases. I got a good feeling and woke up to complimentary messages like, “I like your style,” because our associates are relatively new. There is a lot of value in there, and I’m someone that thinks a lot about associates because I came in on a level that was even underneath the associate level. I know what it’s like to go through that progress and then see what it can become.
With the way it works with you, are the associate sales reps responsible for covering a number of cases for the team, or they’re given their own cases to cover?
It looks like this. My job should be pushing initiatives, introducing new products, deepening the relationships with surgeons, and handling some other administrative and personnel issues because the idea is the next step for me would be like a leadership position or some other position. That’s where I’m at in my career.
As I’m pushing these initiatives, I’m doing these other responsibilities. Times come in where maybe I have that trust from the surgeon. I need to go take care of that case. The bread and butter stuff and procedures that are considered a little bit more routine, the idea is that our associate reps can come in and handle that stuff. That way, we look like, “We’re all over the business, and we’re here for you.”
It’s not necessarily there’s a number for them to hit in terms of a number of cases, but we want them to look, learn, and develop that ability to develop their own sales and relationship-building process. How do we do that? The most effective way is hands down by providing support to cases and learning from the surgeons at the same time. Maybe you take an idea that you saw this surgeon, and you present it to another surgeon. That’s what we’re trying to create for our associates. It’s that ability to learn the business but then maybe not be that impactful with it and eventually get to that point through exposure.
[bctt tweet=”Be willing to find things out and be on call 24/7.” username=””]
You mentioned that you started below the associate’s subject level but took us way back to college. When you graduated, was it, “I’m going to be a medical sales rep,” or you have no idea that industry even existed? Give us your story.
I didn’t know anything about being a medical sales rep. I’ll be transparent. I was a college athlete at the University of Kansas. Shout out to the Jayhawks. During that time, I was Political Science major. I had every intention of becoming an attorney. I was preparing to go to law school, and then I went to a nightclub and met a young lady. A little bit farther down the road, we found out that we were going to be expecting our first son. It’s not necessarily in the plan or the strategy for the future. I didn’t think it was in the best interest to have her working with a brand-new baby and trying to deal with me studying law school.
I remember I had a rule. We had this committee called the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. What that was a body of us student-athletes and we would do certain things. I was the Jayhawk job network coordinator. We would have a few job fairs for companies that want to come in and hire athletes. I was the person that would set that up. I was like, “I’m not going to law school. I got a baby on the way. I need to get some prenatal vitamins. I need to figure this out. I need some insurance.” I was a 21-year-old dude. I remember this company that always came into these job fairs, so I got this job. Shortly after working there for about 90 days, the benefits kick in. Those prenatal vitamins, and 90 days after that, my son was born. My first son who’s now in college himself. It’s crazy.
What happened is I like turned on the hustle. I’m like, “I don’t want to be in this apartment complex with the kids playing in a dumpster.” I have to do well at that company. I ended up becoming the youngest manager that they ever had in history. I was in Kansas City at this time. I was there for about four and a half years. Again, I have no idea about anything, but I remember there were always these people that had fleet deals. Their car was in the shop, and they were dressed up. These are pharmaceutical reps and medical device reps that would come in, and they’re like, “Do this.”
I never knew what they were talking about, but they give you a car. That’s cool. I had a general idea about it. What happens is you go up a little bit farther down the road. I’m about four years in then I ended up having my second son. By the time that happens, I’m in this 80 hours week stuff and dealing with 40 other people. I’m trying to be a dad at 23 years old and all this stuff to two kids. It became a little overwhelming. I’m like, “I need to back off,” so I became an insurance agent. I go to this insurance company. I was selling the car insurance, and then I realized, “This isn’t it sitting in a chair. I’m more mobile.”
Around the same time, I only did this for a couple of months. I get a call from a recruiter and they are recruiting for medical devices. They’re like, “It’s a deal. Two things we’re concerned about is can you deal with blood and guts?” I’m like, “I don’t know, but I’m willing to find out.” They were like, “This is also a crazy job. You’re going to be on call 24/7, 365. It’s a lot. We want to make sure.” Back to my enterprise, which had its crazy moments like repossessing cars and stuff like that, I’m like, “I think it’s something that I can do.” They’re like, “We’re going to bring you in at the very lowest level, so your job at first is going to be to run the equipment around. If somebody needs something over there, you got to take it.”
It was like UberEats before that was even a thing many years ago. It takes a long time, but I get the job. I’m happy. I had a brand-new little car. I had to trade it for a truck because I had to carry all this equipment around, but I decided back then that I wasn’t going to do what my job was. I decided to work where I wanted to be, which would be a super device rep. By this time, I had an idea that some people back then were making some paper, and I was like, “I need to get to that spot. I got my foot in the door.” I didn’t focus on running equipment. I was begging them to let me attend cases, watch things, and learn things clinically.
I’ve focused on a teaching hospital because they had residents. Since I figured if they’re teaching the residents, I could be getting free. At this time, it was orthopedics education as well, so let me become an expert by being that fly on the wall in the room. I still do my job running the equipment then I started taking pictures of the sets and taking a deep dive, so when I got my opportunity, I would be ready to go.
A reoccurring theme throughout my medical journey is being overqualified to be qualified. I knew this at an early age. That’s what happened. I only had to be in that territory assistant position for two months then an associate role became open. That associate role was the number one rep for that company at that time. It was a perspective.
This guy had $5 million territory. He got paid 12% of that revenue. He’s making big bank, and he was paying me 1% of that. All of a sudden, there was a big windfall for a humble kid like me. I’m like, “I’m balling now. This is cool.” I was still getting my ass handed to me because it was 80 hours a week again. I’m missing kids birthdays, but I knew it was all for a purpose. From that job, I worked for that for months underneath this guy. It was challenging. We can talk a whole bunch about this because the guy that was working for was super successful but he was also, for lack of a better term, a hillbilly. He had some very questionable things that would come out of his mouth sometimes.
I’m like, “I don’t know. You might be getting a little too comfortable with me.” It was hard. When I got the opportunity to take on my first territory, he wasn’t going to give me any of his territories, even though he gets a lot of money for him to have. I was given the option to move to Grand Rapids, Michigan, Yuma, Arizona, or San Diego. San Diego is expensive. Yuma, Arizona was like the Hills have eyes. I’m a little weirded out about that. I was like, “Grand Rapids from Kansas City. I don’t want to go anywhere colder. I got to think about this.”
I go look at the Yuma deal and that manager was like, “I got an opportunity.” I ended up getting that role in Vegas. What do we know about Vegas? It’s a 24-hour city. It’s crazy. I’m already doing a 24/7, crazy 365 job, so my life was absolutely bananas, but it set the tone to show and showcase what I was capable of. When I finally got that opportunity after being an associate for months, I go to Vegas, and I damn near doubled my business and became a force of nature.
How long were you in Vegas?

I was in Vegas for seven years total for that company. I was in that role for three years and then had some personal challenges with my then marriage, so that led to the next change. I couldn’t be a single dad of a 365 crazy schedule anymore and beyond call.
What was the field in Vegas?
Kansas City and Vegas were both orthopedics trauma.
Give us some more depth. What does the life of orthopedic trauma look like?
My favorite thing is when I left that world after five years, somebody said, “You finally left the cult.” The thing is you got to be built differently to understand what it’s like to be, at that time, tied to a pager. We were talking many years ago. For those of the people out there that don’t know what a pager is. It’s a little Black thing and had a little number. You had to call the number back when it beeped in the middle of the night, and then they would tell you, “We got something rolling back. We got bilateral femurs.” It’s a crazy job because you are on call. It’s not like you’re saying it. You have to understand that these are orthopedic procedures, so there are fractures to your extremities.
That is not scheduled and not planned. These are accidents. This could be shooting and you got your arm shot. Now we have to get the bullet out and fix that. It’s all kinds of crazy stuff, and the other thing is there’s run-of-the-mill stuff. You might break an ankle or a wrist. That stuff happens to people, and you have to fix it as well.
Again, that’s not scheduled, so you have people that might do total joints or sports medicine stuff, but then they take the call ends. They’re putting these trauma cases on at 5:00 PM, 6:00 PM, and 7:00 PM after they’ve done their scheduled stuff. If you’re trying to go home and watch the latest episode of the Bachelorette and you don’t have a DVR, it doesn’t work. That’s relevant because all these medical sales rep exposures have happened because of people that were on the Bachelorette, even the last dude.
Now that I didn’t know.
I have a wife that occasionally watches that show, and I’m trying to eat something, so I get stuck watching a couple of episodes. You’re basically doing a lucrative career that’s making you sacrifice all the time that you value the most, which is the weekends and the nights. There were days, I’m not joking, when I was up for 22 hours because I became a specialist. If you had complicated stuff, I was working with those surgeons. Let’s say you had a car wreck and you broke your pelvis. Your pelvis is not an easy thing to put back together because it’s three-dimensional.
If a bone breaks like this, you put it back and put a plate on it. You’re good. For the pelvis, where your proximal hip fits into the acetabulum, which is the cup. If that acetabulum breaks, you’ve got to put the cup back together and figure out how to put screws in at the right angles so they are not poking through into the joint. These are cases that take ten hours. I had days that were like that. I had days that almost broke me.
I can think of a time when I was out on a date with the mother of my kids, and it was 3:00 in the morning in Las Vegas. I get a call, “This is Dr. Silverberg. I got a wrist fracture. I’m going to put on at 7:00 AM. Make sure all my stuff is ready to go.” I’m looking at the clock, and it’s 3:00 AM. It’s at Mountain View Hospital, and I’m like, “Mountain View Hospital doesn’t even have the equipment.” I can’t tell him that, so I got to figure this out. I’m like, “I’ll be there, Dr. Silverberg. Thanks. I appreciate the business.”
Now, I’m running, trying to sneak into another hospital, bag it out, show up there, call the house supervisor to make sure that it’s okay that I can bring this in a bag from their sister facility, and got an angry wife because now we’ve got to end the date. I’m walking into the OR without a shower, smelling like a nightclub. I was like, “Dr. Silverberg, how are you doing?” This is a real story. That’s that life, so it’s very different. I could handle five years of that, and I’m ready to change it up after that.
[bctt tweet=”You can’t be at every single thing. And so a lot of work is still networking and making sure things are good to go. You have to know how to problem solve and troubleshoot things oftentimes as well. ” username=””]
In that fifth year, what caused the transition? You said, “I’m hanging this up. We’re done with this.”
Part of it, obviously, was forced because I’ve never wanted to be a bad dad or anything like that. I can’t have little kids and be like, “Dad’s got to go take care of someone’s hip fracture. There’s some food. You guys would be good. Don’t tell your mom.” I couldn’t do that. I had to make that change, but I also had to make it in a way that made sense. What made sense to me at that time was to advance the needle a little bit more by getting more experienced. I was an expert at orthopedic trauma but I didn’t know about anything else. I thought about the surgical instrument world because one thing I know for sure is every surgery, for the most part, needs some level of a surgical instrument.
I thought, “I could get exposed to general surgery, spine, OB-GYN, and heart by selling instruments.” I’m selling instruments doesn’t mean I need to support the case because the doctors know how to use the tools. Maybe occasionally, but I could probably have more flexibility that way. I found myself working, at that time, in a company that doesn’t exist anymore. They split off from Cardinal health. They got bought out, so the roles are still out there. That was a job where the only real structural challenge.
This was the first job I had where I had a couple of multiple states. I was based in Las Vegas and covered Utah, Wyoming, and Idaho. Every other week, I did have to hop on a plane and provide customer service, engage with those customers, or whatever, but it was easier to navigate. Maybe not as lucrative as orthopedic trauma because orthopedic trauma is perfect for a hunter. You keep what you kill. This is more of like a capital sale. More of a, “How is your budget looking? Can we maybe do this? Let’s take care of this over 90 days.” It’s not transactional. It’s more like those processes to it, but it gave me a great way to learn the business side of things and learn how to deal with it.
Considering you came from so much excitement and trauma and having your schedule given to you. Whereas with your space, you’re now responsible for completely organizing your schedule to make it sense in a strategic way. How do you enjoy that in comparison?
I loved it because there’s so much strategy to it. For me, it was interesting. I came into what would be considered a conservative company, and here I was, this dude in Vegas and all these tattoos. I was like, “I’m not going to do this like everybody else. I’m going to bring myself and do what makes sense.” That was what the strategy was. I didn’t have to. I wasn’t told I needed to go to Utah every other week, but what it was is, “I’ll go every other week,” just so they think I live up there and they’re not sure.
I call it keeping my taste in their mouth. The transactional rep gets the deal, and it goes somewhere else. I was like, “If there are other instrument companies, I want to be there the most.” It gave me the freedom to figure stuff out. If it didn’t work, I could change it up and do something different. One of the things I talk about with that role is I borrowed a page from what I knew about Las Vegas.
Las Vegas is a city that is built off of nickel and penny slots. We hear about these people that are playing Black Jack, $100,000 at hand, or the casino gave him a Mercedes or something like that. We hear about that but that’s not how Vegas is built. It’s built one quarter and nickel or whatever at a time. That’s why when you walk in there, there are so much slot machines and everything, and they call that Low Rolling or Low Rollers.
I took that approach to my business of selling instruments. At the end of the day, the dollar spends the same way. If I go to this little account that everybody ignores and I get $10,000 from them, go to another surgery center, get $5,000 from them. Maybe in five accounts, I can get that $50,000 that I’m sitting there waiting for the cycle to happen at this big account that everybody’s after.
I changed the way I did my strategy. I was at my company for years and there was one year I missed my plan, and I was at 98.6%. I still remember the number. Everybody’s like, “How do you do that year after year?” I said, “I do it differently than you. That’s why.” That was the beauty of that job. That’s how that experience went.
You then went ahead to another company. Tell us a little bit about that. What happened that made you say, “I’m now going to change companies?”
At six years, there was the chatter, and they started encouraging me to look into being a leader, like taking on a management role or whatever the case may be within the company. I interviewed for a role, and got beat out fair and square. The guy had been around a little bit longer and carried himself a little bit differently. It still left a bad taste in my mouth because you walk into that and I would have been managing the whole entire West Coast of the United States. There were nine reps at that time.
I had read letters of recommendation from seven of them. I was clearly to hear a parent, and instead, they hired a guy that was maybe a little bit more refined, polished, and didn’t have the same results. It didn’t even carry the same back. It was fascinating. He worked for the same company, but it’s in a different division. It left a bad taste in my mouth and I thought, “Like I would expect that out of myself, I would expect this leader to be around for a while.” For me, it’s like, “I don’t have anything left to prove. I’ve proven that I can hit my number basically six years in a row and get these president’s clubs to do all these different things.”

It was time for me to think about, “What else could I do? I’ve been away from the OR for a while. Maybe I can get back to the OR but do it a little bit more different that is compatible with my life but still gives me that same fix of doing the business.” At that time, the company presented that to me. It was more of a biological job. You have those elements where it’s important for you to be supporting the surgeries because they’re focused on the CV or GYN space. That job was biologics that help control bleeding. Every surgery bleeds.
It’s almost like a combination of everything I was already doing. I got the clinical exposure I had in doing orthopedics. I get a broad range of things that I can learn and tackle, like surgical instruments, because bleeding happens in every surgery for the most part. It presented itself, and the money was good. I was like, “Let’s do that.” By this time, I’d already moved to Los Angeles. It was a great way to establish myself in the OR community in Los Angeles.
I took that job. I was there for about three and a half. I would say the biggest takeaway from that three and a half years, part of that time, was the pandemic. When the pandemic hit, what else did that come with? It came with a racial reckoning when you think about the George Floyd stuff. I was, at that time, working on a team where I was the only person of color. That’s in Los Angeles, mind you. In a super diverse city.
Certain things started happening. I think up until that point. I had never found my voice as an African-American male in an industry where we do not have a lot of representation at all. It was a lot worse many years ago, where I would consider myself a pioneer because I walked into a meeting for the first company, and there was only one other person that looked like me out of 800.
It’s come a long way, but at the company, certain things were said about the different things that are happening around LA. I got to a point where I was like, “I can’t listen to this anymore.” For my kids, they want to do what I’m doing. I don’t want to gaslight my sons if they say, “I want to be a medical sales rep. I got to say something.” I ended up getting a platform to become the lead person for that company that the vision is a diversity inclusion task force because they realized that you have a company with maybe 300 people in sales and 9 of those people were people of color from any race.
They knew that they needed to do better. They enlisted me. I remember having a conversation and set up that meeting with the vice president that was there. She gets on this call. It’s a Zoom, and I share my screen. I show her, and I’m like, “I put together something for you.” It’s an eight-page document. It had all these things starting with definitions like microaggressions and all this stuff, and she was blown away. I’m like, “I understood the assignments. There are people like myself that have been walking around with a lot of that stuff that hasn’t been using our voice for years and essentially, giving me the platform. I appreciate it, but I’m not going to hold back.”
I shared a lot of these different things, and I think it made that organization wake up in a lot of ways but also made me use my voice a lot more. I had to start producing content and writing articles. I had some pushback stuff. I remember one of the topics where I decided to do an article on unpacking Black Lives Matter because you had a lot of different people. This wasn’t a pro or con. It was like, “Don’t listen to the news. Here’s the historical reference thing.” Everybody said, “This is going to be too much.” I’m like, “That’s weird because I heard the vice president say it. She happens to be a White lady. Is it too much for me?”
I’m not even saying I’m supporting it. I’m just saying, “Here’s the truth. Here’s the origin.” It’s rubbed me the wrong way. Ironically, the president that was in office at that time says, “It’s illegal to teach diversity and inclusion and government entities. I have executive order to ban that.” That organization says, “We need to be in line because the government is a big customer of ours.” I’m like, “We’re not even doing anything. I was writing some articles that are optional to click on. This is crazy.”
That was Dorian Jordan part one. Again, make sure you tune in for part two. What I love about interviewing Dorian is he doesn’t hold back. He lets you know what he thinks and what’s going on. He has a level of candor that can only be appreciated and is very refreshing. Maybe you’re someone that’s looking to get into the medical sales industry, and you read this interview.
You’re thinking to yourself, “He’s doing something that I want to do,” but you maybe you haven’t even started yet, or you’ve been scouting the internet playing left and right, and not hearing anything back. Maybe you’ve got some interviews, but you’re not getting any traction, past the second round, or even the third round, or even spending all your days on LinkedIn, reaching out to random sales reps, hoping someone will give you some time.
I got to applaud all of your efforts, but if you’re looking for a way to finally make this dream happen, then you need to visit, and select Attain Medical Sales Role. Give us a little bit of information and have a call with one of us here at Evolve Your Success to learn how you can have a career change and experience and finally get into the dream job you’ve been reading about through these episodes and other episodes day after day. Stop wondering, stop thinking, stop guessing and take action.
If you’re someone that’s in the industry, you want this to be your year, and you know you have what it takes, but for whatever reason, you’ve got a little stagnant. You’ve hit a plateau. You know you can level up a bit, and for whatever reason, you haven’t taken action. Again, visit, select Improve Sales Performance, and take a look at our sales training program. Give us a little bit of information and schedule some time with us. Let’s have a conversation about how we can turn your performance all the way around and get you to winter circle and truly make your dreams happen.
As always, we do our best to bring you innovative guests that give you insight, perspective, and resources on what happens in the medical sales industry, how to change performance, how to improve lives, and how to change careers within this space. Thank you for reading, and make sure you tune in for another episode.
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About Dorian Jordan
Senior Market Sales Representative
16 year Medical Sales Veteran. Avid Sneaker Head
Medical Device> Advanced surgical instruments, surgical stapling, electrosurgery, access & ligation
Minimally Invasive Therapy Group
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