Building relationships is essential in the competitive field of medical device sales. It plays a crucial role in achieving success and turning innovation into life-saving accomplishments. In this episode, Dustin Schelling talks about endoscopy medical device sales. He explores the differences between endoscopy and other medical device sales fields, sharing how intimate relationship-building is essential for success. He also reveals the red hat revelation, the hidden signals of recognition in medical sales, and how they affect competition. Listen as Dustin opens up about his career evolution, the life-changing moments of the industry, and more. Tune in now!
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What Is Endoscopy Medical Device Sales With Dustin Schelling
In this episode, we have with us another special guest and he goes by the name of Dustin Schelling. He started as an Associate Sales Representative in the endoscopy space and has been an Endoscopy Sales Representative for years. In this conversation, you will learn all about endoscopy. What is it? How does it work? Why, if you’re interested, should you be in it? As always, we do our best to bring you innovative guests who are doing things differently in the medical sales space. I do hope you enjoy this interview.
Dustin, how are we doing?
I’m doing good. How are you?
I am fantastic. Why don’t you tell everybody who you are and what you do?
Thanks for having me on the show. I’ve been in the med device industry for several years. It’s been an amazing journey and I’m happy to be here.
We have a lot of people reading who’ve never understood what endoscopy is and have never been in medical device sales. They just know of healthcare sales and they’re reading for the first time. Talk to us. What exactly is the definition of endoscopy medical devices?
Endoscopy in the realm that I work in is a little bit outside of the normal term. Endoscopy in general is GI. You’re thinking of flexible scopes and colonoscopies. We’re not doing a lot of that. From a broader scale, what it encompasses for us is minimally invasive surgery. For anything that’s done through a small incision, our technology has a camera and a scope that we use to be able to visualize what’s going on inside the body. Our surgeons are making less of an incision. It’s better healing and recovery for the patient. Endoscopy in general is a minimally invasive approach that provides a better solution and outcome for patients.
As an endoscopy rep, what’s the setup like? Do you have a team? Is there a clinical specialist involved? Do you have associate sales reps? Give us a little bit about what the makeup looks like.
The dynamic has been changing. It’s a fluid environment like everything else. From a holistic perspective, typically you’ve got a region of sales reps. Let’s take, for example, the Pacific Northwest. It covers 3 or 4 states. Within that, you’ve got, call it, 10 to 12 full-line reps that cover certain geographies and accounts. Depending on the territory size and the sheer amount of business that it does, some of those territories will have an associate sales rep to help cover and manage cases. Also, to learn and grow.
For years, we incorporated a model of a clinical sales rep. We have one per region typically. They cover a broader scale and have fewer products. They’re way more clinically skilled and in tune with what’s going on. They’re able to have deeper conversations than maybe your full-line reps would about some of the technology and clinical applications. They cover a broader range but that’s the makeup of our team at least. That is similar to a lot of companies throughout the industry.
When you highlight the difference between the associate sales reps, full-line sales reps, and clinical specialists, and I hate to say this but I’m going to say it, what are some of the typical backgrounds that people have in those roles? I hate to say it because I believe that, especially in 2023, they should no longer be this thing as typical. If you can demonstrate the skills that are transferable, do so.
I get that question all the time with people who are looking to break into the industry and people who are trying to get a foot in that device. What I’ve always said is it was very apparent to me when I first started trying to break into myself. This is true for a lot of companies in med devices. They’re going to hire the individual. They’re not going to hire the background necessarily.
If you want to be a software engineer, you better have a lot of technical skills to be able to accommodate software engineering. If you want to be a director of software, you better have tenure experience doing that. What’s unique and what I love about medical sales is our background and the diversity of people that can come into this job and do extremely well is so broad. We have teachers, physical therapists, Navy veterans, and people from all different backgrounds.
If you’re driven, personable, someone that people want to hang around with, fun, and have high integrity, that is going to attract most of these companies. Those are the people that you want to line up with anyway. That’s who you want as a teammate and who you want to associate yourself with. I’ve always been a firm believer that if you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room. You want to find yourself with people who are driven and motivated. That’s what’s cool.
That’s what attracts a lot of the talent that comes to these companies. If you feel like those are strengths that you have, the background of which you have in your career is a new point. If you can get in front of the right people, hiring managers, and connections within these med device companies, as long as you are you and your personality and strength shine through, that’s the secret sauce.
Let’s get into it a little bit and talk a little bit more about what you are selling in endoscopy. You mentioned full-line and minimally invasive. Give us some context of what those things mean.
Specifically, we sell both, disposable and capital. The easiest analogy I give to people is for the capital side, you buy a refrigerator. That’s cool. You’ve got the bones of what the equipment is. You need groceries, and those groceries come and go. Those are the disposal products that are being opened and used in every case.
We are a nice hybrid where our business is broken out at about 60-40 of the split between capital sales and disposable business. What we’re selling from a minimally invasive approach is the camera that allows the surgeon to see. That camera is connected to a scope that goes inside whatever incision the surgeon is making. If you tore your ACL, they would make 3 or 4 tiny holes in your knee. They would stick a camera in and they would be able to see through this lens and camera. They then watch it on a monitor. They’re operating with their hands down here and looking at a TV screen. That’s how they’re doing the procedure through these tiny little incisions.
That is extrapolated across all different types of surgical specialties between orthopedics, neurosurgery, ENT, Ear, Nose and Throat, general surgery, your lap chole cases, and appendectomies. It’s such a broad field, which is unique for our sales reps and clinical sales reps. We’re seeing the full breadth of surgical specialties within the operating room. Most of it is based on a minimally invasive approach when it comes to our platforms.
Talk to us a little bit about a day in the life of an endoscopy rep. You’re waking up at what time? You’re doing what? How much of the day is cases? How much of the day is selling? How does it all happen?
Everyone’s sales strategy is a little different. What’s unique and something that I’ve always appreciated is autonomy. As a sales rep, you’re given a quota. There’s not a lot of micromanaging. You got to go get it. Your number is, call it, $5 million so go find $5 million. You’re not getting a ton of someone over your shoulder or some pressure to get reports out to you every week or checking in. In January, you’re getting a quota. In December, where are you at? That’s how it works.
That is something that I love. Autonomy is such a beautiful thing. That can be abused. People take it for granted. They can become lazy or monotonous. It can be detrimental. If you miss a quarter, you’re going to get fired. The day in life is different for everyone based on the way that they want to go about their business and how they want to sell but I will say a typical day is something like cases are starting around 7:00 or 7:15.
My approach was always to get there early. 1) It’s because you want to be there first. You want to be there before your competitors are going to be there. Get there first. 2) What I loved about getting there in the morning was their day hasn’t started and the chaos hasn’t ensued yet. They’re chatty. They’re not consumed with providing care to a patient. Your ability to have conversations with them, get information, connect with them, or whatever your motive is for that day, you’re able to do that before cases start.
Once cases start, you’re in there, helping troubleshoot, and still trying to build relationships but the likelihood of catching somebody at the perfect time goes down. It’s easier to do it before cases start. That’s one of the things that I always prioritize in the morning. Mornings were key. The case is a broad spectrum. On average, cases go from 7 to 5. Do you need to be there for every case? Not necessarily but it’s dependent upon your territory, where you need to be, and where you want to be. That’s the autonomy piece. You’re making it on schedule.
There are times when you may be in a trial and are demoing the product but you’ve got to be there for those. There are no ifs, ands, or, buts about it. Within the endoscopy, most of the procedures are elective. They’re scheduled procedures. It’s not like 2:00 AM and you’re getting a phone call like, “I need you here right now.” Most of the time, people are familiar enough with the setup because they’ve been doing it for so long that they’re good on their own. That happens occasionally. It doesn’t not exist but for the most part, it’s scheduled cases. You’re able to control your schedule to some degree.
The day-to-day is variable. It’s never the same. You could be out of this glorious plan to be in all these cases and then an account calls an hour and a half away and their monitors work. The surgeons are set and you’re in the car or on the road. That’s something I love about it. I love the chaos a little bit. Maybe I’m crazy but it kept me on my toes and kept it interesting.
You take advantage of the mornings. How many cases would you say that the average endoscopy rep is doing a week?
Probably 3 to 4 cases a day so 20 to 25 cases a week.
Usually, they’re between what time frame? I know it can vary but what’s the general?
It’s 75.
When are you selling? One thing you said that I want the audience to get some context on is to get there before your competitors do. You’re trying to get to your surgery that you scheduled in which your product will be utilized but you’re still trying to get there before the competitors do. Explain to us what’s the dynamic there.
There’s a lot of fish in the sea. You got to be a shark. There are no ifs, ands, or, buts about it. If you aren’t, you’re going to get beat. I don’t know what the saying is, something about 80% of the jobs showing up. That’s so true. This will roll into your question about selling. The amount of times and opportunities that present themselves simply from being there is where most of the selling is done. You’re setting up meetings with surgeons and doing things to get your products in front of them, product fairs, flying to trade shows, X, Y, and Z.
All that stuff is incredibly impactful, especially the trade shows and conferences. Nurses and surgeons are different outside of the operating room than they are in the operating room. Those things are impactful. With that being said, 70% of my selling was done in the OR. Something happens. A problem arises. They’re having problems. I’ve got a solution to that problem. It’s a need that they sell.
The best representatives are the ones that can drive needs. They can figure out a way to create a need within the hospital and then leverage those opportunities once they come. “This competitive product is having a problem with the camera. It’s not giving them this function, X, Y, and Z.” You’re there. You hear it. You’re on the spot. You can respond. That is a subtle sell to get your product in front of them and that’s the majority of the way that most of them are.
It’s cool that you’re breaking this down because I don’t think this is talked about enough. We’ve talked about it a few times on this show but it’s not talked about enough for these people who have never done this and they want to be sales reps. Your competitor being in the room ready to undercut you at any moment is ever-present. Talk to us a little bit about what the scene looks like so we can give our audience some context.
In the hospital, they make reps wear red hats. Everyone else is wearing blue. You are called out immediately. Everyone wearing a red hat is a medical device or some medical professional or industry professional. It’s immediately known that you’re a vendor. There are no ifs, ands, or, buts about it. You have to sign in, get a red hat, and wear a sticker with all your credentials. The clowns are walking through the hallway. It’s easy to spot other reps that are in the room. There’s a bunch of different reps.
Take us for example. We’ve got 20-plus divisions and there are 20 reps in every account across the country. They’re not all on that account that same day. Maybe some cover bigger geographies. Take that time to all the different companies, there are a lot of reps in the hospital. You become acutely aware of who your biggest competitor is very quickly. If you don’t know who that is, you probably won’t be in this role for very long. You become very aware and keen to who is your competitor, who’s trying to take your business, who has the business, and who are you trying to take it from.
I grew up playing sports. That was so vital to my life. That competitive nature is something that has always been a huge draw for me in this industry. This is the closest thing to competitive sports there is. It is the most competitive and intense day-to-day. Someone’s coming after you or they’re coming after your table. You have to defend it or try and take theirs. It’s a fight.
[bctt tweet=”The competitive nature is something that was always a huge draw with this industry.” via=”no”]
It’s a big kill.
I’m getting excited about it. It creates a fire. To me, it’s a motivator. You surround yourself with people who are successful. You’re trying to succeed and win. It’s so competitive but your competitors are everywhere and they’re always going to be. Try to outsmart them, be a better strategic player, and then show up.
I say wow because everything you’re saying I’ve heard but the way you’re saying it, you can see that as you pointed out, you got a passion behind this. The competitive nature that carried you in your youth when you were in sports is still very much alive. It’s why so many competitive people are drawn to medical sales. That’s cool to see. Highlighted that, even though you’ve been in endoscopy, you’ve had the opportunity to see a bunch of different fields and see how they are or maybe come into contact with reps that come from them so you know what’s going on. In the best way possible, how would you say endoscopy is different than other fields in medical device sales?
There’s a level of intimacy with medical device sales in general. You’re very close. The relationships are number one. You can be the best clinically developed rep in the country. You could have the most tenure and know the products better than anyone else. If you can’t build a relationship, that’s all for nothing. If you can build a relationship and you halfway know your products but you have got these people and you are super tight with them, the odds of you being able to get that sale are exponentially higher.
[bctt tweet=”There’s a level of interest intimacy with medical device sales in general.” via=”no”]
All those things are incredibly important, being driven, being a product expert, and being able to build relationships. Relationships is the name of the game. A lot of sectors of med tech or med devices are intimate and relationships are always key but with this one, because you are so customer spacing and present every single day, the relationship piece and the intimacy of the job are so critically different in this role.
It’s not just the surgeon, nurse, or scrub tech. It’s not SPD, supply chain, or BioMed. It’s all of them. They all have a say and all have a different part of the process. The C-Suite is involved. Every single part of this organization and structure has a say and input on whether this $3 million capital deal is going to go through. You’re the one narrating the story. You’re getting the right people to say the right things and getting them to say it at the right time. You’re the orchestrator. You’ve got to be the one moving the pieces.
The beauty of this job is it’s intimate on so many levels. You start to understand the organizational structure of the hospital, all the key contributors, all the different facets, and what’s important to them. What’s important to the BioMed, CFO, and surgeon are all very different but you’ve got to be able to develop an intimate relationship with all of them to be able to have all of them singing the same song and get them to the end goal, which is getting the order and facility.
What would you say the average sales cycle for endoscopy sales is?
We’ve got two different types of buying cycles. You’ve got customers who are cash purchases where they buy it in cash and then typically want to use that equipment for longer periods. You’ve got teaching institutions and high academic facilities or just a facility that wants to be on the cutting edge of technology. Think about endoscopy technology. We typically launch a new camera or a new generational platform every 4 or 5 years. That’s standard across most medical device endoscopy-type portfolios where cameras are being innovated.
Think about it like an iPhone. You have an Apple iPhone and Galaxy. Every year, they’re coming out with something new. Ours is typically 4 to 5 based on every camera provider in the market, whether that’s via software or actual new hardware but you typically have two different buying cycles. You’ve got cash and they typically hold those for longer. You’ve got leases that are institutions that want to stay at the forefront. They want to be thought leaders and have the newest technology.
Those leases are typically 3 to 4 years. They’re getting the new gears that come out. It’s two different customer sets and every customer is different. It’s hard to pin one versus the other but you’ll get a sense of it once you get your feet on the ground and start to understand the customer’s buying cycle. In a nutshell, that’s what it looks like from a purchasing pattern and turnover on camera generations.
[bctt tweet=”Every customer is different. ” via=”no”]
For people who are reading and are excited by everything you’re sharing about what it means to be in endoscopy, real quickly, who is the person that should stay away from endoscopy and who’s the person that should be running to endoscopy?
I’ll start with the easier one, which is who should come to endoscopy. If you’re incredibly driven, competitive, loyal, trustworthy, have high integrity, and always want to do the right thing, that’s the baseline. That is the people we attract, want to run with, and surround ourselves with. That is the market of the type of individual or the type of talent we’re looking for.
That’s a standard.
Take it a step further. I want to be the best at whatever it is I’m doing. I want to make as much money as possible. That’s a real possibility. It can be life-changing. The other piece of this that is so critically important is truly having a passion for making a difference. That sounds cliché. People say that a lot but for me, what the technology does and what it helps surgeons identify or potentially mitigate surgical complications is a real profound difference maker.
Let’s level-set everyone. That’s your grandmother, sister, brother, or whoever it may be. If you can get that into a surgeon’s hands, the technology is preventing some catastrophic event from happening. That is a real difference-maker in people’s lives. You can get caught in the minutia of, “I got to hit a quota. I’ve got to get these metrics or go convert this account.” It’s easy to get lost in that but there are moments in time when you’re in the OR and something happens. You’ve prevented something. It’s because you enabled the surgeon to use this technology or whatever it may be. That is a profound moment.
I’ve had 4 or 5 of those throughout my career where it sits you down. That is making a difference. It’s the main reason why I wanted to go into this role or field. All those things combined are a secret sauce for someone that we’re trying to attract and would be successful in the role. If you’re reading this, it’s probably not attracting you if you’re lazy and entitled, and also if you just want a territory to make a lot of money. You think the med device is the secret sauce to make money and have this lifestyle. It’s been blown up to be a super lucrative industry. It can be but it does not come without hard work. You ask any of the top reps across the country and they’re working more than any of the reps that are making way less than them.

Those are the facts of it.
It is not without hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. If you’re not willing to put in the time and effort and be dedicated to your craft and customers, it’s not the industry for you. If it’s a part-time thing and you just want to get into it to see if you can make money and say that you’ve done it, it’s not going to work. You’ve got to have a passion for it, have that competitive spirit, want to be the best, and want to make an impact.
I want to ask you a question. You’ve been responsible for hiring people. You’re responsible for helping manage the success of other people. When it comes to hiring someone, you’re evaluating them for their authenticity. They’re telling you, “Look, Dustin. I want to be on your team because I want to help people.” I love how you said everybody says that because that is the most said phrase for anyone interviewing for a medical sales position. What are candidates doing that makes that phrase real for you?
You can’t always tell by your resume but sometimes, a resume will give you indications like, “Are they volunteering? Have they had a place in their community? Were they in a fraternity and sorority, and did all these extra things on campus to be a part of something bigger than themselves?” It’s things that are near and dear to my heart. Take the Special Olympics, for example. That is something that I’ve always had a huge passion for and that is something so profound to me individually.
You look and try to understand, “Of all these people that say they want to make a difference, that’s everyone saying that. Give me an example of how you’re doing that.” It could be something that they’re doing for their brother or sister. “Give me selfless action that you’re providing to others that has no benefit to you.” That’s what I want to see. If that can shine through, those people can illustrate that point.
The biggest barrier to entry in this field, in my opinion, and others may not share this opinion, but entitlement is the dagger. If I feel that you’re entitled in any way, shape, or form, to me, that’s an immediate turn-off. I don’t think that behavior and personality traits will shine. It will not make you successful in this industry. If I can see people who are selfless, driven, humble, want to be the best, want to succeed, and want to make a difference and there’s action behind it, that is tangible. That’s something that I can run with and get a sense of.

There are a couple of things I want to get into and then we’re going to wrap it up. Let’s go back to your beginnings. You graduated college. What did you think you were going to do?
I had no idea. I went to college at Iowa State. I switched my major four times. I had no clue what I was going to do. I ended up getting a degree in Kinesiology and Exercise Science. I wanted to go to a Master’s school for Athletic Training. I did a stint in Athletic Training at Iowa State. I toured schools. That was what I wanted to do.
What was your sport?
I didn’t play in college but I helped every sport with my little stint in Athletic Training. I knew I wanted to be something exercise-based. My degree was in Exercise Science. My backup plan was I want to try to either go to PT school, be a trainer, or something like that. Truthfully, if I’m being honest, I did the math. I was like, “What was it going to cost to do all of that in my passion about doing these to take on the financial burden of hundreds of thousands of dollars to be able to pursue that career path?”
For me, that wasn’t an option. For the other avenues, I was already a personal trainer on campus that I was state. I had a site visit to Life Time Fitness in Des Moines, Iowa. I met the manager there. I found out very quickly that that might be a cool fit for me. It’s something that I might be able to get into, like it, and make a difference in someone’s life. That’s always been something important to me. I did that right out of school.
I was a personal trainer for a year and had an amazing manager. I met some amazing people. My clients were the best. This is where it gets funny. I had no idea what I was going to do. I was a personal trainer but I was like, “I don’t want to be a personal trainer forever. I don’t know what this looks like but it’s fun and my clients are amazing.” My clients were like, “You shouldn’t be doing this. You should be doing something else. Let us help you.”
That’s a blessing the type of clients you have to share that message with you.
It was a small group with personal training clients. I would meet with them and get them to sign on for personal training. I’m still in contact with them and I have been working with them for several years. I was truly blessed with the people that I got to work with. They come from all different backgrounds. Some are younger. Some are older. I have clients who were 75 and clients who were 32. I had this small group of women that I loved to train. It’s a freaking blast. They made me laugh. One was like, “My friend, Allie, wants to set you up. You can try and get her to sign on a personal training.” I’m like, “It sounds great.” I met someone and the rest is history.
Give us the Cliffs Notes. The first time you said you’ve had 4 or 5 of these moments in your career, we got to get the first one. When you were doing the job, you were an endoscopy rep and you were like, “I am an endoscopy rep.”
The first one was probably the most prominent, too. It was crazy. I started the call by saying endoscopy is a minimally invasive approach. It’s a small incision. They’re doing it. It’s had better outcomes for the patient with better recovery times and less of a scar. There are a lot of benefits to minimally invasive surgery. However, we bought a platform that’s done in open surgery. Long story short, you can see blood flow in real-time which you can’t see with your naked eye. We bought this device that allows us to do it in open surgery as well.
In the first case that I had this moment, I was in the OR and they were doing a CABG. It’s a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft. It’s the heart. Someone’s had a heart attack and they’re creating a graft. They either take a vein from the leg or arm and create a new channel within the heart using one of those graphs. They go in and stitch it. I’m in the case. They’re looking to see if the blood is moving through this graft from the body to the heart because they stitched it all together.
The surgeon was like, “Let’s go.” They’re ready to close the patient. I’ve waited. It’s like a five-hour case. I’ve been in the operating room for five hours. They used it at the very end but forgot to use it. I was like, “I would love to see if we could still use this technology before you close up. He’s like, “Yeah, let’s do it.” He gets everything ready and gets the drug going. They inject the drug. They are shining the camera. Sure enough, the graft was kinked and so the blood flow was bouncing. It wasn’t going to the heart. That moment saved my can. They looked back at me. We would have closed this patient up. They would have gone to post-op and would have been back in this operating room.
You straight up saved a life.
It was a profound moment. It’s something that I’ll never forget. I’ve had several moments like that. It’s pretty humbling and grounding. Of all the work, hours, sacrifice, and things that this job does take from you, those are the things that make it worth it.
This is amazing. Thank you for sharing that story with us, Dustin. That is fantastic. We’re going to bring this to a close. Real quick though, tell us your family makeup. Are you a single man at all the time to make this work or do you have this family that you have mastered family and business? How do you make it all happen?
I have no family. Honestly, for every job I’ve taken, this isn’t the way that it has to be. I’ve moved for every role and promotion. I’ve been all over the map. I’ve been open to relocating. It doesn’t have to be that way. Opportunities have presented themselves and I’ve had the ability to move and take on new roles. That’s been exciting for me. It’s something that I haven’t shied away from, not that you have to do it that way.
It’s something to say though that if you want to start as an associate sales rep and within less than 10 years, get yourself to an executive level, you want to be willing to relocate every 2 years. That’s how those things happen in that shorter amount of time. That’s understood.
It can be done without it. The timeline is probably going to lengthen. If you are able to be fluid and flexible, the opportunities that will present themselves will be more fruitful. You’ll have more opportunities if you’re willing to relocate but it’s not to say that you can’t. A little easier in the timeline might speed up.
We’re going to wrap it up with a lightning round. The first question is, what is the best book you’ve read?
Never Split the Difference is probably the best book I’ve read. That’s a classic sales strategy book but I hadn’t read it for a long time. I reread it. It’s a killer. That book strategy is so good.

I’ve read that book twice but because of this mention, I’m going to read it one more time. That’s good. I like it. Favorite TV show or movie that you’ve seen.
I started Yellowstone and I have been cruising through it. I’m on Season 3.
You can’t get enough.
I know. It’s so good so I’ll say that.
Best meal you’ve had. We want the restaurant and the item. Where is it?
Guard and Grace but I’m changing it. Though, that’s a great restaurant. For those of you in Denver, that’s a fire spot but the actual winner is Born and Raised in San Diego.
What’s the dish?
They make this tomahawk steak. They’ve got this cheese broccolini. That’s fire. Their espresso martinis, they put them on dry ice, chuck the dry ice out, and then make the espresso martinis in the glass. It’s like a treat.
Here’s the last question. What’s the best experience you’ve had?
I have traveled all over the country in this job. I have been to some amazing locations. I’ve had the opportunity to launch a product within this organization, which was a unique experience. I honestly can’t say that I’m going to boil it to one but the opportunity to see all these new locations, go to all these places, experience the culture and all these different cities, and be a part of a tremendous product launch has been a unique experience and something I’ll never forget.
This has been fantastic. Thank you for sharing that with us. Dustin, in a short amount of time, you have made some amazing leaps and strides in your career. You had so much wisdom to share with us on endoscopy and working at a company that’s playing with the best of them. Thanks for the time. We can’t wait to see all the amazing things you do in the future.
Thank you. I appreciate you having me.
That was Dustin Schelling. Great stuff. It’s critical for us to ensure that you, our wonderful audience, get clear on what it means to be in certain spaces. Endoscopy has been a growing space in popularity. A lot of companies are expanding their endoscopy sales forces so it’s only imperative that we bring you that knowledge you can understand. For those of you who read this episode and are thinking to yourself, “Endoscopy sales is where I want to be,” even if you’re in a different field and you’re thinking, “I’ve never considered that but I want to look into endoscopy,” you already know where I’m going to tell you to go.
Go to the website Fill out an application, submit it, choose a time with one of our account executives, and let’s get you to where you want to be. We are here to help all those out there get into the profession of working within medical technology companies and improving your performance within them. As always, we do our best to bring you guests who are doing things differently in the medical sales space so make sure you tune in in the next episode.
Important Links
- Dustin Schelling – LinkedIn
- Never Split the Difference
About Dustin Schelling
Dusting Schelling is a marketing manager for Stryker, and he has been in the med device industry for about seven years. He started as an Associate Sales Representative in the Endoscopy space and has also been an Endoscopy Sales Rep for over 4 years.
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