Military veterans coming out of service often find themselves pigeonholed to a limited selection of careers, and medical sales is hardly one of them. However, companies are certainly missing out on some excellent qualities that these veterans can bring to the profession from their military background. Joining Samuel Gbadebo in this episode, retired US Army artillery officer, Kyle Siordia is a very good example of how well veterans actually perform in medical sales. Now holding the distinction of Key Account Manager at Invitae, Kyle shares how he got into the genetic testing niche and how some of the things he learned while in the military helped him excel in his profession and rise up the ranks in a relatively short time. This episode is also an eye-opener to the genetic testing space, which is quite a world of its own in medical sales. Like all other fields in medical sales, however, the biggest thing to remember in this space is putting patients first – a principle that Kyle can hardly overemphasize.
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Bringing Military Selling Prowess To Medical Sales With Army Veteran, Kyle Siordia
We have an interesting guest, Kyle Siordia. He is an Account Manager for Invitae, specifically in fertility testing. That’s in the genetic testing space. The company he works for is interesting because they have a genetic test for every stage of life, all the way from preconception, pediatrics, adulthood and looking into hereditary cancers. Kyle has put himself in a position to sell this testing to customers all around his territory. Change and impact the people’s lives in the fertility space, specifically, women that want to get pregnant and that do IVF testing. It’s fascinating stuff. I’m proud to bring this episode to you because it’s a field in medical sales that’s not too often discussed.
In this episode, we’re going to get into not that interesting career that Kyle has, but the fact that Kyle is a veteran. I want to take a moment to address the fact that we’re moving forward with a veteran awareness. We’re going to have this episode and our next three episodes are also going to involve veterans. The whole reason behind this is there’s something I’ve noticed in my career. I’ve also noticed it with other people where the people that have a military background that enter any type of medical sales, they bring a level of discipline, a level of focus and a level of performance that’s noticed.
I wanted to take that thought to task, get some successful veterans in here and find out what that is about. That’s what we’re doing starting with Kyle. I hope you enjoy this episode. It’s a great episode. We get into the details of what he does in fertility testing, how he got there, his military experience, what he’s learned, why he sees and what he sees when it comes to a veteran coming from the military life and jumping into that civilian life and some of the roles they can take within the medical sales space. Enjoy the episode. Thank you for reading.
Kyle, how are you?
We’re doing good. How about you?
I’m fantastic. Thank you for joining us on the show. I’m excited to talk about all the information we have. Kyle Siordia is in genetic testing sales. Kyle, why don’t you go ahead and tell us who you are and a little bit about what you do.
Thank you for having me, Samuel. When we originally connected and I told you I was looking for some educational content while I’m getting some windshield time. I needed to veer away from my true crime and all these other shows and I came across yours. You had some great guests and great information. Thank you for making this show and asked me to come on. I’m with Invitae Genetics. Invitae is a genetics lab that has a genetic test for you at any stage of life, whether it is preconception and you’re considering getting pregnant all the way through pediatric testing and through adulthood testing with hereditary cancer diagnostics, and a full battery of other testing. Whatever stage of life you’re at, Invitae has a genetic test that could benefit your health and benefit your family.
My focus is primarily on infertility genetics. I am a key account manager for the Southeast region of the US. My call points are reproductive endocrinologists, more IVF doctors.
How does someone find out about these genetic testing? Is it something that’s referred by a primary care physician? What’s the process?
In the past, it had to be a specialized referred test because insurance coverage was shaky on it. It was expensive if you didn’t have insurance coverage. There are many labs out there that offer it at an affordable price. You put the ownership on the patient like this information is available. It’s no longer tens of thousands of dollars to receive this information. If you would like to know your genetic makeup when it comes to your carrier status for various disorders. If you’d like to know your diagnostic hereditary cancer probability, we have tests available for you. You could order from home on your own, it gets approved by a doctor, or you could simply get it from your primary care, your OB. My patients get it from their reproductive endocrinologist when they’re going through IVF treatment.
I can get my genetics evaluated from home. How does that work? Is it through your company? Is it through my insurance? What’s the first step to do something like that?
The first step would be to go to our website, and you could order from home. You select the test that you want and it’s confirmed by an actual MD. Say you have a strong family history of breast cancer in your family and you order a panel that isn’t focused on breast cancer, Invitae can steer you in the right direction for that and say, “This would be more suitable given your family history.” You can order it directly from home.
That’s a fascinating field to be in. I can only imagine how you found out about this. You got to take us back to childhood. What was the dream in childhood? What did you decide to do in college?
The dream in childhood was to make the NHL. I grew up playing competitive ice hockey and roller hockey ever since I was probably 8 or 9 years old and that was my dream. I was the tallest kid in sixth grade. I was the tallest kid in eighth grade, I’m like, “I’m going to be the tallest kid in high school.” For some reason, I stopped growing in eighth grade. My dreams were halted there. From there, I wanted to get into the business.
That blended into what would be awesome is some special agent with the government or some law enforcement or investigation. I went to college at California State University at San Bernardino. I got my BA in Business. My first job after college was that department that after you graduate, they call you and say, “Would you like to donate to this program or this building?” That department’s called Advancement and Development.

My job was to put together these financial portfolios of some of our more successful alumni. We had a rep that would get in contact with that person and ask for a certain amount in a gift or some fund back to the university. My job was to do all the open-source investigation and say, “You should go out this person for $50,000, $100,000, $150,000.” That was my first job. I liked that. I thought I could do bigger. I thought I could do these investigations on a federal level. I want to be that special agent. I want work for the FBI or whatever.
As I was going through school, I looked at these applications. A lot of them had either an advanced degree requirement or some military service. I said, “I’m going to do both.” I stayed at San Bernardino and I got my Master’s in National Security with a concentration in terrorism. I figured I’m going to join the military as an officer to make myself the best candidate for this job in the future. I went down and spoke with these recruiters. For some reason, I didn’t consider the Navy. I knew I didn’t want to be a SEAL. I knew I didn’t want to stay on a ship for six months. I didn’t give the Navy a shot, which I should have.
Why do you say you should have?
Looking back on it, my friends that are Naval veterans, talk about how every base that they lived at was right on the beach. You traveled to all these highlands and stuff. I spoke with all the branches in the Airforce and they had a long waitlist. I would have had to wait 1 or 2 years in order to go. The Army said, “Come on in. You sound like a great candidate for the Officer Candidate School.” From there I became a field artillery officer and I served primarily with the First Armor Division.
You’re in the military, what happens next?
I deploy a couple of times first to Africa for nine months next to the Middle East for nine months. While I’m deployed, I’m considering, “I’m getting out.” My goal was to never spend twenty years in the military. My goal was to get military experience, use that, and then become a federal law. While I’m there, I’m thinking, “I’ve been gone for nine months. My family misses me. My son and my wife miss me.” I came back and I trained up for a month out in the field again. I came back for 2, 3 weeks at home. You leave for a month again to train again.
Come back and then get deployed for another nine months to the Middle East. I was thinking if I do federal law, it’s going to be the same deal. It’s going to be a lot of time away from home. It’s going to be a lot of time training. I’m not sure if this is the best thing for my family. I think of different options. I think of the private sector and unfortunately, I get pigeonholed as a veteran. You think, “When I get out, I’m going to do maintenance or I’m going to do logistics.” I’m going to do this or that, construction management, which are all great jobs, but it’s not what I wanted to do.
Why does that happen? Where does that come from?
It’s because that is a lot of what military officers go through. You are handling property books. You are ensuring the maintenance of review cycles is always in tip-top shape. You’re dealing with personnel and administrative tasks. Those three things fit into your wheelhouse of skills and qualities that you learn as a military officer. I knew I was going to get out. I link up with these third-party recruiter services. They’re called JMO. They find us careers on the outside when we get out. You essentially tell them three criteria and it’s where do you want to live, how much you want to make and what industries you would like to be in. They always found me two out of the three. They would find me a cool job in this industry at this compensation rate but it was in Wyoming or a Southern California job at not the compensation that I wanted. I almost signed an offer letter with a company doing maintenance warehouse management.
The day I was going to, I received an email from my recruiter that was like, “If you have any objections, I found this last company for you. It’s cool. It’s in genetics. I don’t know much about it, but it’s in Southern California. It’s at your price point in the medical industry. Do you want it?” I took the offer and I interviewed with a company called CombiMatrix. CombiMatrix was a small diagnostic lab in Irvine that focused primarily on pregnancy loss analysis. I’m thinking, “I have no idea about the first thing about miscarriage analysis.” I tied it back to thinking when I joined the military, I didn’t know anything about field artillery. I learned that and I gained some qualities that I took from my civilian life prior to military service and then I took some qualities from military service back into civilian life.
That doesn’t normally happen. You said that normally these different types of roles are being offered. What was it about? Was it the recruiter that said, “You should go in a different direction,” or did you voice something to the recruiter to say, “I want something a little different than what’s typically offered?” How did that come into play?
I said, “I don’t think that I want logistics. I would love something in sales.” I didn’t know in what capacity, whether it was industrial. I interviewed for a company that was strange. It’s these devices that shake apple trees. The recruiter reached out with that interview requests from CombiMatrix and he said, “This is a great military-friendly company that is in the medical industry.” I had no idea that was a thing. The CEO, Mark McDonough, was awesome. He’s a great guy. He was a former Naval officer. I had a one-on-one with him and he said, “My first job outside of the Navy was in medical sales. I had a great mentor who led me to be successful.” He wanted to pay it forward. It was his company specifically that sought-after veterans for sales positions.
I can only imagine how blown your mind was when you started getting trained. Talk to us a little bit about what that experience was like. When you first started getting out there and selling, what was that whole experience like?
I struggled at the beginning. It was a completely different field from what I was used to, but I have to buckle down and learn the science. I had to learn what chromosomal abnormalities in products of conception meant. I had to learn what causes miscarriages on the chromosomal level. I had to dive deep into genetics from a foundational level and slowly build upon that until I could turn the facts that I’ve learned and the training that I learned into more of a story when I’m presenting to providers.
I only had two products to talk about. The primary product was products of conception testing to figure out why a miscarriage may have occurred. My first day out thereafter I did all my training, I go out there and I flopped. It was difficult to take the type of communication you have to do on the military level which is, “You tell me the information right upfront. You tell me why it’s a better alternative and a better plan than what’s happening and then you get out of there as quickly as you can.”
[bctt tweet=”Be there for the ‘no,’ be there for the ‘no’ again, come back for the ‘maybe’ and then come back for the ‘yes.'” via=”no”]
I would go into these offices and say, “Hi, my name’s Kyle. I’m from CombiMatrix. X, Y, Z is why we’re a better offer than what you’re currently receiving. Where do we stamp the approval and begin testing?” We all know that’s not how it works. You need to get in there and build that relationship. You need to be on a level with the provider that they can trust you. They understand that they’re sending their patients to you, but you need to develop yourself into a partner with that group.
I struggled with that at the beginning, because like I said, communication in the military is, “You tell me the information that I need, and when you leave.” I would find myself like, “That’s what I got.” I would like essentially end the meeting. That’s the worst thing you could possibly do. The provider wants to sit and talk with you. You better stay and build that relationship. I had a great mentor at CombiMatrix that taught me the IVF space and then I also had a great mentor that taught me more of the OB space. I built from there and CombiMatrix was acquired by Invitae during my time there.
Has there been a major change going into Invitae or is it the same thing?
There was a major change, but it was all for the positive. Invitae is an amazing company that treats its employees like family. It’s a great culture to be in. We were offered a lot more products to sell in our bank too. I was limited at CombiMatrix. If the provider wasn’t interested in the product that I had, I didn’t have much else to talk about. My original position with Invitae was women’s health and oncology. I would go to an OB and I would have a handful of products to discuss. You could keep the conversation going. If they’re not interested in this then I have this to offer and we could talk about this. We can talk about that. It was a different feel. Invitae is a large company. In CombiMatrix we had like 40 employees. We went from 40 teammates to 900 overnight. It is a completely different culture, but it was a great change.
I love the fact that you had this military experience that you’ve tied into your success within the medical sales space, specifically Invitae. Give me your top three skill sets that you received in military training that’s carried over into making you a successful representative in Invitae.
There’s a lot of these skills within the military that you finally tune that you don’t think about while you’re doing it. As a rep, one of the biggest things you need to learn is communication skills. You need to be able to communicate your product, communicate a story, and always provide value at every visit. Dr. Smith knows that when you come into their office or you email them to ask for a meeting, it’s because there’s a good reason you need to be there. You’re not going to go in there and talk about the same things you talked about last time.
The ability to convey whatever information you have in a flowing eloquent story-like method is something that you hone in the military because you need to sell yourself. You need to sell what you’re doing in the military to your commanders. I was in field artillery in a world where there are laser-guided bombs and stuff from the Air Force. Artillery can seem dated. The artillery provides a lot of value to the battlespace and provides a lot of support to the troops that are out there. You need to sell a reason why he needs to allocate this artillery to this mission, whatever it may be.
That carries over to being a rep. Secondly, it’s self-discipline and motivation that go together. You need to have the self-discipline to make those calls, get out there on the road. You need to have the self-discipline that if you don’t have a good day, that you can motivate yourself to get up early tomorrow then reflect on what happened the day before, what you need to do differently, and how you can grow. Another skill is being thick-skinned. Being the military is not easy.
We all can relate to that. We all know enough about the military.
You develop a thick skin. It’s the same thing as a rep in a different way but similar. You need to be able to understand how to handle rejection. When you feel you have the perfect pitch and the perfect product or the perfect solution for that provider and they grabbed their sandwich for lunch and they say, “Thank you.” Then walk away. You need to realize and think about a new approach. You need to have that thick skin to not take it personally to not take it like, “What did I do that made him get up and walk away or made her get up and walk away?” You need to have that thick skin to accept rejection when you feel you have the perfect laid out. I was like, “Tell me some good advice.” He was like, “This is what makes me want to use a rep. This is what is a good rep. Be here for the no. Be here for the no again. Come back for the maybe, come back for the maybe, and then come back for the yes.”
One thing you mentioned that I didn’t know is that in the military you have to sell your commander on an action to take. Talk to us a little bit more about what you mean by that.
Whenever you are either in a combat situation or you are developing a plan for training, or you’re overseas and you’re trying to figure out the best way to complete an objective. Each is called S Shops. Each S shop is going to go to the commander and talk about communications, intelligence, logistics, artillery support, and armored support, and talk about their portion of how they want to contribute to the overall objective.
As a battalion commander or company commander, you do not sell your artillery to the commander. He’s going to put you guys in the rear doing some rear security and not doing your artillery job which you train for. If you could tell him or her, “This is how we can support the infantry. This is how we’re going to support your logistics to complete this objective.” This is how artillery is valuable in this situation. You sell that service. Your troops to complete and assist in completing that task because there’s probably no worse feeling than having everyone else try to complete a mission and you don’t feel like your hand was a part of that.
Is it too much to say that officers know how to sell well coming out of the military and going into the private world or any space where they can get their own position out of the military?
Many of them do. Many of them are good at sales, self-discipline, and having that thick skin, which sets them up specifically to be a great medical sales representative. It’s unfortunate like I try to hammer this and every [phone] that I know that’s getting out to do this medical sales life because not only is it a fun career, it’s extremely rewarding. You could affect the patient’s lives in a positive way. I can’t think of a better way to do that than being a medical sales rep for a product that you believe in.

That’s clear on how you can go from the military with your skillset and bring it directly into a role. In Invitae, what’s the goal for you as far as where you want to take your career? What do you see on your horizon? Where are you trying to take things? You’ve been in this space now for around three-plus years. Where are you seeing things going?
I started out as a local rep covering Southern California Orange County, Inland Empire, San Diego that area, and now I got promoted up to a position called key account manager in a specialized team in the IVF side of the house. I now handle about five states where I work with the reproductive endocrinologist to select either a carrier screening panel or PGT-A for their embryos, miscarriage analysis for their unfortunate miscarriages and I would like to continue to grow in that.
I love my boss, Debbie, but whenever she’s ready to move on to that retirement life in ten years or whatever, I would love to be the director of IVF for Invitae We can continue to grow the product line and grow our market share. That’s why I would love to see myself maybe some training role where I could train not just IVF, but maybe our oncology and IVF teams. I could provide a lot of value there too.
In addition to the military, where do you commonly see new reps come from that get into this space of genetic testing?
Genetic testing is a niche when it comes to medical sales. A lot of the reps come from different genetic labs that may have done different but similar things. They understand genetics. They understand the call points. We do get a couple from the device, a couple from pharma but mostly it’s from different genetic testing labs.
That sounds obvious because they understand a lot already and they have much exposure to this opportunity to be a genetic testing sales rep.
There’re many things to test for in genetics but if you’re interested in oncology-specific, you can come from a lab that may have worked in infectious diseases or a different type of blood lab, but now you come over to the oncology side of MBTA and you’re focused on those breast surgeons, those genetic counselors, those OBS. You pinpoint exactly where in genetics you would like to be.
Let’s talk about the actual role a little bit more. I want to know for those reading that may be interested in this field that are not coming from pharma or medical device, maybe come to a completely different industry altogether. I want to know what they need to understand to be able to even demonstrate that they can be effective in this role. What’s the nature of the beast when you’re getting up in the morning, you’re getting ready to see your accounts? How does it work? Are you going straight for the provider like in pharma or is it more of an account sell? Is it something completely different? Do you have to see C-Suite, the provider, the accounts, and some other health systems? Talk to us a little bit about how it all works.
In my division in fertility, it’s going to be a little bit different than what you laid out. Fertility centers are often independently owned, essentially like a small business from one provider or maybe a handful of providers. Within that office, you’re going to have many moving parts that have a hand in the decision to use a lab. Every single office is going to be different. When I go to a brand-new office I’ve never visited, I’m going to start to ask these questions about where the decision-maker is in the office.
Sometimes it’s a provider. Sometimes it’s going to be a billing manager because the last thing almost primarily cash-based business in fertility is a bad Yelp review or a bad Google review or a bad Facebook review. They’re going to make sure the billing is squared away and in order. Maybe the billing manager is the decision-maker or maybe it’s the nurse manager, the one who is in charge of the nursing team who orders the carrier screening, who does the blood draws and who does the requisition forms.
Maybe it’s going to be the office administrator who is in charge of making sure the day-to-day operations run smoothly. If you go in there and your process is completely different than what they’re using, it’s going to throw everybody off and they’re not going to be successful. Maybe it is the provider who says, “I’m going to do whatever is clinically best for my patients regardless of the cost and turnaround time or whatever.”
That’s where your investigation skills need to come in where you need to figure out who is going to make the decision here, what are their frustrations and how can I help this practice be the best practice that they can be. I like to see myself as more of a partner than a rep that comes in. I am the partner to assist their group. When I go in there, that’s step one. My step one is to fill out where the decision is being made for whatever product I’m offering them.
Step two is to earn their trust as a rep and as a company to have them start sending their test to us versus one of our competitors. That sales cycle could be anywhere from one meeting to one year. These fertility groups are often well-oiled machines because if you have compounding delays that delay new patients getting the office which affects their top line and their bottom line. They have it down to a science.
A patient comes in on Monday, has blood drawn on Monday, two weeks later, their results or their carrier screen are in. Two weeks later, they’re going to start the stimulation of this and then this cycle and then this, and then that. If it is delayed by a week here, five days here, one day here, those compounding delays are ultimately going to keep patients out of the office. Sometimes it can take a long time to bring that office around regardless if you’re a better price point. If you’re clinically more comprehensive than your competitor if you’re this or that. If that workflow changes and if those delays occurred from growing pains, from switching to a new lab, they’re not going to be happy.
This might be answered to the best of your ability. What’s the expectation if you have sales cycles that can be as short as a week and as long as a year? What do they want to see from the management’s expectations? In pharma, it’s quick. When you get in the field, you’re responsible for your product. In a medical device, it can be fairly quick. Even in lab testing and lab sales, it can be quick. With genetic testing, if you’re looking at a week to a what’s the overall expectation?
[bctt tweet=”When you get into medical sales you need to always have a patient-first mentality. Keep that in mind and you’ll be fine.” via=”no”]
The expectation is to continually move the needle. Maybe that’s a cultural thing in Invitae that as long as you’re showing progress and you’re showing that you’re out there and you have to get from A to Z and you’re currently making, steps, A, B, C, D, E, F, like you’re getting your way there, the expectation is you continue to provide value to that customer. You continue to show them the benefits of using Invitae. If the sale doesn’t come tomorrow, that’s fine, just don’t go stagnate on it. Don’t get desperate and make this ultimatum to a group that’s going to ruin your chances. Take your time. Continue to move that needle for the partner, assuming it’s through the provider, and hopefully earn their business later on.
With these types of products, is it a contract type setup or they’ll use it for as long as the relationship’s good? How is it set up?
It’s rare that contracts are set in place within these groups. A lot of it is whoever’s offering us the best product, whoever offers us the best workflow, whoever offers us the best solution for whatever frustration that we’re having. If someone better comes along with a more comprehensive test or it is what it is. That’s what steers some people away from fertility is that it can be touchy. These groups can drop you after being a steady customer sending X number of patients per month. They find something that is more suitable for their practice or provides more value. They’re going to switch to that new lab without any contractual obligation.
For all of those reading that wants to get into this space, whether they’re coming from device or pharma from a different field completely, what is the number one thing you would have them consider when thinking about getting into this space?
Getting into genetic testing, I would say you need to always have the patient first mentality that everything you do can potentially assist someone in creating life if you’re in the fertility side like me or if you’re on the oncology side, you can save a life. Everything that you do need to have that patient focus mentality. A lot of people probably give that answer, but in genetic testing, we are telling you your foundations as a person. We are going down to the nitty-gritty genetics of what makes you, you.
We are able to give you a personalized approach to medicine whether it’s diagnostic oncology testing, or you’re trying to see if you and your partner are carriers of the same disorder that if you’re going through IVF if your carriers are the same disorder, there’s a different plan that you need to take when you continue on with your pregnancy journey. If you’re in pediatrics and you have a young child that seems to be affected by a disorder. You’ve got to think of that childlike you are assisting them with having a better life. If you maintain the mission to bring genetic testing to these patients, you’ll be okay. Even when the days are terrible and no one responds to your emails, or you get doors shut on you or doctors won’t see you, or whatever the case may be if you maintain that focus that, “Even if a doctor sends me one patient, I could have potentially assisted that doctor in ending a genetic disorder and that family forever.”
That’s a big responsibility and a huge payoff from a personal standpoint. I’m going to switch gears a little bit here. Let’s go back to you, Kyle. Let’s take you back all the way to when you left the army. You’re about to start with CombiMatrix. You’ve gone back in time with everything you know now, what would you tell yourself?
It’s slowdown. I would have a meeting with a provider. I would talk with them about everything that we do. I would lay out a plan for them and then they say, “That sounds great. Let me think about it. I’ll get back to you.” In my military head, I’m thinking, “Is this like two hours?” The next day, if I didn’t receive an email, I would reach out to them and say, “We met yesterday. You said you were going to make a decision on this or that, what are we doing here? I would love to work together.”
When in reality, sometimes these decisions are at the next all-hands meeting a month later or at their quarterly lab meeting. I would tell myself that patience is a virtue. If you could show patience with doctors, making these decisions, keep in touch when you have something valuable to provide but no one wants to be with someone who’s desperate. I think oftentimes, me from the military having such hard times for everything like, “By this time, this happens.”
I was expecting that same thing in the civilian world when that wasn’t the case. I think I may have handcuffed myself a couple of times with being a little bit too eager. I think it’s showing some patience, letting things play out like I said, touching a base when I have something valuable to provide, and showing them that, “I’m here to help you. I’m not here to make a sale. I’m not here to do this. I’m here to help your practice.”
It’s demonstrating your resource as opposed to trying to get a sale. That’s the best thing you can bring to the account. Thank you so much, Kyle. I’m going to ask you one last question. Is there anything you would like to share with the audience before we sign off?
Thank you to all my brothers and sisters who are serving in the military. Thank you for everything that you do. It’s not an easy life, but we appreciate it. If you’re considering joining the medical sales field, always keep your patients first. Always think about every sample that comes in or every device that you sell is something that could potentially save someone’s life or greatly improve their quality of life. Keep that in mind and you’ll be fine.
Thank you, Kyle, for sharing this with us and spending time with us. We look forward to catching back up with you and seeing how everything’s going in Invitae.
Thank you so much, Samuel.

It was lovely to interview Kyle because we got to see some of the reasons why veterans can perform well in a medical sales role. We went into the depth of what Kyle’s upbringing look like, how he even got introduced to medical sales, and then, more importantly, we got into the transitions that he experienced getting into the industry and what skills he was able to carry over and be effective with to become a performer within medical sales. We also got into what is genetics testing and what are some of the specialties within genetics testing like IVF and what does that mean to be that sales rep and who your customer is. It was a fascinating episode.
I want you to stay tuned for some of the upcoming episodes, because like I said earlier, this is going to be a military focus. We heard Kyle and the next episodes, you’re going to hear a panel of veterans that are going to talk about a lot of their experiences and how they were able to create that success within the medical sales industry having that military background. For all of you reading out there, if you’re looking to get into the industry, veterans included, remember we have a program called The Medical Sales Career Builder.
This program is designed to help someone like yourself develop the personal brand, master those interview skills, and develop and utilize a network to get you a position within a company that you want to work for. I highly recommend you visit and you take that assessment. Set up a call and discuss with us how you can get a position in the industry. For those of you reading that are thinking about improving your performance, and excelling this year with this COVID environment, things have gotten tricky as far as what to do and how to perform, and you’re looking for ways to perform and show up, visit and check out the sales builder tab and learn about our sales builder program.
Schedule a call and let’s have a conversation and talk about how you can ramp up the performance this 2020. It’s always a pleasure to speak with all of you out there and share this wonderful information with you. I try to bring a challenge to every episode. My challenge as I challenge you to think about why you got into medical sales. If you want to share, please visit the site To the bottom right, you’re going to see a send message tab and send us a message on why you got into the industry or anything else you want to know on any upcoming shows. Thank you for reading. Make sure you tune in for some more veteran perspectives.
Important Links:
- Invitae
- Kyle Siordia
- Mark McDonough – LinkedIn
About Kyle Siordia
Key Account Manager at Invitae
IVF sales professional.
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