Evolve Your Success

MSP 37 | Medical Device Sales Representative


Medical device sales is a unique field where a lot of sales calls are not in the clinic. The reps usually catch the doctors in their surgical space or office-based lab. A continuation of the previous episode, Steele Lightfoot and Samuel Gbadebo go deep into Steele’s background and go through a list of important things people need to remember in this type of role. Steele also talks about the difference between the W2 and the 1099 sales rep, a question that Samuel often gets asked. If you’re someone that’s in position to make a decision about it, this is a wonderful episode.

Watch the episode here

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Getting To Know Your Medical Device Sales Representative With Steele Lightfoot (Part 2)

We’re returning for the rest of the interview with Steele and he’s going to get into the differences between a 1099 sales rep and a W-2. There are some pretty big differences. I love that he goes into it because some of you out there have asked me questions, “Should I take on a 1099 role to show that am I competent enough to do a W-2 role? If a major company is offering a 1099 role, should I take it?” Steele is going to do his best to shed some light on how to take in and understand what it means to be 1099 or W-2 as a sales rep. He also touches on more of his background and what he experienced in the field and what his conclusions were on how anyone that gets the opportunity to take a position in this space should see things. Thanks again for joining us and I hope you enjoy the rest of this interview.

I want to take it back to your experience. People need to know where did you get all this experience and how long have you been in the industry?

I’ve been in sales for many years. I’ve been in the medical industry, if you include my experience in the hospital, for many years. I started early in college. I was an orderly in the operating room. My dad’s a surgeon, my uncles are surgeons. I’m spoiled when it comes to being a doctor’s kid when it comes to recognition in the operating room. I’ve worked for everything in my life from an early age. I’m fortunate about the ethic he instilled in me when he didn’t have to, but as a doctor’s kid in the operating room, you’re known like, “You are doctor’s son.” I’m like. “I have to live up to their standards.” I’m fortunate for that in my life because it allowed me some positions and some things to do that maybe I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise, but early into that job as an orderly, cleaning rooms and restocking items, I was afforded the ability to learn to be the first assist.

A first assist is a person that helps the surgeon retracting. What they call retracting is helping hold wounds open, holding sutures and grabbing instruments on a basic level. It’s helping the room and the surgery actually move forward. You’re scrubbed in to the procedure, your hands are on patient and you’re helping the physician and the staff. I did that in college way back in 2007 and learned the OR quickly. I was working a lot. I also got to see medical device reps for the first time when I started doing more orthopedics than any other specialty. Towards the end of my college life, I very much learned that college was not for me. I did not want to continue to be in higher learning any more than I knew to be.

As I tried to transition out of my college life into an actual big boy job, I was lost and didn’t know what to do. My girlfriend at the time, who is now my wife and I sat down and had some real heart-to-heart discussions about what is it that I want to do and what do I like doing? Ultimately, she and I both fell back on this job that I had in college in the operating room. One thing led to another and it’s like, “There are medical device sales and that’d be a cool job. The more research you do like the data you see and put out, it’s a lucrative business. It can be fun and interesting. I don’t need anything, but a college degree for the most part and the willingness to move anywhere in the country.”

It’s 2009 and we’re in the middle of the worst economic downturn we’ve had in a long time. The statistics on my graduating class, 8% were employed and 3% were employed in their field of study. It was rough getting a job coming out. It wasn’t something that you did want to do at all. I was fortunate to meet some people in college to get some interviews at some medical supply companies. Some of the bigger ones are big chains across the world. I tried interviewing some of those places and none of them panned out and I found this medical device job in Houston, Texas. I drove out there and my little beat-up car and did an interview for a low-level entry orthopedic rep job.

He likes the interview and said, “Why don’t you come back in a week?” I was like, “I got a trunk back out here again in seven days.” This when I graduated but was working as a veterinary tech in my hometown. I found a way to get back out there. I convinced him that he needed to give me the job. It was the best break that I’ve gotten short of marrying my wife. It was an orthopedic job in Houston, Texas, and that’s another piece of advice I’ll give somebody who’s in this industry or wants to be in this industry is if you’re not willing to relocate for your first job, you might be getting a lot of noes, for that simple reason. I get it. I like where I live, which is my hometown essentially.

My family is here and my kids have their cousins, aunts and uncles. I get that. If you’re not at least willing to show that you’re willing to do what you need to do for your career, people might look at that and read between the lines. Once I got the job, I’ve jumped at it. I didn’t have kids. I wasn’t completely married at that time. We were engaged, but got in the car, packed my stuff up and left. I completely devoted myself to learning every single thing I could for as long as I could so I can get a full territory. I was extremely fortunate. Houston, Texas is the medical capital of the world. In most respects, it has the largest per capita medical community in the world, for sure.

There are about 400 plus medical facilities, hospitals, surgery centers in the Houston Metro area. Houston has 4.5 million people population size. It’s bigger than the State of Alabama. It’s a lot of people, but it affords you the opportunity to learn in the best environment that you could as a new rep. I remember three days into my job, not knowing where I was or what I was doing. My boss going, “Take these things here and we’ll see you later.” It was a sink or swim moment. I was thinking for a long time, and this is all I learned is to at least float with my big old belly and then, I eventually learned to swim. I did that for a little while.

MSP 37 | Medical Device Sales Representative
Medical Device Sales Representative A medical device sales job doesnt need anything but a college degree for the most part and a willingness to move anywhere in the country


That was with which company?

It was with a distributor of Acumed. They’re an orthopedic trauma, a niche company.

Your first position was in the 1099 role.

As a matter of fact, I was 1099 up until July of 2019. I spent the majority of my career as 1099.

Can you break it down a little bit for our audience, for those that might not know what the difference is between a 1099 and a W-2 rep?

Depending on where you are in the country and what state you’re in, it can mean a lot of things, but 1099, you’re not an employee of the company. There are certain things that those people who hire you don’t have to provide like taxes or benefits or anything like that. You are a contract worker. There’s a lot of things that come with that, that is good and/or bad. You are a contracted worker to sell a certain thing for somebody who owns the right to a certain area. My boss had the right to sell Acumed trauma products to Houston and the South Texas Market. I was hired as one of his contract workers to sell those items.

In some of the 1099 and W-2, something that people need to think about and understand that 1099 model which usually infers that there is a distributor of some form who is your boss who has multiple people like you and your level, and maybe some managers above you. It’s a much more common thing than W-2. W-2 employees are usually based salary plus commission employees. They have benefits. Usually health benefits or some type of fun stuff like a company car or a company credit card. The health benefit is the big thing. You’re getting your retirement normally paid for and health benefits paid for in some form or fashion and your taxes or at least their half of it.

As a 1099 rep, I didn’t learn any of this the easy way. I got the job offer and I said, “Yes, please. I’ll be here tomorrow. Don’t give it to somebody else who’s prettier than me.” You have to pay all of your taxes as a 1099 representative. You rarely will have medical benefits and expenses paid for. It’s all very determinative. In my position, when I started out early on, I had small benefits and some of my gas was paid for. I had some health benefits, but it was not full health insurance, but when it comes to taxes, you have to be prepared to take out whatever you determine is the right percentage. I always took out 30%. That’s the highest tax bracket that I would ever be in in my entire career.

I knew if I took out 30% of my income right away and never touched it, that when the IRS came knocking, I had it. You have to do some education, do your homework and read into specifically what your employer providing and more importantly, what they’re not providing. That’s a funny word that you use employer because you’re not an employee. You’re not supposed to be. You need to learn to do taxes and to find your own private health insurance and what that means for you. Depending on where you are in your life and whatever phase you’re in, it can mean yes or no to a job.

[bctt tweet=”People are very different, and sales allows people to win in different ways.” username=””]

You were a 1099 rep for a while and when you describe it, the question becomes, why was he a 1099 rep for so long?

It’s simple and this happened in my interview process. I tell the story all the time. At one point, in our conversation, my dad was a surgeon, but I was raised with my mom and my stepdad. My stepdad was a lawyer before he passed. I was extremely fortunate in life. I thank God for that every day. I didn’t want for very much, but I was also instilled early that I had to work for anything that I wanted. I had a job from the age of twelve, but it came up in the interview process. I had my boss look at me and say, “Why should I hire you, expect you to do anything and to work hard?”

I stood up and walked to the window that was in his office. I pointed to the parking garage down below, “You could see my 1992 Camry that was still smoking from how I have driven it 600 miles. That’s why.” In that conversation, he was clear and was like, “You understand this is a 1099 position.” He explained it a little bit. I said, “You’re telling me I can make as much money as I want to as long as I work hard?” He’s like, “Yeah.” I was like, “Sign me up.” In that phase of my life, I didn’t have my wife yet. She didn’t move out there with me. I didn’t have children. I didn’t have friends where I was in Houston, Texas and I had work.

You are at minimal risk with all the ability in the world.

It’s me in a 400 square-foot apartment. That’s it. I didn’t need anything but frozen pizzas for 1.5-year. It was a phenomenal way for me to cut my teeth. It proves my work ethic and what I told these people I had. It showed them ultimately, because about seven months into my job, I got promoted to a full territory rep, that I was willing to work as hard as I could to make as much money as I could. Things have changed in the many years since I did that. The “standard of living” and the demands that people are putting on employers has changed a lot from then to now.

I was told I can make as much money as I wanted to. I was told I was getting a job. The norm is 1099 in orthopedic device and more so than not. A distributor type role is more common than not. Depending on where you are in the country, some States are pushing that you have to have W-2 and not 1099 for a lot of various reasons. It is harder to find a job as a W-2 in orthopedics that’s not like total joints or something that’s a little bit harder to get as an entry-level job.

Some of the non-entry level jobs as you continue to build experience, you can find those. There are some companies like Johnson & Johnson and Smith & Nephew are our two big ones that you can get a W-2 job. It’s a scaled down version. You’re getting some benefits, some salary, but your expectations are different. Your ceilings are much lower. You have to do a pros and cons list and accept what you want to accept and then go for it.

It sounds like you’re saying that in 1099, you can make more and you have more options as far as career options. Did it start out that way as opposed to starting out with a W-2 position?

Pretty much, yeah. You’re stealing as 1099 is usually higher because you’re not getting benefits that somebody else was getting. You’re also going to see more opportunities at 1099 because this is a cheaper model for a corporation to have than it is for them to bring on employees. If they’re not paying for somebody as healthcare, retirement, salary, and car, then some people say, “Why would I? I can contract people out and it’s easy to hire, easy to fire, and cheaper.” You usually have to make up for it and tell the contract employer, “We’ll give you a higher percentage and we will make sure you have what we call on-cap commission.” W-2 employers can go, “No, I’m going to cap your commission because I’m giving you benefits. I’ve given you $50,000 of unseen income that allows you to do what you need to do.”

MSP 37 | Medical Device Sales Representative
Medical Device Sales Representative Houston Texas is the medical capital of the world


It’s easier to find 1099 jobs. In theory, you can make more money. You will see W-2 people making more money than 1099, but that usually means that 1099 rep is not as good as the W-2 rep. In this industry specific, you don’t see this in the vascular space that I’m in now. It’s all big corporation companies and their divisions. It’s a lot different, but in the orthopedic space, which is the main driver and medical device, in my opinion, it’s common.

I want to shift gears here a little bit and talk about leadership. Tell us a little bit about your leadership experience.

I’ve always tried to be in that type of role. I enjoy having the chance to lead somebody and to change somebody’s trajectory and their life whether it’s on the sports field or arena or in the military or even in the jobs I’m in now. Early in my career, at some point, I had interactions with people that I had to be responsible. Not until about the midpoint in my career that I have a true team, people that for the most part, reported to me and I had direction on whether they were there or not and what they did. It was an eye-opening experience because those first couple of years where I was a territory manager and a true team lead territory manager was interesting, especially when I went through my first hiring and firing processes that I at least had a say in.

I was working for a distributor who had the ultimate say, but he would defer me because that was my territory. Ultimately, that person was working with me and it was my opinion that mattered most. It opened my eyes into leadership roles and how difficult they are. Especially nowadays, people are different and sales allow for people to win in different ways. You have to acknowledge that. There’s no one coverall, one sales strategy that’s going to cover every single individual. My wife has been good about enlightening me on personality traits of different people and how they think, you come and you’ll do these aptitude tests and these personality tests that are common in hiring processes nowadays.

It allows you to see how people work, but more importantly, it allows you to see how you’re supposed to lead them and how to manage them. I had some bad experiences with younger generations early on and I would try to impose my will, “This is how I did it. I’m a part of the OG Group. You don’t even know how we had it back in our day, our pagers and payphones.” I’m not that much older than them, but that’s how quickly the industry accelerates forward. I’ve learned quickly, you can’t take that approach and you have to take every single individual as they are and see how you can lead that person successfully. It’s how you mold a team of individuals around you that will determine whether you’re super successful or average.

You got to have somebody that picks up in the places where you let down and if there’s anybody that thinks they have it all, and they can do everything and every single facet, then they’re lying to you. They’re not being humble about it. They’re not going to survive very long. You have to accept that you have weaknesses in certain areas and certain things. One big example is I’m not an overly pushy rep. I’m not super aggressive. I’m much more of a builder. I’ve learned to be much more of a challenger in my days. There was a phenomenal selling series in a book called The Challenger Sale that I make everybody read.

It blew my mind that as a relationship builder, which is what I would peg myself as, “I was not going to be the most successful rep.” It blew my sales career wide open. I learned quickly that there are some scenarios where you need the pushy guy to get across the line because that positions need and that’s how they respond. As a leader, I’ve learned in bad ways that I need to be much more patient and diligent about understanding the individual and how they fit into the team as a whole versus what I think everybody should do and imposing the wheel like a dictator. In my opinion, it’s not going to be survivable in the long-term if you don’t do it.

You’ve covered Acumed and 1099 life with Arthrex and now Cordis, which is your W2 lifestyle. Say as much as you’re free to say, what do you see for your future? Where do you intend to take things and what would you like to take?

Cordis is a phenomenal company and I’m super blessed to have this opportunity. The cardiovascular space is something that I’ve wanted to get into for a long time. It’s ultra-competitive in a very different way from the orthopedic space. The majority of people in the sales side of this industry or the clinical side of it came out of a cath lab or have cardiovascular experience in some form or fashion. I’m the oddball out, although I’m much more common nowadays than in days past where people are using sales success to fill roles versus cardiovascular experience in the past. The ability that Cordis has afforded me and my family is unmeasurable. It was a decision that I had to make and for myself.

MSP 37 | Medical Device Sales Representative
Medical Device Sales Representative The standard of living and the demands that people are putting on employers has changed a lot from then to now


I love orthopedics. That’s something that will always have a place in my heart because I did it for so long. I have lifelong friendships and relationships with physicians, staff, nurses and people. The cardiovascular space has challenged me in such a different way and it’s refreshing to be a part of it. If you look at it from a business standpoint, I’m a W-2 employee now. I have health insurance that’s provided for me essentially, I have other accessories that are nice. I have a company car and have some of those benefits there. I’m salary plus commission. I’m taking home something for my family and my children regardless during COVID times is nice to know.

I have great friends that 1099 orthopedic reps who are taking out loans and trying to make ends meet because their bosses are getting hit with a lack of business. It’s the industry that it is. This industry is pretty recession-proof as a whole. People don’t stop getting sick, they don’t stop having heart attacks or breaking bones. They might not use your stuff to fix it and that’s where you could be in or out of a job. Cordis has been phenomenal for me and my career. My pace of life has changed dramatically. My industry in my specific discipline is not as high strong generally when it comes to my job. When you’re talking about heart attacks and trying to save limbs from being amputated, it’s all high stress.

You’re dealing with a vascular system that you can’t see until stuff goes wrong. It’s highly strong, but when it comes to my day to day, I’m much less attached to my pager and my cell phone than I’ve ever been. The point in my career where I was getting burnt out and it’s a common thing you see. Usually, a lot earlier in their career than when I made many plus years in and made the switch. In my opinion, I didn’t have the resume to feel valuable to a bachelor’s company until then. Once I felt like I could be an asset, then I went for it. Cordis has been a godsend in every way. I had managers and a company as a whole that care about us individually.

The stories that I can tell about Cardinal Health, Cordis, and the small family, we would be here for days, but it’s a great company that cares about their patients and employees. It’s not to say that my previous ones didn’t, but it allowed me for my phase of life to be happier and more content with where I am. I do what I love, which is helping patients and helping doctors treat their patients and have good outcomes.

On that note, I want to ask you, when you’re doing your job, what typically happens when you get to say to yourself like, “That’s awesome. I feel so good about what I’m doing.” Is it something you’ve heard from a surgeon? Is it something that you’ve heard from a colleague? Do you ever get to hear what patients say? What normally happens when you have that self-talk of you that’s proud of what you’re doing?

I wish I could tell people that it was a patient response. Patient interaction is little as it should be. In the spinal cord stimulator space, you get a little bit more interaction with patients because you’re talking to people.

They’re developing actual relationships with the patient forever.

You’re adjusting leads and things on patients, so they don’t feel pain or you are talking to them and touching to them. There are certain aspects of medical sales like bracing where you interact with patients. On the medical device side, it is rare that you have patient interactions. Sometimes you see it in recovery, depending on your products that you’re doing. Sometimes you see them in clinics when they come back for follow-up. In my career, when it’s not reaffirmation from my numbers which is tough sometimes to sit there and watch your number day-to-day. As an ultra-competitive person, I warn people against doing that. I do it now, but it can eat at you, especially when you’re having a down year or a super up year and then your year changes and quota doubles. It can be dangerous. You need to look at the big picture.

If it’s not that, if it’s not reaffirmation with hitting my quota or a target, it’s been the surgeons in my career. It’s always been in a setting where I have challenged the surgeon on what they’re doing in the middle of a procedure. They look at you and go, “That’s a good point. Thanks for telling me.” At the end of the case, they pat you on the back say, “Thank you for being here. That was a good move or a good call. I appreciate it.” My ultimate goal is to be able to look a surgeon in the eyes, have a conversation with him or her about what they’re doing and why they’re doing it, and know that they can view my response, my opinion, as well as they would a colleague.

[bctt tweet=”If there’s anybody that thinks they have it all and can do every single facet, then they’re lying to you.” username=””]

I’m a guy from Alabama who has a Zoology degree. Why should they care about my medical opinion? That’s where you build yourself up is, “I have years of experience. I know what I’m talking about.” If you do the right things and you do your homework, read every day, put your face in a journal, know your competitors better than they know you. If you do all of these things day-in and day-out, it will happen. The surgeon will look at you and view you as an asset. You also know easily if you aren’t wanted. If they don’t want you around, they don’t respond to you. They don’t talk to you. They don’t ask you.

I have surgeons that call me and asked my opinion about things. It’s humbling to know that these smart individuals are asking me my opinion on something because they value it. I’m learning to try to not get so much validation out of my career and try to focus on things that matter, like my family and my faith. My career has been all-consuming in my life that it is nice to have those moments where a surgeon says, “I appreciate that. It was needed and thank you for that.”

Please give us any last words to the audience that you feel everybody needs to read.

Set yourself apart in some way, don’t be average in any way and bring a notebook to the room where you go. Always have a notebook in your back pocket. I learned this from people that I look up to in my life. It says a lot about who you are as a rep and potential rep if you’re not willing to learn. You want to better yourself and be there for the patient. Have a notebook in your back pocket that you can write your notes in and what you’re learning every single day. I don’t care if you’re 1 year in or 20 years, it doesn’t matter. You’re always learning. It never stops.

If you’re not thinking about the patient first, you don’t need to be doing this job. I don’t care how much money you’re making. If you’re a millionaire and life is great for you, if you’re not thinking about the patient, then this isn’t the industry for you. This is our way of extending out and affecting patient’s lives without being physicians ourselves. This is how we do it. This is our little special way behind the table that is affecting patients. Keep the patient first, carry a notebook, try hard and see what happens.

Steele, it was awesome having you as a guest. Thanks again. I look forward to hearing more of what you do within your future.

Thanks. I appreciate it.

I’ll talk to you soon.

Take care.

MSP 37 | Medical Device Sales Representative
Medical Device Sales Representative As you continue to build experience you can absolutely find those non entry level jobs

We got the full understanding. We know we’re 1099 and W-2 fit. He spent a long time in the 1099 space. I loved how he said from his experience, that role gave him a lot of grit. It gave him a lot of that bare-bones attitude that I think anyone that wants to enter a medical device space needs to be familiar with and/or get familiar with. They’re up to the task if they step into that role. Steele did a great job of painting the picture of what life looks like. What I love towards the end of that interview is that he talks about how it does need to be all about the patient. At the end of the day, that is the focus. Your entire career is molded by how you can better improve this person who is the patient. Everything you can do from your role with the surgeon, staff, your understanding, and your devices, how can you best serve the patient?

That’s critical. That’s important. That should be top of mind with anyone going for a position. Top of mind with anyone that’s in the field, trying to make it work and top of mind with the leaders as well, to remind their teams what everyone’s doing everything for. It was an excellent episode. It’s nice to spend time with Steele. If you’re someone that wants to do what Steele is doing, you want to be in the OR, you want to help a surgeon be more efficient and provide that much more value to the patients and ensuring the procedure goes well, then you need a visit EvolveYourSuccess.com. You need to take our assessment. It’s an assessment that’s going to give you exactly where you are. It’s going to rank you on what you’re doing right and what you’re not doing right that can get you into a medical sales position.

I want to clear the air real quick about this medical sales position stuff. There are a few things that people assume will get you, that kind of career and that will automatically disqualify you. It’s much more than people realize, it’s not as restrictive as you’d might think, but some of the things that can increase your chances are if you’re someone with a degree, it’s going to help for the mere fact that there are so many people with degrees applying for these positions and by you not having one, it puts you at a disadvantage. Does it mean you’re not as good? No. Does it mean you’re not as smart? No. Does it mean you might even be a better representative and the other people? Sure. The reality of going against that number of people that all have degrees and you not having one, it’s something you need to understand and not count yourself out, but say, “What can I do to get in front of that so I can be seen at par with everyone interviewing?”

Do you have to have sales experience? Of course. Sales experience will help because the job is sales. Even though you’re going to understand all this technical stuff, all this anatomy stuff, know how to develop, cultivate and nourish relationships, you do have to know how to sell. The beautiful thing about selling is it can be taught, practiced and performed well. More so than you having a stellar sales background to get these positions, you got to be able to make the case and you can do it.

One more thing that I want to clear the air with when it comes to getting these positions, if you have any background, bring it to the table because it’s not about the background you currently have. It’s about how are you going to utilize the background you currently have, develop the skills you need, and communicate a story that makes sense to someone that wants to consider you based on everything you experienced. That’s what’s going to do it and that’s what we help you focus on. That’s what we put together and then send you off into the races so you can go and be number one and get your position.

If you’re someone who wants to increase your sales performance, again, you got to visit EvolveYourSuccess.com and select Improve Sales Performance. We have a tailored plan to the individual where we specifically focus on what you need help with for either 3 or 6 months or sooner enroll in a year-long program. For 3 or 6 months, we track your behaviors, identify what periods need to be, and get you to an ultimate goal. We decide exactly what that looks like before we get started. It’s very specific, tailored and it works.

Thank you all, for reading this blog. We always do our best to bring you guests that will give you insight into the industry, into the nuances of the industry, the different fields within the industry, how to survive, thrive, lead and how to even get out of the industry into something even bigger, better, and could be providing even more value. We want you all to learn it here and that’s why we do what we do. We want you all to see us as your resource to improving whatever it is you want to improve within the medical sales space.

When I say medical sales space, I’m talking about the all-encompassing healthcare manufacturers, pharmaceutical manufacturers, medical device manufacturers, genetic testing manufacturers. If you’re anywhere in that space, if you have anything do with something in that space, and you know you need something, we are a great resource, whether it be people, services, train, development, and strategy that you need, this is where you come to. Thank you again for reading this blog and make sure you tune in for another amazing episode.

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I just landed the Mazor Clinical Consultant position with

Prior to transitioning into the medical device industry, I was a surgical tech for 9 years. I just want to thank Samuel and the Envolve Your Success community for assisting me in finally securing a medial device position. Before enrolling in the Medical Sales Career Builder, I couldn’t secure a position. I was able to land interviews on my own but couldn’t surpass other candidates in closing in on a role. With the help of Samuel and his team, I was able to breakthrough and stand above other candidates in the late stages of the interviewing process. Before, I was trying to network with other individuals, but the MSCB program taught me how to properly network with individuals and what the right approach was. Also, the MSCB program guided me in making my LinkedIn profile elite that would make me stand out to recruiters and other medical device professionals. The hesitation that I had that prevented me from signing up immediately was the financial commitment, but I knew I’d exhausted all my resources and options on my own in trying to secure a position. I knew I needed elite mentorship and guidance, and finally signing up for the MSCB program was the best investment I could ever make. When you consider what will happen to yourself as a leader and your revenue. It’s a no-brainer. You have so much to gain and absolutely nothing to lose if you show up 100% just as Samuel does! Thank you so much to the EYS team; my life and my career will never be the same!

Haley Moffatt

Territory Specialist at

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I’m thrilled to share that l have accepted a position with as a Territory Specialist. My background has been in nursing, everything from the operating room to bedside care. Taking this step into medical sales I had no idea where to start which is how I stumbled across Evolve Your Success.
With guidance from my incredible mentors at Evolve Your Success and Samuel, I was able to successfully make that transition. A huge thank you to my mentors Blake Williams, Blake Cagle, Kelsey Stark, Nidhi Joshi and Emma Sturtevant who offered me continuous support throughout this entire journey.

Before this, I barely knew where to start. This program gave me the tools I needed to create a foundation so that I could confidently make this transition between careers. Learning how to approach the interview process, understand different companies, and really tell my story was what set this program apart.

I’ll admit I was hesitant to invest in this program, however, now that I’ve done it I know that it was the right decision.

Thanks to Samuel and his team, my hard work, and God, I’m grateful to be moving forward in this new career. To anyone considering the leap, I can’t recommend EYS enough. This experience has been life changing, and I’m beyond excited to see what the future holds in this industry.

Benjamin Jarosch

Associate Clinical Representative at

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I am thrilled to announce I just stepped into a new role as an Associate Clinical Representative with . I want to thank the Medical Sales Career Builder (MSCB), this wouldn’t have been possible without them!

Previously I worked as an occupational therapist in an acute care setting. And before that, as a freelance photographer. I’ve made big career jumps before, but I wanted to be more intentional and prepared this time. In school, I remember learning about emerging technologies and the valuable role that OT’s can play in non-clinical spaces, given our unique training. However, I had no idea how to grow beyond the clinic. 

Before enrolling in the Medical Sales Career Builder program, I didn’t even know what I didn’t know. I was listening to podcasts, reading blog posts, and taking inconsistent shots in the dark for networking. My biggest hesitation to sign up for coaching was committing myself to a goal when I didn’t yet have a clear direction in mind. 

From listening to his podcasts, I knew Samuel had a track record of success and a wealth of connections to a broad range of people within the industry. That gave me the confidence to sign up and follow his direction. After going through the MSCB program, I can honestly say I wish I would have started sooner. 

The team at Evolve Your Success were phenomenal. They really listened to my story and took time to customize my strategy with me. Samuel and the mentors were instrumental in navigating me into device sales based on my preferences and background. They helped lay out action plans, including research, book lists, group discussions and training sessions, as well as specific networking strategies and mock interview preparation. Through the program I gained a new like minded community to collaborate with. The whole process could not have been more straightforward, and spelled out the exact steps I needed to take to get to where I am now. 

As with most things in life, you get out what you put in. I highly recommend investing in yourself by joining the Medical Sales Career Builder program. Their team will equip you with the knowledge, tools, and support to take control of your career and reach your goals. 

Thank you again to Evolve Your Success for making this career in medical sales a reality for me.

Kienn Cape

Therapy Consultant at

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I’m thrilled to share that I’ve just received a job offer with  , working with spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain! My background has been in nursing, everything from bedside care to travel nursing and IV clinic work; stepping into medical sales felt like uncharted territory. With guidance from Samuel and the incredible EYS team, I made it here. Huge thanks to mentors like Nidhi, Blake, Jules, Shawna, and Aaron, who supported me throughout this journey and are people who genuinely care. 

Before this, I barely knew where to start. I had friends in pharma sales but wasn’t familiar with the broader field of medical device sales or how many opportunities it offered. I wanted a way to continue helping patients in a new capacity, but I didn’t know how to approach the interview process, understand different companies, or even determine the right path within medical sales for my skills and goals.

EYS was like a roadmap, breaking down each step in a way that felt almost like solving a puzzle. They helped me recognize how my clinical background as an RN is full of transferable skills that are valuable in medical sales. The program also laid out the companies, roles, and key industry players that aligned with my experience and interests, giving me the knowledge and confidence to navigate interviews successfully.

I’ll admit, I hesitated initially. I wasn’t sure if EYS was legitimate. But after talking to April and connecting with people who had been through the program, I knew they were genuinely invested in helping professionals like me succeed. It’s something we laugh about now!

I’ve come to realize how many fulfilling, growth-oriented opportunities exist in this field, and EYS has been an incredible part of making this happen. Medical sales has so much to offer, from professional development to a work culture where people are genuinely happy and hard work is rewarded, something I hadn’t experienced as a nurse.

Thanks to EYS, my hard work, and God, I’m grateful to be moving forward in this new career. To anyone considering the leap, I can’t recommend EYS enough. This experience has been life changing, and I’m beyond excited to see what the future holds!

Lou Mirabello

Associate Spine Specialist  globus logo

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One year ago, I was a registered nurse in the Emergency Department here in Columbus, OH, when Samuel from Evolve Success reached out to me. His question was simple: “Have you ever considered a career in medical devices?” The truth was, I had.

At that time, I was three months into my journey trying to break into the medical device field. I had already “considered” that I no longer wanted to be a bedside nurse. I had also decided that enough was enough.

So, I declared that asking for help was not a sign of weakness. In fact, I firmly believe today that seeking the wisdom of others is the ultimate sign of strength.

And that’s exactly what I did. I joined Samuel’s team at Evolve Success for professional, high-quality mentorship. The result? Within three months of being equipped through his program, I did it—I got the job I had always dreamed of.

My advice to you? Take yourself seriously, or no one else will. I’ve found that the best way to show respect for myself is by valuing my time and investing in my dreams. I’ve learned to use my resources to rewrite my life’s script. It turns out that mentorship is a massive competitive advantage, and I’ve learned to leverage it as much as possible.

Here’s the reality for medical sales applicants: time will continue to pass, and some of you will settle—even though deep down you know you’re selling out on your professional dreams. Days will turn into weeks, weeks into months, and eventually years will slip away as your ambition of breaking into the medical device industry fades into distant thoughts.

I firmly believe that if you give Samuel a chance to guide you in your journey, not only will you not regret it, but soon you won’t be able to contain your excitement. You’ll realize that someone out there is in the same position you were just a short while ago—lost, with a dream to change their life and potential, but no direction. You’ll likely feel as I do now: eager to intervene and change someone else’s life. To pay it forward, just as someone did for you.

A sincere thank you to Samuel and the entire team at Evolve Success for your commitment to excellence and your continued investment in me.

Wishing all you medical device applicants the best.

Christine Mortenson

Medical Device Sales | New Business Development | Fierce Advocate for Positive Patient Outcomes | Hockey is my Happy Place

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I’m Now a Medical Territory Manager! I was a Regional Sales Representative for Long-Term Care pharmacy services. I had dreamed of getting into the med sales industry when I went into my career as a nurse, but the pharmacy sales job came to me, and I had just settled. Fortunately, I had a job shakeup that allowed me to determine that now was the time to pursue my original vision. I absolutely would not have this position without Samuel and the Evolve Your Success community. A lot of people my age would just stop trying, but EYS believed in me. EYS allowed me to break into the industry in 90-Days after I had been trying on my own for over two years! I had lots of recruiter screenings, and a few interviews with hiring managers, but I was never offered a position. Before EYS, I didn’t realize I was doing the bare minimum to get hired. I was applying everywhere, hoping to get noticed and waiting. It just wasn’t working! I didn’t know that that was not enough to compete in an industry this sought after, and against people who knew what I didn’t know about the process. Of course, I had to think hard before making a financial investment that’s reasonably substantial. But when I read the testimonials of real med sales reps on the site and learned that I wasn’t the only one taking a chance on my success, that EYS was sharing that risk also, I knew I had to do it. Though you might be able to cobble together some of the steps of getting a role in med sales from online research on your own, you just can’t know what you don’t know! The process of going through EYS presents this insider knowledge to the student, as well as giving you a progression of difficulty as you obtain the information, and you begin to master it. Not only that, but they give you access to amazing mentors and instructors, allow you to practice your interview skills, and teach you how to market yourself through social media and your own website! I cannot stress enough that EYS was the factor that made the difference in my successfully landing my dream job! The support, structure, and knowledge gained was invaluable! I would recommend this course to ANYONE looking to break into medical sales Thank you so much, EYS! This journey has been life changing and has resulted in the successful culmination of my 18-Year ambition!

Jerry Johnson

Territory Manager Endoscopy with 

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I highly recommend Samuel’s EYS Program! The program is pivotal for not only people who are trying to break into a medical device/pharma career, but also for those who are already in and simply want to enhance their experience and have more success! Samuel’s team is also stellar when it comes to attentiveness and efficiency. Everyone is on the same page and they are all extremely resourceful. If anyone is looking to break into this rewarding industry and you are experiencing difficulty, I encourage you to invest in yourself and give the EYS program the opportunity to get you there!

Ashley Stratton

Sports Medicine Associate Sales Rep | Doctor of Physical Therapy | Former DI Soccer

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I am happy to announce I have accepted a job offer with Sports Medicine in Phoenix! I extend so much gratitude to the Evolve Your Success group as I land this role and get ready to pursue my dream job. I am a Physical Therapist who became a little stuck in the profession due to issues with reimbursement and the difficulty for continued growth upwards. I turned to EYS to assist me in learning about the medical sales industry and gain knowledgable mentors who were able to help coach me in this process. I am a strong believer in surrounding yourself with the best and good things will happen. I did work hard, but with the support of my mentors and other colleagues going through a career change, I felt a sense of community and it confirmed my drive to get into this industry. I have already learned so much through the interview process, and feel very blessed to have had the resources this group provided. I have made lifelong friends and I cannot wait to continue to follow others’ journeys to pursue this incredible field. I urge you to give Evolve Your Success a try to gain mentorship, guidance, and support through any career transition.

Betsy Earnest

Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist

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I landed my dream role at and am excited to make a difference in patients’ lives as a Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist.

After working as a nurse for 13 years and running my own floral design business I wanted to find a way to blend my clinical background and entrepreneurial experience to pursue a fulfilling career in medical sales.

Before I enrolled in the Medical Sales Career Builder I was hesitant to begin my journey and wanted to make sure I could be as prepared as possible when working to break in. That’s where I found Samuel and the team at EYS. I began listening to medical sales podcasts and heard story after story of how EYS helped change lives. I knew that by joining the program I would have all the tools and coaching necessary to be successful in achieving my goals.

Going through the steps of the MCSB gave me the 30,000 foot view of what it takes to break into such a competitive industry. I knew I would come out on the other side changed and that it would set me apart from the many others looking to do the same. The team at EYS helped me gain the confidence it takes to interview, taught me how to clearly articulate my story, and easily translate how my background as a nurse and business owner can drive success into this industry.

Along with the incredible learning materials I was blown away by the enthusiasm and professionalism of all the mentors I was able to learn from. Not only did they offer guidance from their past experiences they tailored their support to my unique background and career aspirations. If you know you are looking to make a change and don’t want to make it alone, EYS gives you the team and the support you need to be successful. It takes time and a lot of hard work but in the end it pays off and you will be proud of the journey you made to get there!

Thank you again to such an incredible team that changed my life and so many others!

Aaron McCartney

Disrupting Healthcare using AI | RCM | SaaS

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I just landed an offer for my dream job at ! Though I truly enjoyed working as a physical therapist, I can’t wait to start my career in the sales world as a Clinical Account Executive.

This opportunity would not have been possible without Samuel, the team at EYS, and the MCSB program. Prior to enrolling with EYS, I was very frustrated with the lack of interviews and opportunities I was getting in the Medtech sales space. With the lessons learned from MCSB and guidance from the incredible team at EYS, I was empowered with the tools needed to earn interviews and thrive in the hiring process. Though I tried to acquire knowledge through podcasts, the straightforward and personalized EYS program was a major help to learn the ways of the sales world. Samuel, Blake, and my mentor Ryan provided encouragement and boosted my self-confidence that I can secure a job in the non-clinical space. The EYS program helped me translate my clinical skills/background as physical therapist into a salesperson in the medical field.

I highly recommend anyone who is passionate about making the transition into medical sales to join EYS. You will certainly not regret it, as it is truly a family that wants to see you succeed as much as you do!

Naz Momtaz

Medical Sales Representative

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I just landed a job offer from Becton Dickinson . I owe this opportunity to Samuel, the program, and the incredible mentors at EYS.

I am a former teacher with some sales experience, and switching to medical sales felt like an impossible leap. For about two years, I applied for medical sales jobs, but I didn’t even get a single interview. I tried applying directly on LinkedIn, but that didn’t work. I had heard about EYS, and did some research on it. The biggest criticism I heard was that if you know how to start a conversation with strangers, you shouldn’t have to pay for a program to get you a job. I tried networking on my own, but it didn’t get me anywhere.

After exhausting all other options, I decided to give EYS a try. From the moment I joined, I was enrolled in workshops and connected with a supportive team of medical sales reps who genuinely wanted me to succeed. I learned how to network effectively, who to reach out to, and how to make the right connections. The classes were excellent, and soon enough, I had a strong resume, much better industry knowledge, and a lot more confidence in my ability to land a medical sales job.

Within a month of joining, I started getting interviews! I couldn’t believe I was actually being seen by hiring people and seriously being considered for these jobs. But getting an interview is just the first step; you need to stand out. I did multiple mock interviews with EYS professionals and had phone conversations with my mentors before some of my interviews. I never felt alone in the process. Even when I received the job offer, I called one of my mentors right away and got some valuable advice on the next steps.

I’ve spoken with many medical sales professionals who have shared their own struggles in landing their first jobs. They’re all amazed at how quickly I received my offer and how it came about. I can honestly say I owe it 100% to EYS. If you’re in the same position I was in and are considering joining the program, don’t hesitate. It’s worth every penny, and the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll get a job offer.

Thank you EYS team for making a career in medical sales possible for me.

Alana B.

Sales Manager delivering solutions for sales and healthcare professionals to pursue passion for customers and patients! Sales Leader | Strategic Partner | Specialty Sales | Solution Selling | ACTIVATOR

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Samuel understands how to deliver expectations in your interview. He listens to your story to provide valuable solutions towards delivering your sales portfolio in an impactful and concise way.

He also quickly identifies any opportunities you may have to successfully exemplify your candidacy match for the role you are applying for.
His methodology boosted me with tools and confidence needed to access my dream job! I hope I will get more opportunities in the future to utilize his full program.

Katherine Thrasher, MBA

Digital Marketing | Solutions & Results Driven | Pharmaceutical Sales Expertise | People Connector | Relationship Manager

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Samuel is an excellent coach that helped me prepare for my pharmaceutical sales interviews. Coming from a non-pharmaceutical background, he utilized his previous sales experience and coaching tactics to help me become more prepared and more confident before meeting with hiring managers. As a result, I was offered a sales position within the pharmaceutical field! I highly recommend working with Samuel as a sales coach!

Julie Imbruno

Executive Vaccine Representative at Merck

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Samuel is one of the most authentic, well versed, inspirational coaches in the industry. I chanced upon Samuel’s LinkedIn profile and connected with him based on his industry knowledge. Upon our very 1st conversation I knew whole heartedly that he was the exact person I needed to help me make the career change I was looking for. He explained his program and what it had to offer. He also relayed what to expect within the 6 weeks we’d be specifically working on building this change together. The program he has in place works, because of its structure and methodology. He provides the most beneficial/honest feedback and support. He makes himself available for any and all questions. He has 1st hand working knowledge and experience of & within the industry and how to become exquisitely prepared for a career change into medical/pharmaceutical sales. Most importantly what his programming offers and the steps taken to ensure personal success(es) are worth every moment of time spent (resume building, interview preparation, presentation, etc.). Without Samuel’s guidance, support, knowledge, encouragement, honesty, and support I would still be looking for a pharmaceutical sales position. I feel blessed to have met him & had his guidance. “Once a client always a client”. Although the “career change” guidance and programming is no longer needed…I will remain his client for life (that’s guaranteed). Within the 6 short weeks of programming time…I went from barely understanding the industry to landing a dream position. Without a doubt…I will continue to access Samuel as my mentor and coach throughout my pharmaceutical sales career. I will reach out to him to assure my continued growth & success in this field. He’s the gentleman anyone needs if they are serious about making a career change. There is no doubt everyone succeeds with Samuel! To say that I am extremely grateful is an understatement.

Kelli D.

Licensed Medicare Direct Sales

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I decided to invest in Evolve Your Success sales coaching program to better my chances in pharmaceutical sales interview processes. Samuel delivered an excellent customer experience. Due to time constraints on my end, we had to do a “crash” course and the information and tools I received was still invaluable. The passion and knowledge that he integrated into the consults, was everything that I needed to boost my confidence, through proper preparation and key tools for successful interviewing in this very specific niche market. Receiving recorded videos of each training session was especially helpful to be able to be fully present during the session and not have to worry if I missed taking notes on some small but integral piece of information.

I highly recommend this program for any person interested in investing in their own success in sales. If you want better outcomes you must exercise your 5 P’s: Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. Samuel will go above and beyond to help those who are serious about being prepared for success! I have already raved to my colleagues about the evolve your success programs and they all saw first hand how I was positively impacted toward greater results in my sales career!

I was willing to support this new business because I saw the passion behind it. And what I received was a first rate sales program. I am better personally and professionally for it, and you can be too. Invest in your now and reap the fruits forever. 2020 is a great year to start to Evolve Your Success for the decade ahead!

Jennifer Peckman-Rethman

Business Development Kansas City at Carl Zeiss Vision, Inc.

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When I scheduled my initial appointment with Samuel I wasn’t sure what to expect. In my case I needed advice and information to push through not being able to find the right sales job. Samuel tailors his program to your specific goals and puts in place a plan for success. His knowledge about medical sales is very impressive and through his sessions I felt much more confident and prepared to interview and negotiate and ultimately land 2 job offers. I highly recommend meeting with Samuel and start working towards your goals so you can land your dream job!

Stephanie Hernandez

B2B Sales. Medical sales. Financial services

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If you want to progress in your career, I highly recommend working with Samuel. Samuel is a well experienced individual who is passionate and dedicated to get the tools you need. Like many others, I was putting time on searching interview tips online and is nothing compared like the help you would receive from Samuel. He is a great coach who is also assertive to help follow your dream career path. Samuel has been a great help on giving advice and tools on what I needed to work on to land an opportunity I have been waiting for! Again I recommend his system for anybody that wants an opportunity in the medical sales industry!

MSP 166 | Cardiac Rhythm

Crystal Sobande

Cardiology Account Manager II

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I highly recommend Samuel if you are looking to advance your career. Samuel is very professional, a great coach, and a fabulous mentor. I have learned so much through the Medical Career Builder Program. I honestly wouldn’t have been able to get to where I am in my career without him. I am very happy to say that within a few weeks of starting his program, I was able to land several interviews and have recently accepted an offer working my dream job for Medtronic.

Ryan Pfeiffer

Nuclear Medicine Flex Force & Clinical Education Specialist

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Samuel is a top-notch medical sales leader, mentor and entrepreneur who knows how to get results while teaching others how to develop their own skills to do the same. I started his program as a Nuclear Medicine Technologist and have been hired as a Clinical Specialist at Siemens Healthineers. He works extremely hard, is passionate about his mission and builds success not only in himself or his company, but in the people around him. I’ll recommend this guy any day.

Andrew Koehler

Surgical Robotics Program Builder 🦾 | Disruptive Technology | Clinical Sales | Capital Sales | Surgical Robotics

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Samuel is a joy to work with! I started the EYS program and we immediately focused in on what I had learned and Samuel was able to help me drill down to what I needed to work on and articulated how to strengthen the weak points in my armor. The Career Builder Program and the wealth of videos, personal 1-1 time, and behind the scenes interviews and workbooks helped me prepare to land the job of dreams.

Many thanks to Samuel and EYS for their help keeping the fire lit and pushing me to be my best

Eric Knotts

Senior Therapeutic Area Specialist (Neuro Psych), Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS)

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When I first embarked on my journey to break into the pharmaceutical sales industry, I feeling getting quite discouraged. I was doing everything I could to really stand out, but only finding that I was able to make it to the first and second round of interviews. A full year and a half passed, with many courses and certifications under my belt, when I finally came across the Medical Sales Podcast by EYS. From here, I heard about the Medical Sales Career Builder and immediately enrolled! I knew that I was doing something right to get me into the interviews, but something was still preventing me from getting past that final interview and this program would give me the perfect opportunity to find out exactly what that was. With Samuel’s coaching and after going through the relevant learning modules and workbooks, I was finally able to master my approach to interviews. It turns out this is exactly what I needed to finally break though and get me the job! I was ecstatic when I got the job offer and I couldn’t have done it without Samuel’s help and support . Thank you Samuel!

MSP 82 | Medical Sales Representative

Brett St Clair

Medical Device Sales Representative

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Enrolling in Samuel’s EYS Career Builder program was the best professional decision I have made to date. The knowledge I gained through the program was pivotal in making myself the candidate I desired to be. Beyond the coursework, lessons, calls (etc), the course encourages you to commit to something that is often overlooked – internal reflection. While developing your skillset, network, and overall knowledge of the industry is incredibly important. One of the biggest takeaways for me was taking what you had learned and connecting it to your “why.” Why do you want to work for this company? Why do you want to promote these products? Why is this your passion? This course isn’t structured to land you “just a job,” it is structured to help you land your dream job. Which I was able to accomplish.

I wish everyone had the opportunity to learn from an individual like Samuel. He is someone who I consider as a coach & mentor, but also as a friend. Samuel is relentlessly focused on developing talent while pushing you to grow through positive reinforcement. The EYS program has made an undeniable impact in my life, and for that I give Samuel and the program my respect and highest recommendation.

Tyler Ropp BSN, RN

Senior Mako Product Specialist at Stryker | Robotic Joint Replacement

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I just got a job offer from Stryker! I want to thank Samuel and the Medical Sales Career Builder Program. As an experienced nurse, I knew for quite some time I wanted to apply my experience in a different way within the medical device industry. Before I found the program, I had applied and interviewed for several jobs in the industry but never received an offer. I was doing my best to prepare on my own listening to podcasts, reviewing resources on LinkedIn, and reading up on any interview prep I could find. No matter what I had done, I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted and knew I needed to make a change. I found Samuels’ program on LinkedIn, and after contacting him he got back to me in less than an hour and we started working together just 3 days later. Samuel had a clear process and plan for helping me succeed. He quickly determined my weaknesses and we worked extensively to improve them. I was given the resources and support I needed to get me to where I am today with a job offer from Stryker! Working with Samuel was the best decision I have made in helping acquire my dream job. Thank you again to Samuel and the Career Builder Program!

Alana Rugg MS, CMR

Area Manager, Therapy Awareness. Northeast & Atlantic Coast

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I just got a job offer!!! Thanks to Samuel and the Evolve Your Success Community. Many thanks to the Medical Sales Career Builder, I wouldn’t have been able to do this without them. Before I discovered the program I wasn’t getting as many interviews as I was hoping despite the fact that I was applying to multiple job opportunities. I was searching for job opportunities in my area and just applying to them online and hoping someone would call me. I was becoming frustrated and knew I needed to do something different that would make me standout from other candidates, that’s when I discovered Evolve Your Success. I researched the program and spoke with others who were past clients of the program, I heard nothing but rave reviews. As soon as I joined and spoke with Samuel I knew I made the right decision. Going through the Medical Sales Career Builder program was simple and intuitive. It gave me an exact road map that lead me to my new position! Joining this program was the best decision I have ever made. It taught me so much, brought me out of my comfort zone, and it gave me the confidence I needed to win the job of my dreams. I highly suggest you join the program, do the work, because the skills you learn here and the connections you build are the best in the industry. Now that I have the dream job I’m looking forward to the future and signing up for the next phase of the program, Sales Builder. Thanks again Samuel because of you and the team my career is on the right track!

Judy Gbadebo, M.D.

Physician-Scientist | Medical Affairs | Clinical Education and Research Director at scPharmaceuticals

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I just got a job offer! Samuel’s EYS Medical Sales Career Builder Program was bar none one of the most valuable programs I have ever had the pleasure of joining. As a medical doctor transitioning from clinical medicine into the biopharmaceutical industry, I knew I needed a professional, goal-directed program to guide my way in this bold, new venture. Samuel’s program helped me learn how to leverage my experiences in a unique fashion within the biopharma industry. His program provides an overabundance of resources. From networking and resume writing to interviewing and negotiating, EYS was there at every step of the process. I never felt alone, and was constantly encouraged.

Thank you Samuel for your expertise and creation of the EYS Career Builder Program!

Katherine Stovall

Area Sales Manager

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I’m so glad I went through the Medical Sales Career Builder program! I received amazing guidance and coaching that gave me the exact steps I needed to land my new position. I would definitely recommend going through the program to anyone wanting to break into the industry like me!

Kristina Stewart

I connect prescribers with treatment solutions for Migraines and Tardive Dyskinesia

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After recently migrating to the US, I was eager to re-start my career in Pharmaceutical Sales. I quickly realized that I would need an experienced industry professional to guide me on this journey. Samuel and the EYS Career Builder Program exceeded my expectations. Having Samuel as my coach and mentor, enabled me to package my skills and experience in an effective and concise way that translated well in my interviews. I landed my new role! Thank you Samuel and your team for helping me realize my potential.

DH Williams

Specialty Brain Disease Sales Professional | Expertise Connection Builder| Fitness Educator

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I was having such a challenging time trying to land a dream job in the medical sales world. I thought I was doing everything I could to make this happen however after 5 months I became burnt out and unmotivated.

I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. I had reached out and connected with over 1000 connections on LinkedIn and to my surprise, I ran into someone from my hometown who had much success in the field. He and I discussed the issues I was having and that’s when he told me about Samuel and his program.

I decided to give the program a try and signed up on June 2nd of this year. Within hours and days of signing up, I became very fascinated with what I was learning. The program made so much sense and helped me to become lazer like focused on what I wasn’t doing earlier to become successful and what I could do to make this happen.

July 2nd of 2021 I received an offer!

Not only was it from the specific company I was most interested in but also, it was in the specific city I was wanting to move to – clear across the east to the west coast.

Samuel and his program have truly changed my life! With his guidance including a weekly online module, live class and guest speakers in the field – just to name a few – anyone can succeed to land the medical sales position job of their dream!

Nicholas Andrews

Territory Manager, Diabetes – Atlanta South / Proven Sales Professional with an Unwavering Commitment to the Service of Others.

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Samuel and his team at Evolve Your Success are game changers for professionals who are looking to present themselves at their best. I knew the competition for a career in the medical sales arena is immense and I needed to prepare myself to standout amongst all the other candidates vying for the same positions as I was. Sam will tell you I am very self aware of my strengths and weaknesses and I am very comfortable about speaking on what I know but not so much talking about myself. Enrolling in the Medical Sales Career Builder Program offered a holistic approach of how to represent my skills and attributes to hiring managers all awhile staying true to myself as I told my story. When you commit to the process the results happen, I landed a perfect role with the #1 medical device company in the world with no prior medical sales experience. You owe it to yourself and your career to join Evolve Your Success !!

Jeffrey Koshy

Supply Chain and Procurement Enthusiast | Sales Professional | Web Developer

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The journey of breaking into medical sales can be much longer and harder than many expect. One thing I learned from Samuel is that networking goes a long way into landing a job in medical sales. They also helped me get better at my interview skills and answer questions more genuinely.

Zachariah C.

Therapeutic Sales Specialist @ Leo Pharma

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Prior to enlisting Samuel’s services I was a “middle of the pack” rep at Primus. Not the worst, but far from the best. Up to that point I thought I had all of the tools necessary to get into President’s Club, but my results were showing otherwise.

The missing ingredient that Samuel has given me is fire. The fire to go out everyday and work my territory to its max. The fire to use my downtime at home to prep & prepare for the day ahead. Evolve You Success was the ignition I needed to help realize the kind of rep I am, what my unique personality brings to the table, and how to leverage the sum of these parts to the maximum.

When I began Samuel’s program in September of 2021 I was ranked 12th out of 40 reps, by the end of the year I finished in 6th place; comfortably in President’s Club. I also ended 1st nationally for our brand Promiseb which garnered me another award.

For those on the fence I strongly recommend making the investment. I have easily recouped the cost not only in the awards I won but the increased bonuses that have come along with it already.

Cody Mathis

Interventional Imaging, Siemens Healthineers | Technology Educator | Product Specialist | Outdoor Enthusiast | Winemaker | Lets Connect!

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Samuel’s Evolve Your Success program has directly contributed to my personal success, and I recommend it to anyone who will listen.

Although I was an active scroller and 👍 on LinkedIn, I wasn’t a content creator and my profile read like a resume with an outdated picture. During Samuel’s coaching and education sessions, my profile was rebranded to look more appropriate to my audience as a sales professional. With Samuel’s help, I became comfortable engaging with others with comments and creating meaningful content.

The results are in! The EYS program has helped take my LinkedIn voice outside of my company and straight to my customers. Since starting EYS, my connections and followers have doubled and my profile views skyrocket with new content. One meaningful LinkedIn interaction recently has assisted in securing a multimillion-dollar project and I’m confident there will be more! 😊